Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is SAC?

SAC stands for School Accountability Committee. SAC is an advisory committee whose purpose is to inform, encourage and provide opportunities for parent and community members to be involved in the planning and evaluation of the school’s instructional program and quality improvement processes. The SAC makes recommendations concerning the school’s Performance, Improvement, Priority Improvement or Turnaround plan, and meets at least quarterly to discuss implementation of the school’s plan and other progress pertinent to the school’s accreditation contract with the Board of Education. The SAC also makes recommendations to the principal for prioritizing spending of school monies.

Who is involved?

The SAC board consists of the Principal, a Teacher Representative, at least 4 Parent Representatives, and a Community Representative. Of the nine positions noted on the board, 4 of those mentioned take on the role of Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and DAC (District Accountability Committee) Representative by a vote of the 7-member board. All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend the meetings.

What do attendees do at SAC meetings?

The parents who attend the meetings will have an opportunity to just sit and listen to the discussions between the Principal and the rest of the SAC board members and any guest speakers. Parent guests at the SAC meeting have no expectations placed upon them, other than to understand the material presented at the meetings and be a positive voice in the community while sharing the information with others. If desired, there is an open forum at the end of each meeting where parents can bring any appropriate concerns in front of the SAC board.


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