Useful Study Tips

Study Tips for Multiple Choice Questions

The TASC/ HSE exam consist mainly of multiple choice questions in the material you will be using also have multiple choice questions as well. The following suggestions may be helpful to you and answering these types of questions.

  1. You will have to select the best answer from several possible answers. The incorrect answers are often partly correct. This method is employed to make you think and to choose only the best answer.
  2. Read the question carefully and reject answers that are clearly wrong upfront.
  3. You can usually be suspicious of statements with limiting word such as: or, always, entirely, ever, only, never, etc
  4. You will have to rely on information from previous study to help you. This knowledge might be enough to show that you some of the choices are not correct. After eliminating such answers, think carefully about the remaining choices.
  5. If the question is in the form of an incomplete statement, try to complete the statement before you look at the answers. if the way you have completed the statement agrees with any of the answers, it is likely to be the correct one.
  6. Use your head. Often with a little thought and the information that you have, you can reason out the answer.
  7. Check your answers with the answer keys provided. Reread the question to see why the answer on the key was best. You may need to reread this election again. If you are still unable to understand your mistake, write a note to your teacher for further help.

Study Tips for Math Problems

  1. Look at the instruction models provided for each section of the work you are doing.
  2. Solve each math problem, looking back at the instructional models and samples whenever necessary.
  3. Write out each step of the problem exactly the same way as the instructional model has shown you.
  4. After completing several problems, check your answers to be sure you are doing the problem correctly. If your answers are correct, continue on to the next problem. If your answers are wrong, check your calculations. Most of the time, when you get the wrong answer it is because you made errors in calculations or copy the problem incorrectly.
  5. Once you have determined where your mistake is, go through the process again trying to come up with the correct answer.
  6. If you still are unable to figure out why your answer is incorrect, contact your teacher for further help.