Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF)


Please notice that

  • Technical Session 3 starts at 15:pm

  • All times are GMT-3:00.

Keynotes and Tutorials

Technical Session 1:

  • Neda Saeedloei and Feliks Kluzniak. An Efficient Customized Clock Allocation Algorithm for a Class of Timed Automata

  • Mohamed Abdelghany and Sofiene Tahar. Formalization of Functional Block Diagrams using HOL Theorem Proving

Technical Session 2:

  • Maycon Amaro, Samuel Feitosa and Rodrigo Ribeiro. A Sound Strategy to Compile General Recursion into Finite Depth Pattern Matching

  • Luciano Silva and Marcel Oliveira. Automatic Generation of Verified Concurrent Hardware using VHDL

  • Maksym Bortin. Synthesis of Implementations for Divide-and-conquer Specifications

Technical Session 3:

  • Joabe Jesus and Augusto Cesar Sampaio. Compositional Verification of Simulink Block Diagrams Using tock-CSP and CSP-Prover

  • Geoff Hamilton and Benjamin Aziz. Excommunication: Transforming Pi-Calculus Specifications to Remove Internal Communication

  • Matthias Güdemann and Klaus Riedl. Level-Up - From Bits to Words