Learning Expectations
Expectations for All DNO Students
Tips for Helping Your Learner at Home
Identify a learning place. Where will your student work? Make sure that they have pencils, erasers, paper, calculator, or any other tools they may need to learn.
Create a study plan together and set small goals. Help your student understand the purpose and objectives of their tasks and learning by discussing what they are expected to complete digitally. Help them create a checklist of due dates and a timeline so that you both understand what needs to be completed. Celebrate when they meet small goals.
Guide your student on his/her responsibilities by helping them create a daily schedule for learning, balancing time in front of a screen, exercising, socializing, and etc. Schedule breaks in learning when needed.
Try to keep your student on a regular schedule for waking and sleeping. Online learning is often asynchronous which means that students can access their work at any time of the day, allowing them to keep odd hours. Ensure that your student is taking assignments seriously by keeping them to a somewhat ‘normal school day structure.’ Encourage and set aside time for exercise and creative time for making or drawing.
Find out when your student’s teachers’ office hours are in case you or your student has questions. When will he or she respond to emails? Is he or she offering synchronous learning opportunities for a class? If this information has not been communicated to you, reach out to the instructor.
DNO 6-12 Expectations
Daily Routine for Success
Login to Edgenuity
Read your Edgenuity Emails
Check your Dashboard
Red = Behind in a class
Blue = On Target
Green = Ahead
Select your class to work on
-If you are behind in a class, a notice of overdue assignments will appear.
-Don’t stress; do one lesson at a time.
-You can do this!
Take e-Notes for every lesson in EVERY class
-You may use guided note-takers, Google documents, or hand written notes (you would need to take a picture and attach this to your Google Drive).
-You must put the link to your notes in the e-Note section for every lesson.
Failed the quiz on your 1st attempt???
-Go back and rewatch the lesson and take more notes
Failed the quiz a 2nd time???
-Make sure your notes thoroughly cover the lesson materials
-Check your resources
-Did you sign up for a Google Meet with your teacher?
-Does your teacher have office hours?
-Email your teacher for support
Assigned a Writing Assignment or Project???
-Read the expectations carefully
-Know what the prompt is asking you
-Write professionally; NO TEXTING Slang/Lingo