Miss Croissant

Welcome to fourth grade! My name is Chloe Croissant (yes, just like the pastry). I am so excited to be your child's teacher this year! We are going to have so much fun together and learn a lot of new things!

I attended school at the University of Wyoming (go Pokes!) and earned my Bachelor's in Elementary Education. This will be my first year teaching, and I am so excited to begin my career here at Flagstone. I have taught both sixth grade and kindergarten during student teaching, so I am happy to land in the middle of the two.

I grew up in Parker, Colorado, and am happy to be back home. I have a younger brother and two adorable dogs. In my free time, I love hiking, exploring the outdoors, traveling, shopping, yoga, and spending time with my family and friends.

My two dogs: Louie and Archie

My Family

My brother Cade & I

A Few of My Favorite Things!

Color: Pink

Animal: Sloths

Flower: Sunflowers

Food: Tacos

Drink: Dr. Pepper and Iced Vanilla Lattes

Candy: Gummy Nerd Clusters

Team: Colorado Avalanche

Artists: Taylor Swift and Dolly Parton

Restaurant: Any Mexican food place