


1.數學家的傳奇歷險記2阿基米德 510 JEO

2.科學發明王 13: 停水停電大作戰 600 GOM

3.一讀就懂!太陽能發電系統詳解 600 CHI

4.圖解太陽能應用技術 600 SHI

5.奧祕科學新發現 500 ZHA

6.生活科技大透視250種現代機器運轉的祕密 621 LEB

7.我是科學尋寶王 500 ZHA

9.我的第一本生活知識小百科 030 JUG

10.不可思議地球常識Q&A 550 DAI

11.我的航海工具大發現 623 MAS


Hong Kong Public Library — HyRead Book

1. 用micro:bit學運算思維與程式設計:使用MakeCode:blocks (亦可到公共圖書館借此書)

2. 看見micro:bit新世界:學邏輯、寫程式、玩創意:使用Blockly.Python.控制周邊設備.自走車 (亦可到公共圖書館借此書)

3. 奇妙的浮力 [有聲書]





Hong Kong Public Library (Electronic Resources)

Here are the best resources available from the Hong Kong Public Library. All resources are located in Junior Lending Library. https://www.hkpl.gov.hk HKPL has subscription to over 100 e-books, e-journals and databases, and the following electronic Resources are available for access via Internet by library card holders of Hong Kong Public Libraries. Please click on the following links for access:


Gale In Context:

Link: Science (Solar Energy)

It is a curriculum-oriented science database that provides resourceful information on major science topics. Subjects such as biology, chemistry, earth and environmental science, health and medicine, mathematics, technology, physics and astronomy are included. It contains the full text of magazines, academic journals and news articles, as well as scientific experiments, images, videos, audio files and links to authoritative websites.


1. AccessScience:

Link: AccessScience

The AccessScience features the McGraw Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology and weekly articles on the latest breaking news. It covers all areas of science and technology plus full-text features of biographies, news, learning resources, study guides and many other related sites.
