Class information 

Important upcoming Dates

Daily Schedule

8:15-8:35 Soft Start/Morning Work

8:35-9:00 Morning Meeting

9:00-9:20 Phonics

9:20-9:50 Writing

9:50-10:00 AM Snack

10:00-10:15 Recess 

10:15-11:25 Reading Block

11:25-12:05 Recess/Lunch

12:05-12:15 Quiet time

12:15-1:00 Math

1:00-1:45 Specials (Art, Music, PE)

1:45-2:00 PM Snack

2:00-2:30 Artful Learning

2:30-3:00 Choice time 

3:00-3:25 Pack-up & Closing Circle

3:25 Dismissal

Snacks + Water bottles

SNACKS: We will be having two snacks each day at school. Students will need to bring something to eat that is dry and nut free. Examples include pretzels, graham crackers, and dried fruit. Let me know if you have questions about snacks! (Note: It is okay to pack peanut products in school lunches, as there is a nut-free table in the lunch room.)

WATER BOTTLES: Please send your student to school with their pre-filled, no-spill water bottle every day. Be sure to label it with their name. Students will keep their water bottle on their table in the classroom to stay hydrated throughout the school day! 

Dismissal Information

All kindies will always meet in the grassy area out front at the end of the day. We dismiss 5 minutes before everyone else at 3:25pm. See you there! 


Birthdays are such a blast! Because of allergies, we will have NO food items for birthday celebrations. Small toys, trinkets, or gift bags are a great way to celebrate. Students will be celebrated at school with a special birthday crown, bookmark, certificate, and their choice of a prize from the Treasure Box! Please email me with additional questions.


We love and appreciate volunteers! We will begin having classroom helpers in early October and will send out a sign up sheet via email. More information about this will be coming soon. 

Friday Folders

Your child will be bringing home a take home Friday folder in his/her backpack every Friday!  It will contain class work (such as homework and items completed at school) and information/flyers sent home by the school.  Thanks for cleaning this out and returning it every Monday! :) One idea is to have your kindergartner help with this... It’s a great way to teach self-responsibility and how to take care of their own belongings.

Backpacks + school supplies

Please send your child to school with a full sized backpack each day.  Label all items with your child’s name, such as their backpack, water bottle, headphones, coat, gloves, hat, lunch bag, and so on. Other community supplies should not be labeled. Please talk with your child about taking care of their belongings to prevent items going to the lost and found.

Change of clothes

Although they may never get used, please pack a change of clothes (shirt, pants, underwear, and socks) for your child to keep in the bottom of their backpack.  Put all the clothing in a gallon size Ziploc bag and label it with your child’s name.  

Classroom Wishlist

If you are able and willing to donate to our classroom, please click the picture to the right and it will take you to our classroom wishlist! Thank you for your generosity!