
Meet and Greet Thursday August, 3rd beginning at 2:00

  • Bring your school supplies if you have them

  • Bring a pair of headphones with your child's name to leave at school.

  • Print off and bring back the following forms (these are part of Express Check-In as well). If you don't have a printer, plan on taking some time during the Meet and Greet to fill them out. All forms must be signed and turned in to the classroom teacher.

Family Dismissal Plan

FSE Arrival and Dismissal Policy

FSE Emergency Dismissal Form

FSE Student Directory Information

ROCKS Agreement

FSE Technology Agreement

  • Please drop in at your assigned time below:

2:00 - 2:15: Last Name A - D

2:15 - 2:30: Last Name E - H

2:30 - 2:45: Last Name I - L

2:45 - 3:00: Last Name M - O

3:00 - 3:15: Last Name P - S

3:15 - 3:30: Last Name T - Z

First Day of School- Monday, August 8th

Daily Classroom Procedures


Please drop your child off at 8:57 and have them enter through the front door.

Please wait in cars and drop your child off.


Your child will get a dismissal number and this pass will be used to dismiss your child. (All siblings will have the same number). Your child's number could be different from last year. You will need to display that number in your car dash or show a staff member by the gazebo to pick up your child.


Students may bring one healthy snack to school with them each day. Please make sure to send in a snack that your child can open independently. Please only send in water for snack time.

Water Bottles

Please send a water bottle with your child each day.


There is no formal homework assigned. I encourage practicing sight words, math facts, and we will also send optional math practice sheets based on the lesson your child completed in class that day. There will be no math practice pages sent home the day of quizzes/tests.

Please have your child read or be read to at least 10 minutes each night. The benefits are immeasurable!

Grading Criteria

The grading criteria is the following:

4- Exceeds (a whole grade level above expectations)

3- Meets (meeting grade level standards)

2- Approaching (just below grade level standards)

1- Does Not Meet (below grade level standards)

Classroom Climate

Our class is learning to be a respectful, responsible, and kind community. We are looking for R.O.C.K.S. behavior throughout the day. R.O.C.K.S. is an acronym for the school wide behavior plan based on the Positive Behavior System. It stands for: R- Responsible, O- Open Minded, C- Citizens, K- Kind, S- Safe. We spend time reviewing how each trait looks in all the areas of the school.


If you are interested in volunteering, please let me know at Meet and Greet and send me an email ;) I would love to have you help out and will email you with details of when I will have volunteers start.


The best way to communicate with me on a daily basis is through email: gmprestia@dcsdk12.org

Weekly Newsletters will go out on Friday afternoon to update you about our learning and what is happening in the week ahead.

You can also call the front office and leave a message and I will return it as soon as possible!


Glenda Prestia