

In fourth grade, we use flexible groupings, so your child may have the opportunity to work with another 4th grade teacher. Thank you for trusting me with the gift of your child. I am confident that my teaching style, expectations for student learning, enthusiasm, and overall commitment to education will greatly enhance your child’s learning and personal development. I believe each and every student is an important part of our classroom team. All children are capable of learning. I will do my best to accommodate and modify for the needs of all students and make decisions based upon what is best for each child.

Fourth grade is an experience of transition, as we make the journey from the expectations and demands of primary to intermediate levels. Independent work habits, large and small group behaviors, transfer and application of basic knowledge, problem-solving, and the ability to organize time and materials are general student expectations that become classroom goals for fourth grade.

I like to think of students, teachers, and parents as a team. One way to establish the home to school connection is through our daily planners and homework. Homework packets generally come home on Monday and are due back the following Friday. I do understand that some evenings can become very busy for families these days, so even though the expectation is approximately 40 minutes per night of homework, you as a family can decide when and how much homework needs to be done each evening. Your child will be bringing home a planner each day that will have the additional homework listed for that evening. I am very consistent about daily use of the planner, so look for it to come home EVERY DAY, even if no homework is assigned. Please look over your child’s homework each evening and sign your child’s planner as well. Effort and perseverance during class time is always a student’s first priority and will most certainly be rewarded.