Weekly Updates

Week of May 23rd

It's hard to believe that this is my last update for the school year! It's been such a pleasure spending the year with your child. Thank you for sharing them with me!

Week Ahead

This week is going to be full of fun! We are going to be playing some review games, working on a memory book, and a few other surprises you’ll have to ask your kids about. We have Think Tank for specials this week.

Business Day

What an amazing day we had!! Thank you to everyone who helped their child prepare and those who were able to come to Business Day. The kids had so much fun! We counted our money earned on Friday and the students picked out their rewards. They brought their sheet home on Friday for what they purchased. We will be celebrating on Monday so if your child picked a snack or special drink please send it with them on Monday. If they picked a popsicle I will be providing those. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Field Day

We are hoping Field Day can still happen, but have moved it to Tuesday due to Monday’s forecast. If the weather doesn’t hold on Tuesday, unfortunately we will have to cancel Field Day. I will keep you posted as soon as I hear. There will be water activities, relay races, and different challenge games for students. Students are encouraged to bring extra clothes/shoes, a towel, and a water bottle. Sunscreen before school is a great idea as well! Third grade will participate in Field Day in the afternoon after our normal lunch time.

Unfortunately, families are not invited to this event due to issues with space. We will be using most areas outside of the building, including the car loop, for the fun field day stations. Thank you for understanding! We look forward to seeing families at the NRE picnic on Wednesday, May 25th instead.

Family Picnic

The family picnic is back! All families are welcome to attend. Plan on bringing blankets and a lunch to eat with our class. The picnic will be held on Wednesday, May 25th at 11:45am. Students may leave after the picnic, but parents will need to sign their child out with me before leaving.

Upcoming Important Dates

  • May 25 - 6th Grade Graduation 9:00am/Kindergarten Graduation 11:00am/Family Picnic 11:45am/Last Day of School