Mr. Entner
8 Tundra Math - RVMS - Mr. Entner
Available for extra help:
-- almost every day before or after school (no need to make an appointment, but occasionally I have meetings or appointments after school)
Math 8 (pre-algebra); Algebra 1; Geometry
Highly Recommended for every lesson of every chapter: “Family Engagement” on the “Savvas” website:
-- open “savvas” from student’s “Clever” account
-- click on the current chapter and lesson
-- click on “Family Engagement”
-- click on videos and vocab and lesson outline
Videos should be watched at home for every lesson - great review and increasing understanding!
For more information click here!
Additional Information for Mr. Entner's classes
A bit about me and teaching math:
(an email sent at the beginning of the year)
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Assuming that you have/will receive about 300 school and district related emails in the span of 4 weeks, I will keep this short (for now :-), and hopefully not more than a 2 minute read!
I am Jeff Entner, your student's Math teacher this year, and I am really looking forward to getting to know your kids and having a year to help them learn math!
A bit of my background:
I have been teaching math for more than 25 years, including students from 5th grade all the way up to 12th grade, and subjects ranging from adding simple fractions to AP Calculus, in 2 countries and 2 US states, with teachers and administrators of least 12 different nationalities, students of at least 22 different citizenships, and dozens of different math curricula, with many amazing colleagues!
All of that just to let you know that I consider myself blessed to have been able to take the very best of all of those varied experiences and interactions to make my teaching and classroom what they are today. Not that it's perfect (I keep trying!), but I have found some things that definitely seem to work better than others for most students, and ways to help students learn as much as they can.
As you may know, we are an "IB" school, focusing on "conceptual learning", etc. etc., but I consider my teaching approach within that framework to be something that most of you would consider straight-forward and recognizable as pretty similar to all the typical math classes you experienced as a student (and have long since tried to block out of your memories? :-)
Seriously though, I know math is "not everyone's favorite subject", and not every student's "school strength", and I certainly do understand and appreciate that. My biggest goal is to HELP every student, as much as I can, to be as prepared as possible for their "next big step" in learning math - HIGH SCHOOL!! (Yep - it's just around the corner!). And they will hear often from me about how all the things we do, and why we do them the way we do, are designed with the goal of making them as equipped and ready as possible for an awesome first year of high school math (eg. a least a little bit of "homework" just about every day. Yay! ;-). Homework from day 1 will be to tell you 3 things that I'm tell students in class to get the year started - so be sure to ask them about that!
I am very glad to have parents communicating with me as much as possible, so please don't hesitate to write or ask for a call or pop in the building for a quick chat some morning! A few final things:
-- please make sure that this "do not reply" email address from Infinite Campus is not blocked in your email, or disappearing to spam or some other dark corner of email folders. This will be the best means I have of communicating with you all.
-- please check your student's infinite campus ("IC") often and feel free to reach out if you need help learning how to navigate around IC. This is one of the biggest and most important things you can do as a parent to encourage your student's progress.
I'm sure I have left something important out, but bye for now, and I look forward to meeting many of you at Back to School Night or sooner!
Best regards,
Jeff Entner