Voyager Program

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Welcome Voyager Students and Families!

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Our Educational Assistants:

Traci Bertram

  I would like to introduce myself, my name is Traci Bertram and I work in the affective needs program also known as the Voyager classroom at LPE. I have worked with children my entire life. I did daycare in my home for 10 years while my kids were young and then I joined the LPE family in 2012. I love my job as an Educational Assistant and enjoy my daily interaction with the students, they teach me so much! I have been married for 20 years to my best friend and have four amazing children, that range in age from 18 to 12. They have all attended LPE and are now at Sagewood and Ponderosa. We love Colorado and my most favorite thing to do is be with my family!

Rebecca Hanlin