What we do

Our collective effort revolves around reporting, investigating, and sharing news stories that inform and engage our audience while fostering a sense of exploration and analysis.

2024 House Football Tournament

Photographer: Y12 Hugo L

Discovery College Student News (DCSN)

is the official student-led newspaper of Discovery College. We welcome Y7 - Y12 students from DC.


DCSN provides a platform for students to showcase their creativity and nurture their passion for writing. 

In addition to the role of writing, we also provide opportunities for students to contribute as editors, graphic designers, and photographers. 

"Whether you are an inquisitive journalist, tech guru or aspiring Picasso, DCSN has a place for you and your skills!"

Our Mission

Through developing unique and engaging content, we hope to arm our peers with relevant information that they can actively use in their academic and social lives. 

Our Beliefs 

We at DCSN believe in promoting greater academic engagement 

by fostering a culture of international mindedness beyond the classroom.

Our Values

From a young age, IB students are taught to think critically about the world around us. We value this approach and look to extend it to international contexts.

✒ Our 5 Writing Categories ✒

Each article will be paired with a theme. As more articles with diverse topics are produced, a wider range of themes will be introduced for writers to choose from.