
Concerning Measures to Reduce the Frequency of Bullying in Schools ACT (Colorado HB 1254) states that each school, including a district charter school or an institute charter school, shall annually survey students concerning the student's impressions of the own and peers physical and mental safety.

We recommend giving the survey at the beginning of the first quarter and forth quarter to see the impact data of your prevention efforts. In the past, we have given the survey to 3rd, 5th 7th, 9th, and 11th graders to get a good sampling of the student population.

Below is a survey template that meets the requirements of HB1254. You are welcome to copy and use this survey as is or edit it to fit the needs of your school.

The schools will be responsible for administering, collecting, and analyzing the results of the survey.

These are templates. Make a copy. Do not make changes on the documents or have students take surveys off of templates. To "Make a copy" go to the the three dots on the right hand side of survey and from the scroll down hit "make a copy".