DCD Expectations & Guidelines

For more information about our distance learning policies, calendar and contact information, please read the information below and visit our Fall 2020 Return-to-School information page on the DCD website.

Expectations for Online Learning

Appropriate setting while attending a class: Students are to attend class in a manner that is consistent with DCD's expectations for typical classroom behaviors and attitudes. We suggest establishing and maintaining a specific location and set-up in your home for class attendance that will be most conducive to focused and participatory online learning (for example, sitting in a chair at a table or desk with adult supervision).

Attendance: Attendance will be taken every day in each class.

Dress Code: Students are expected to be dressed for the school day when attending online classes.

Learning at home: Please visit the For Families page and the 2020-21 Tech Tips for Families to prepare for learning at home this year.

Use of Devices: Students in PreK - Grade 5 will use home devices for online learning. Students in Grades 6-8 are expected to use their school-issued MacBook for online learning. DCD's Acceptable Use Policy remains in place, and we ask that families please monitor all screen activity closely.

Additional information, including the DCD Honor Code and behavioral expectations, can be found in the DCD Handbook.

COVID-19 Response and Planning Team

Allison Webster, Head of School, awebster@dcds.net

Leslie Bowen, Director of Communications, lbowen@dcds.net

Nate Buffum, Head of Middle School, nbuffum@dcds.net

Mark Epker, Chair, Board of Trustees, mark.r.epker@gmail.com

Ali Fernandes, Chief Information Officer, ali@dcds.net

Carla Haith, Head of Lower School, chaith@dcds.net

Phil Holden, Director of Facilities, pholden@dcds.net

Emilie Liebhoff, Assistant Head of School, eliebhoff@dcds.net

MaryEllen Maloney, Head of Primary School, mmaloney@dcds.net

Emily Osinubi, School Nurse, eosinubi@dcds.net

Katie Ouellette, Special Assistant to the Head of School, kouellette@dcds.net

Sara Payton-Stone, School Nurse, spayton-stone@dcds.net

Charles Rudnick, Director of Advancement, crudnick@dcds.net

Bob Santry, Chief Financial Officer, bsantry@dcds.net

Honor Code

Truthfulness and honesty in all personal and academic matters are fundamental expectations of the School. Courtesy is expected at all times. Respect for the rights and property of others is essential for the wellbeing of the community. Participation in formal occasions such as competitions, performances, dances, and field trips, etc., requires that students maintain the School standard and that they be aware that their actions reflect on the reputation of the DCD community.

Acceptable Use Policy

The use of computers and the Internet at DCD is a privilege, not a right. All computer use is subject to DCD’s overall Standards of Conduct. Students are expected to behave responsibly and to follow the guidelines outlined below. Inappropriate use of computers or the Internet will result in cancellation of those privileges and may result in further disciplinary action. Whether physically on- or off-campus, whether during the school day or at night, on vacation or at any other time while enrolled at the School, whether linked to the School’s network from in school or from a remote location or not at all, or using their own personal computer or communication device on- or off-campus, students are expected to comply with this Electronic Communications and Acceptable Use Policy and any applicable policies and procedures, as set forth in the DCD Handbook.

Please review the AUPromise with your children.