World History & Geography to 1500

Each unit below is taught for approximately five to twenty days.

Unit 1

SOL WHI 2.a Impact on environment on hunter-gather societies.

SOL WHI 2.b Characteristics of hunter-gather societies

SOL WHI 2.c Technology and social advancements that gave rise

SOL WHI 2.d Explain archaeological discoveries impact on present day

SOL WHI 3.a Explain archaeological discoveries impact on present day

SOL WHI 3.b Describe social, political, and economic patterns/slavery

SOL WHI 3.c Explaining the development of religious traditions;

SOL WHI 3.d Origins, beliefs, customs, and spread of Judaism;

Unit 2

SOL WHI 3.e Explaining the development of language and writing.

SOL WHI 4.a Describing Persia/ Zoroastrianism/ imperial bureaucracy;

SOL WHI 4.b Describing India- Aryan migrations and the caste system;

SOL WHI 4.c Origins, traditions, customs, and spread of Hinduism;

SOL WHI 4.d Origins, beliefs, traditions, and spread of Buddhism

SOL WHI 4.e China - empire and the construction of the Great Wall;

SOL WHI 4.f Impact of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism

SOL WHI 5.a Geography on Greek economic, social, and political

SOL WHI5.b Describing Greek mythology and religion;

Unit 3

SOL WHI 5.c Slavery, comparing the city-states of Athens and Sparta;

SOL WHI 5.d Evaluating the Persian and Peloponnesian wars;

SOL WHI 5.e Characterizing Athens during the Golden Age of Pericles;

SOL WHI 5.f Contributions emphasis on Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle;

SOL WHI 5.g Conquest of Greece and spread of Hellenistic culture

Unit 4

SOL WHI 6.a Influence of geography on Roman development;

SOL WHI 6.b Describing Roman mythology and religion;

SOL WHI 6.c Slavery significance of the Roman Republic

SOL WHI 6.d Events leading to Roman military domination

SOL WHI 6.e Impact of military conquests on the structure of Rome;

SOL WHI 6.f Assessing the roles of Julius and Augustus Caesar

SOL WHI 6.g Economic, social, and political impact of the Pax Romana;

SOL WHI 6.h Origin, beliefs, traditions, customs,spread of Christianity

SOL WHI 6.i Significance of the Church in the late Roman Empire;

SOL WHI 6.j Contributions in art and architecture, technology ,ect.

SOL WHI 6.k Reasons for the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

Unit 5

SOL WHI 7.a Establishment of Constantinople as the capital

SOL WHI 7.b Identifying Justinian and his contributions

SOL WHI7.c Characterizing Byzantine art and architecture

SOL WHI 7.d Split / Roman Catholic Church and Greek Orthodox

SOL WHI 7.e Impact of Byzantine influence on Russia and Europe

SOL WHI 8.d Contributions and achievements of Islamic civilization.

SOL WHI 9.a Beliefs, traditions, customs, and spread of Islam;

SOL WHI 9.b Influence of geography on Islamic society

SOL WHI 9.c Identifying points that affected Islamic civilization

Unit 6

SOL WHI 12.a Emergence of (England, France, Spain, and Russia)

SOL WHI 12.b Explaining conflicts among Eurasian powers

SOL WHI 12.c Patterns of crisis and recovery related to the Black Death

SOL WHI 12.d Transfer to Europe /philosophy/medicine/science.

SOL WHI 13.a Economic foundations of the Italian Renaissance;

SOL WHI 13.b Sequencing events/ rise of Italian city-states

SOL WHI 13.c Citing artistic, literary, and philosophical creativity

SOL WHI 13.d Comparing the Italian and the Northern Renaissance

Unit 7

SOL WHI 10.a Locating major trade routes

SOL WHI10.b Advances/networks of economic interdependence

SOL WHI 10.c Describing Japan influence of Chinese culture

SOL WHI 10.d Describing east African kingdoms

SOL WHI 11.a Describing geographic relationships

SOL WHI 11.b Sequencing events/ rise of Italian city-states

The remainder of the days will be used for SOL Review and Enrichment Activities.