Please contact the program manager if your questions are not answered here

What does B.A.S.E. stand for? 

A: Before and After School Enterprises 

Is the B.A.S.E. program licensed as a child care provider? 

A: Yes, we are licensed as a School-Aged Child Care Program through the Colorado Department of Human Services, Office of Early Childhood. Click Here to visit their website.

Do B.A.S.E. employees receive the same background checks as teachers?

A: Yes, all B.A.S.E. employees receive a criminal background check through the Federal and Colorado Bureau of Investigation. In addition to a criminal record check, a review of the State Department’s automated system is done to determine if the employee has been the subject of a report of child abuse or neglect.

Who can attend the B.A.S.E. Program?

A:  Any child who attends Acres Green Elementary and is a minimum of 5 years, 0 months of age, and a maximum of 13 years, 0 months of age, may attend the program. Children who are four years old, and eligible to enter kindergarten for the current school year, may access the program no earlier than the first day of kindergarten class. 

How do I sign-up for B.A.S.E.?

A: You may register your child(ren) through School Care Works. Please see the "B.A.S.E. Registration" page on our website for more information and links to register.

Is there a Registration Fee?

A: Yes, the annual registration fee is $75 per child and $100 per family with multiple children. This must be paid at the time of registration and each year during re-enrollment.

How is the B.A.S.E. program funded?

A: Our program is self-funded and relies solely on tuition payments provided by parents. Expenses include all labor costs (including staff salary and benefits), supplies and materials, utilities, custodial and maintenance costs, State Licensing fees and field trip costs (transportation, entrance fees). 

What are the tuition rates? 

A: Our rates are $10.50/child for Before Care, $12/child for After Care and $35/child for Full Day care.  Please see the "Hours and Prices" page on our website for more information.

I have multiple children who attend B.A.S.E. Do you provide any discounts?

A: Yes, for families with more than one child who attend the program, we offer a 10% sibling discount for Full Days only.

Does B.A.S.E offer any financial assistance? 

A: We have fiscal agreements with the Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP), which is facilitated by Aspen Family Services. Please contact the Program Manager for information about your site or visit the "Colorado Child Care Assistance" page on our website.

How do I pay for B.A.S.E.?

A: All payments are made online through your Parent Portal account. 

If I signed my child up for care, but they do not need to attend, do you provide payment credits?

A: No, we do not credit back payments for schedule changes made after the Wednesday deadline. This is due to the fact that staffing and purchasing of snack, as well as craft materials, are made based on students who are signed up each day. If you have extenuating circumstances, you may contact the Program Manager to discuss possible credits. However, if the program is closed due to weather or other circumstances, payments will be credited to all families who are signed up.

Does B.A.S.E. allow drop-in care?

A: At this time we are allowing drop in care on emergency basis only. We ask that you register your child for days needed, as spaces are limited. If you have not signed up for care but need it, contact the program manager to see if there is any room available. 

Is there a staff discount if I work for DCSD?

At this time, we are not offering discounted BASE rates to staff and it is important that we maintain consistent rates across our programs.  Like Nutrition Services and Outdoor Ed, BASE is an Enterprise program.  This means that we pay for expenses, including staff salaries, from the tuition we charge for our services.  The departmental reserves we once had were diminished by the Covid-19 closure and the subsequent tightening of group sizes and staff/child ratios that CDHS required of licensed child care programs. If this decision changes, the program manager will let you know.

Is there a required number of days my child must attend?

A: No, we do not require a minimum number of days for your child to attend. You may use the program as much, or as little, as needed. It is pay-as-you-go, so you will only pay for the days you sign up for.

Do you have a waitlist?

A: No, we currently do not have a waitlist for Before care or Full Day care.

What are your hours of operation?

A: Our Before Care program runs from 6:30 to 8:30 AM., After Care runs from 3:30-6:15,  and Full day care services run from 6:30-6:15.

Does the program remain open on days that the school is closed and on Professional Development Days, when teachers are working and students are not in school?

A: Usually, yes, we offer Full Day care on those days. We also offer care over school breaks--Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. Visit the "Closure Dates" page on our website for dates when the program will be closed and not offering care. 

What if my child is prescribed medication, which needs to be administered while he/she is attending B.A.S.E.?

A: Please communicate any health or medical needs pertaining to your child to the Program Manager prior to their first day of attendance. This helps ensure our team has all necessary training to address your child’s health needs. In order to keep your child's medications onsite and administer them, we need a signed Medication Release form from the child's physician. Please see the "About Panther Pack" page on our website to print off the form.

Once we have this form, we will keep your child's medication safely stored at the program and taken with us whenever we are offsite. Medications will only be administered by trained staff members. Please note, we do not have access to the school's health room, so medication given to the school will not be available to the B.A.S.E. program. Contact the Program Manager with any additional health, medical or medication questions.

Does the program accept children with special needs? 

A: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provide that no otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation in, and denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under Douglas County School District activities and programs.

Yes, the program does accept student with special needs. However, the Program Manager may request to meet with the family and school team members who have knowledge of a child with special needs prior their first day of attendance. The purpose of this meeting would be to develop a support plan, to outline reasonable accommodations and to ensure the safety and well being of the child.

Can my Kindergartner start on their first day of school?

A: Kindergartners can begin BASE on their first day of Full day Kindergarten.  BASE will not be providing half day care for students participating in Balanced Beginnings. 

If I want to report a licensing violation, who would I contact? 

A: Please contact the Colorado Department of Human Services, Office of Early Childhood, 1575 Sherman Street, Denver, CO 80203. They may also be reached by calling (303) 866-5958.