Online resources

See Google Classroom for details on assignments and resources for each day.

The format for your username and password to log into your DCSD Google account is below.

Username: Last name, first initial, middle initial (and maybe a number)

Password: Dcsd######

(The six #'s is your student number)

When you access an assignment through google classroom it takes you directly to that specific assignment. If you want to view other assignments click on the "Classes" tab at the top of the page.

All of your assignments will either be under one of the tabs below

Not Started In Progress Completed

If you want to access other resources in the online textbook you can click on the "Browse" tab at the top of the page. Then select the textbook. You will be able to access any of the topics to view examples, virtual nerd videos and additional practice problems.

See Google Classroom for details on assignments and resources for each day.

Link to team Nokota Calendar