English Language Arts


For our literacy block, we follow a routine where we rotate through 4 rotations. During our literacy rotations students will practice a variety of skills. The centers that students rotate through each day are read to self, iReady, listen to reading, and word work. It is also during this time that I will meet with students during guided reading groups. Your student will be a part of a group of other students that are identified to be at the same reading level or skill level. Some of the skills we will be working on during our guided reading groups are: Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, Comprehension.


For our writing curriculum we utilize Write from the Beginning. This curriculum helps students organize their ideas by using a variety of thinking maps or organizational planners. We then use these thinking maps to help guide our writing. In third grade we dive into the following writing topics:

*Real & Imagined Narratives

*Opinion Writing

*How To Writing

*Informational Writing

CLICK HERE TO SEE some examples of the thinking maps that we utilize during our writing time and across other areas of our curriculum. The map we most frequently use for writing is the Circle Map and the Flow Map.