Mrs. Duelm's 

5th grade class


Welcome to 5th grade!

I am very excited to begin our adventure together!

A little about me: This will be my 17th year at Flagstone Elementary, and my 10th year teaching 5th grade.  Before moving to 5th grade, I taught in grades 3rd, 4th, and 6th. When not teaching or continuing my own education, you can find me camping and four-wheeling in the mountains with my family. 

Communication Policy: I believe in having an open line of communication to help ensure a successful year with both the student and their family, so please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. Email is the easiest way to reach me, and I will make every effort to respond within 24 hours.

Contact information:

Back to School Night Presentation   

Flagstone Elementary School Website HERE 

Douglas County School District Website HERE   

My family: 

Herb, me, Cassidy, Cody

Herb and I in Moab

Riding the rocks! 

Cody  & Cassidy

Our dogs: Jake & Daisy
