GT Identification

Identification Purpose

The purpose of identification is to ensure that appropriate programming meets the needs of identified gifted students. Identification may be initiated at any time by teachers, support staff and/or parents. In DCSD we use a body of evidence to determine a need for gifted programming. While the CogAT may be a piece of that body of evidence, it need not be the determining factor in the identification process.

Identification Procedures

In order to be identified for gifted programming, a team must review a body of evidence (BOE) that includes:

• three or more pieces of qualifying evidence

• data from more than one source

• all data points aligned to one or more areas of strength

• both quantitative and qualitative data

• all assessments and instruments reliable and valid

• all assessments and instruments culturally fair

GT Referral

If you are interested in gifted identification for your child, please complete the Gifted Education Referral form . This form includes a parent/student questionnaire.

The Process above is DIFFERENT from the process to apply for DISCOVERY. If you are interested in applying for DISCOVERY - please see the Discovery Page.