Work Examples

2016 - Volunteering Sidebar -

This piece is the first ever example of my journalistic work. Throughout this process, I learned the basics of yearbook. This sidebar is the first example of my journalistic writing and design. I learned how to conduct proper interviews and how to apply that information in my work. Many of the skills I gained while working on this piece, I now use in my regular yearbook responsibilities.

2016 - Social Studies Spread -

This piece is the first piece of my journalistic work that I felt I was in a leadership role for. I had to learn how to work well with more than one person. The hardest part of this spread was making the rest of the group realize we had a responsibility and they had responsibilities within that. Without the experience of this spread, I can easily say I would not have made a good Editor in Chief if I had made it at all.

2016 - Backpack Spread -

In this piece I was met with many struggles. Not having the ability to get quotes, having to relearn the principles of design, and how to work well with a partner. In this experience, though, I got to design a full spread. This element is something that continuously helps me in my journalistic endeavors. I also had the task of taking different types of photos. This spread was awarded 2nd place in the state for Alternate Coverage.

2017 - Opening Spread -

This was the first spread of the 2017 book we got to work on. My co editor and I designed the spread together and collaborated to write the opening copy. This spread came with many difficulties as my partner and I had to relearn how to work together effectively. The end product was exactly what we were looking for.

2017 - Chronological Section Divider Theme Writing -

This spread was a spread I collaborated with my co editor in chief to produce. I was responsible for the theme writing throughout the book so this was one of my writing pieces. I found that I really enjoyed doing theme writing when helping to produce the opening spread.

2017 - People Section Divider -

This is the first spread I had ever had full responsibility for as Editor in Chief. I am exceedingly proud of my thematic writing exemplified on this spread. I have selected this piece to show the growth I had made in a little less than a year which I believe is substantial.

2017 - Reference Section Divider -

In this piece I think I captured my true ability in both design and writing quite well. I perfected the voice of the book and made the writing true to our message. This spread faced me with many challenges, including a tight deadline. Balancing being a leader of a staff and perfecting my journalistic work now carries me through my daily tasks as an editor.

2017 - Colophon -

This page was definitely one of my favorites that I got to work on. Along with being short and to the point, through this spread I got to thank all of the people who helped me make my way in the journalism world