ELD Professional Development Opportunities and Resources

Resources for DCSD Professional Development

The following courses are a part of DCSD's CLD/ELD course progression, they are aligned with the 4 required CLD Quality Standards, and they are approved by the CDE. Courses will be offered throughout the year, and they will run if a minimum of 15 participants are registered for each session. It is solely the teacher's responsibility to fulfill his or her CLD/ELD 45 hour requirement. If a course is canceled due to low registration numbers, the teacher must seek a different opportunity. To provide PD opportunities for a wide audience, PD will be held at central locations.  

Click here for the Current Course Calendar

Resources for Educators

See the flyer below for the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse AND Gifted Course

Also linked here

EDIT: When looking at your license, be sure to check the date of expiration in addition to looking for the ELD PD 45 hours box on your license.  Some teachers are "on the clock" even though they don't have the box referred to in the second video linked above.  Their licenses were issued before CDE started putting that box on the licenses.  Per the CDE, "Those who hold a professional teacher license that expires on or after Sept. 1, 2023, must meet the requirement at the time of their next renewal."

The resources below will help educators to understand the EL Experience Credit option and complete the matrix.  Educators may refer to the course descriptions and standards alignment in these documents as they complete the matrix required when they renew their license. 

UPDATE: The CDE has renumbered the PD standards.  The content of the standards has not changed.  Only the numbers have changed. When you complete the matrix, please refer to the information below for the correlation of the numbers. 

Prior EL Professional Learning Standards       New EL Professional Learning Standards

5.12(1) Element A                                                 5.09(1) Element A

5.12(2) Element B                                                 5.09(2) Element B

5.13(1) Element A                                                 5.10(1) Element A

5.13(2) Element B                                                 5.10(2) Element B 

5.14(1) Element A                                                 5.11(1) Element A

5.14(2) Element B                                                 5.11(2) Element B

5.15(1) Element A                                                 5.12(1) Element A

5.15(2) Element B                                                 5.12(2) Element B 

DCSD CLD/ELD Course Quality Standard Alignment

DCSD ELD Quality Standards Alignment

Educators must have hours in each of the four Quality Standards. Hours do not need to be equally distributed.

5.09 Quality Standard I: Educators are knowledgeable about CLD populations

5.10 Quality Standard II: Educators should be knowledgeable in first and second language acquisition.

5.11 Quality Standard III: Educators should understand literacy development for CLD students.

5.12 Quality Standard IV: Educators are knowledgeable in the teaching strategies, including methods, materials, and assessment for CLD students.

EL PD Experience Credit Option

Per the CDE (2019) "Of the 45 clock/contact hours CLD requirement, up to 10 clock hours (equivalent) of relevant work experience can be counted toward this requirement. For work experience, a signed letter from the relevant supervisory verifying the work experience must be submitted along with the matrix." 

School administrators may use the template to confirm educator experience. 

English Learner PD Requirements Experience Credit_Letter Template