Shepherd Hill Regional High School

John F. Canavan Library

Shepherd Hill's library is an active space. Students may access the library and its physical resources in several ways. Students in Honors Study are assigned to the library and report here every day or every other day. Students in Directed Study may acquire a pass from their Directed Study teacher; passes from other teachers are no longer allowed for Directed Study library access. Each study teacher may give up to six passes per period. Subject teachers may always send students in their classes to the library for research or quiet work during their own class time with a pass. 

**If you are unable to get a pass from your Directed Study teacher, please see Mrs. Briere and let her know. If you need to use library resources, and space allows, you will be permitted access.**

Students may also visit the library with a class that has been scheduled to come in by their teacher. 

We have desktop computers and Chromebooks available for individual and class use. 

Teachers can call, email, or speak to Mrs. Briere to reserve space.

Library Hours

Monday - Friday 7:20 - 2:25

*If you need to work in the library after school, please schedule an appointment with Mrs. Briere.

Mrs. Susan Briere

Library Media Specialist

Instagram @shrhs.lmc