1.   Open your student Gmail and email Ms. DeGeeter about one of the following:

What you watched on TV last night and why you did or didn't like it       OR

A book you read and what you thought about it       OR

Something that you like to do at home and why      OR

How you are feeling today and why         OR

Something else if you have  a GREAT idea.

2.  Watch a movie on your computer and:

If you have already finished one, let me know so I can get you a new one   OR

Watch the movie until 2:30, and with 15 minutes left in class, stop and fill out the following form.  

If you have been on task the entire class, after you finish the form, you may play computer games for the rest of class.

3.  Shut down your computer.  Put the keyboard and mouse back.   Have a great day!  :)