Silverado Middle School Performing Arts

Welcome to Band!

Please make sure that you purchase your tickets for the RiverCats performance soon. If your student cannot attend, please send me an email so that I can make a note of which of our students need alternative assignments. Please use the attached link to purchase tickets. We are required to sell a certain amount in order to participate in future events. If you want to sit in a section not listed on the ticket sales, let me know and I will put you in contact with my sales rep. He can help you get different seats.

Students will have 2 mandatory after school practices where we will put together all 200+ SMS band students together. These are the only chances we will have to rehearse all together, so please make sure your student is in attendance. These two practices are on Thursday 5/9 and 5/16 and will go from 2:15pm-3:15pm.

Students will wear their band uniform: blue band shirt, black pants, black socks, black shoes to the game.

If you are unable to afford tickets to this performance please let me know. Every family should be able to attend this event regardless of finances.

Please email me with any questions or concerns.

Next week is our spring band concert and our national anthem performance at the Sacramento RiverCats. Both are required events. Please see details below.

Uniform for both: blue band shirt, black pants, black socks, black shoes

Spring Band Concert 5/15

At Silverado Middle School

Jazz/6th grade performs at 5pm (call time for students 4pm)

Jazz/7th/8th grade perform at 7pm (call time for students 6pm)

*both concerts should be done in an hour or less

RiverCats 5/17

5:30pm Arrive at the stadium and meet at the grassy area in front of the stadium. (Leave cases in car)

5:45pm Head through security at side entrance by home run hill (parents and students)

6:00pm Parents head to seats, students follow Mellin to line up/warm up

6:35pm (ish) Perform National Anthem

6:40pm Parents meet up behind home run hill with their student to return their instrument to the car. Instruments cannot go to the seats.

Reminder... This is not a field trip. Every student must be seated with an adult chaperone. Purchase tickets here if you have not done so yet.

Please email me with any questions or concerns.

Important Dates for SMS Performing Arts

(dates are subject to change during the year)

August 15 first day of jazz

August 18 Drama informational meeting

August 23/24 Drama auditions

August 29 Drama call Backs

October 6 WHS Pep Band Night (8th)

November 15 Drama Club to WHS

December 6-8 Willy Wonka Performances

December 13 Winter Concert (6,7,8 band)

December 18  8th Grade field trip to WHS

January 22 Kings Game

February 7 WHS Concert CANCELLED

February 10 WHS Jazz Festival

February 23 7th period trip to Pacific

February 28  WHS joint Concert Band concert (8th)

March 15 Dinner Dance 

May 15 Spring Concert (6,7,8 band)

May 17th RiverCats Game