ACMC 2022

Paper Submission

Paper Submission

Paper format

Original research contributions (including significant work-in-progress) on membrane computing, its applications and related subjects are sought. Contributions reporting in-vivo or in-silico experimental results are particularly encouraged. Authors are invited to submit their contribution as PDF, written in English and preferrably prepared in LaTeX using Springer LNCS style (llncs).

There are two tracks for submission:

Full paper of a reasonable length

There is no strict page limit for submission of a full paper. Along with the review process, a maximum number of pages for the pre-proceedings or proceedings version can be defined if necessary. Additional supplementary material might be made available on a web page whose reference is mentioned within the paper.

Extended abstract for short presentation

For a maximum four pages. Typical extended abstracts present significant work-in-progress, late-breaking results, or contributions from students new in the field or at the start of their research career.

Only electronic submissions are accepted. Simultaneous submission to other conferences or workshops with published proceedings is not allowed.

Submission via EasyChair

A paper can be submitted to either CMC 2022 or ACMC 2022

The link to submit to ACMC 2022 via EasyChair is

For submission to CMC 2022 please visit the CMC 2022 website (

All submissions will be reviewed by at least three referees. To ensure inclusion of an accepted contribution into the (pre)proceedings volume, at least one of its authors must be registered to CMC 2022 or ACMC 2022. The pre-proceedings volume will be available during the conference.