Canvas Tips for Students
Canvas, Overview student -
Canvas, Dashboard Overview Students -
Canvas, Student App -
CHS Student Expectations
Check each of your courses daily for assignments, updates, and other information.
Seek help immediately if there are any technical issues (see options below).
Follow each teacher's directions for how to use Canvas for your specific courses.
For best performance, Canvas should be used on the current version of Chrome, Canvas runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, or any other device with a modern web browser. Have at least two browsers installed on your computer so if you run into an issue with one, you can easily switch to the other (District recommends Firefox as a secondary Browser). (That often resolves the issue.) Remember to keep your browsers updated.
If you are using a Chromebook here are directions for ensuring it is updated
Accessing Canvas
The most successful way to log in is via your email in Chrome (Chrome is a free download):
Log onto your school email account (be sure all other accounts are logged out)
Click on the Google App switcher located in the upper right of your email screen (3x3 dots)
Scroll down to find the Canvas LMS--it's usually on about section 3
You should see all of your courses
The direct link is:
Set Your Notification Preferences
Do you want a text notification when your Instructor grades your assignment? Do you want an email sent to your Gmail account when a due date changes? Do you want these notifications ASAP or only once a day? Canvas allows you to set things up exactly the way you want them, so take advantage of it! Click on Account (your photo) in the Global Navigation, then select Notifications.
Learn more about setting your notification preferences
Don’t Miss Assignment Feedback
Look for the feedback or speech icons next to assignments in the grade book. Here you can see feedback and comments from your instructor. For a list of what these icons represent, read “How do I use the icons and colors in the Gradebook?”
Read more about how to view feedback comments from your instructors.
Going Mobile?
Canvas has a FREE app for Android and iPhone that many students like better than accessing Canvas through the internet browser on your phone.
NOTE: Avoid taking quizzes using the mobile app. Not all quiz settings or question types are compatible with the mobile app yet which could affect your final score. Assignment submission can also be glitchy. It is best practice to submit assignments via a chromebook or computer.
For more information on using Canvas on your mobile device, read “How can I use Canvas on my mobile device?”
Android devices can be a bit of a challenge to sync with the district network. Please use 'DCSD IT: Re-authenticating with DCSD-Secure on Android (particularly page 3) to guide you.
Don't Lose Your Discussion, Assignment, or Quiz Responses
When appropriate and with teacher permission, first save longer discussion and assignment responses in a Google Doc (or Notepad) before pasting it into your Canvas assignment. This avoids losing your work in case of any kind of glitch during the submission process. If that happens, you’ll still have a back-up of all your hard work. Also, you can use spell check before submitting your work if you use Google first!
Embedding Images in a Discussion Reply
Copying and pasting an image into your discussion reply typically doesn’t work well. Use the “embed image” icon on the Rich Content Editor toolbar.
Download and Save All Your Assignments at Once
There is a quick and easy way to download all the assignment files you've submitted to Canvas so you have a record of your work (which could be helpful in transferring to another school/program or even a job application). Learn how to download your assignment submissions.
Other Helpful Tips
Always, always, always make sure you are in Chrome and it is updated
Always, always, always log onto Canvas from your school email screen
Phones are not the most efficient way to submit assignments. IF you use your phone, please be sure you have your school email on your phone and that you have a very strong wifi connection.
View your Dashboard as Cards, not as a List
Go into each course, each day, check for today's work and long term assignmentsNote that the calendar only includes due dates, not assigned dates
Where to Get Help
You have several options for getting help with using Canvas.
Use these quick-reference Canvas Basics.
View the entire up-to-date list of student guides for all the main features in Canvas.
CHS Tech Support
Contact Mrs. Boatwright ( or Mr. Castillo (
District Tech Support
Call our IT Dept at 303-387-0001 or visit the DCSD Parent Tech Support Page