Cougar Run PTA Officers & Chairmen

Megan Noraddin, co-president

Abby Durrant, co-president

Kayla Vice, president-elect

Meagan Stuart, vice president

Geff Starlin, co-treasurer

Tasha Barreau, co-treasurer

Holly Quirk, co-secretary

Hayley Hutson, co-secretary & social media

Lulu Gao, social media & yearbook

Michelle McLeod, restaurant nights

A Little Bit About Us

            In May of 2018, in an effort to become more autonomous and reduce administrative fees, Cougar Run PIE voted to change the organization’s affiliation and become Cougar Run PTA.  This change has had no impact on the overall scope of our parent organization, as the purpose of enriching the experience of the Cougar Run Community by providing supportive resources (funds, materials, services) remains the same.  With this new affiliation, many of the administrative operations will become simpler and more streamlined, thus making the various officer positions more manageable and appealing to those who may volunteer to serve.  

            Our Contact Information: email –

            Our Facebook Page: use the search bar to find Cougar Run PTA

Our Instagram Page: @cougarrunpta

            As an affiliate of Colorado PTA, each member of a local chapter is required to pay annual dues of $6.75.  This amount is set by the Colorado and National Organizations (No local fee is collected.) and is not meant be burdensome.  Please contact our Cougar Run PTA if you would like to join, but need assistance paying this fee. 

             We are trying something new this year! We are planning just ONE major fundraiser to support the Cougar Run staff & students, the classroom curriculum, various enrichment activities, technology and the Learning Commons.

             We continue to provide regular opportunities to strengthen our community through various social and educational activities throughout the year.

Where the Cougars Run!

2nd Annual In-House FUN RUN: ONE FUNDRAISER!!!

For years, we have outsourced our fundraisers to companies that take over 40% of your donations! We don't want to do this anymore. Your money needs to stay at our school with your students. You have been donating enough. Let's keep your funds at Cougar Run to pay for the student enrichment, staff support, and community event we love. 

Date: Friday, October 4th (MORNING) at Cougar Run Park!

Entertainment: DJ Rick Garcia and MC Christine Garcia

Ways to Donate: 

PTA Meeting Dates 

The PTA meets monthly, usually the second Friday of the month during the school year. We are using a hybrid model for meetings this year, so you can join us in person or by Zoom during your morning coffee break, 8:45-10 am. We are trying to be as inclusive as possible. Upcoming meeting dates for 2023-2024: Aug 16, Sept 13, Oct 11, Nov 8, Dec 13, Jan 10, Feb 21, Mar 14, Apr 11, and May 9.


Back to School Night - Aug 15, 4:30-6pm 

New Family Orientation - Aug 22, 4:30pm

Fall Conference Heavy Snacks- Sept 17-18

FALL FUN RUN!!! - October 4 (Morning) @ Cougar Run Park (See details below!)

Fun Run Awards and Celebrations - Oct 7-11

Fall Spirit Week - Oct 7-11

Donuts with Grownups - Oct 25, 7:30-8:30am in Cafeteria

Art & Cultural Night - Dec 5, 5:00-7:00pm - There will be a sign-up for booths!

Holiday Shop - Dec 10-12

Muffin with Mentors - Jan 31, 7:30-8:30am in Cafeteria

Spring Conference Heavy Snacks - Feb 4-5

Spring Spirit Week - March 10-14

Family Glow Dance - March 13, 5:00-7:00pm in the Gym

Staff Appreciation Week - May 5-9

End of the Year Party - May 23, 3:30 - 5pm at Cougar Run Park

Restaurant Nights - Usually the second Tuesday of the month

Ways To Help Cougar Run PTA

AmazonSmile: Help support Cougar Run as you shop on Amazon! Click on this link to choose Cougar Run as your charity of choice. When you purchase anything on Amazon, .5% of the money comes back to the school. It is an easy way to raise funds for our students!    

You will be asked if you want to to support Colorado Congress of Parents Teachers and Students. This is our official name that is on file with the state for 501c(3). Once you sign up, it will automatically take you to or ask if you want to be redirected to Everything else is the same as when you currently shop on Amazon. 

Longmont Dairy: Help us by turning in your milk caps for Milk Caps for Moola! There is a yellow bin in the main lobby area for you to drop off the caps. We will do the rest. Cougar Run gets a nickel for every cap. It adds up! Thank you.

King Soopers: Go to their Community Rewards page and sign up for a portion of every purchase to be given to Cougar Run. It is an easy way to help the students at CRun have the materials they need to thrive. Thank you! LINK

Box Tops: Clip and Collect them!  Download the Box Tops App TODAY!! Scan your receipts to help raise funds for CRUN!  More information HERE! Check out this new video on how to scan your receipts! LINK

Reserve the Spirit Rock for your Student's Birthday or Special Event

To reserve your day, please do 2 things (BOTH must be completed to reserve your day):

Want to paint the big rock outside of the main office for your student's birthday or other special event? It's easy! Just claim your date at and pay your $20/day at

The following rules apply to your rental of the SPIRIT ROCK:

Thank YOU for supporting Cougar Run!

Become Part of Watch DOGS!

We are looking for positive male role models to join our CRUN community. We would love to see you in the halls, in the classrooms, and on the playground. Katie Bursch will make your schedule based only on the time you have to give.  Sign up here: Thank you!

Our Fun Run Sponsors

Our Cougar-Level Sponsors donated $750+ to CRUN

Our Puma-Level Sponsors donated $500+ to CRUN

Thank you for your support of our school and programming!

Cougar Level Sponsor

Cougar Level Sponsor

Cougar Level Sponsor

Cougar Level Sponsor

Custom Cutting Boards & Woodwork

Cougar Level Sponsor

Experience and Integrity - Your Trusted Real Estate Advisor

Cougar Level Sponsor

Cougar Level Sponsor

Puma Level Sponsor