
9th-12th grades

Updates / Announcements


SURPRISE: The deadline to buy a yearbook is officially THIS THURSDAY 1/26!! Please buy one by that date!!

We will be doing a lot of marketing this week and will appreciate your help in spreading the word. I apologize for any incovenience this may cause, but we need a final count by this Thursday so we know how many books to print. There will be a very limited number of extras in the spring for a special circumstances only! 


Ms. Newell 


Hi everyone! Welcome Back! 

I am looking forward to getting started again with Semester 2. We will continue with the same format of the class, focusing on very important deadlines! However, you should be aware that the frequency of the deadlines will be greatly increased for January- April. This is last big push to get everything ready and I will keep you as informed as possible!! 

I appreciate all the hard work your students have put in so far and can't wait to see what their creative minds come up with next! We have sold over 200 books so far! If there are any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to reach out. 

PS: Don't forget to order your yearbook! They have earned it!! 


Ms. Newell



Staff Leadership Positions (Subject to change following this week and performance on All About Me Spreads)

Editor for Beacon- Lily 

Coeditors for the Yearbook- Lily and Sophia

Copy Editor - Max

Photography Editor- Sarah

Marketing Manager - Hailey and Mikinley

Workroom Manager- Madi

Section Leaders- Elizabeth, Isabella, Alex

Designers- Sean, Keirian, Kaitlyn

Writers- Preston, Jack, Carly

Photographers- Matthew, Chloe, Charlotte, Gemma, Charlie, Rylie  

Floaters- Ben, Finn, Quentin, Emery



Hi everyone!

The end of the quarter is nearly upon us already and I am happy to say that classes have been going well overall. We are successfully working on our first Beacon deadline with the yearbook coming up swiftly. We have chosen a theme (it's a secret, so ask your student!) and have submitted the cover for this year's book. We will soon be posting leadership positions as well. As of today, we have sold 62 books!

In celebration of our achievements, I am happy to meet with any parents/guardians to discuss the progress of individual students and the aims of the class as a whole. If you are interested in hearing more about your student's performance or discussing anything with me, I will offer time to listen, provide my insight, and share suggestions for each of your students during parent- teacher conferences.

Here is my sign up for parent teacher conferences to be held on October 19. Out of courtesy for others, please only sign up for one time slot! I look forward to meeting with anyone available to come talk about your students! 


Ms. Newell 



Hi everyone,

Welcome to Journalism/Yearbook! This class introduces students to the fast-paced world of journalism through an overview of the basic principles of writing, design and journalism! We will be working hard all year on the production of the student newspaper, The Beacon, and especially the yearbook. Working alongside our new publishing company, Walsworth Yearbooks, this year's yearbook will be a carefully designed, hard cover book of over 140 pages. As members of the journalism staff, students will be responsible for preserving written memories of their school for the coming year and we will take this task very seriously! Students will also have opportunities for leadership positions and advancement within our journalism staff. Ultimately, we are going to completely revamp these publications to meet the students' and the school's vision!

This class will require students to meet deadlines regularly and occasionally to work outside of class time. I will send emails weekly detailing what is expected of them and provide plenty of advance notice for work needed beyond class time. My contact information is available on this site. Also parents, be on the lookout for the opportunity to join POPS- our Parents of Publication Students group! 

In addition to my communications, this website will be extremely important for assignments, links, and reminders. Check it often!!! Every week is listed in a link with an agenda, notes and other assignment materials that includes STAFF ASSIGNMENTS!!!!! These links will be published weekly, so they are subject to change. It will not be helpful to try and get ahead, but I will try to keep them as up to date as possible. There is daily homework and I will discuss grade breakdowns in the first couple classes. 

Hopefully, we will get off to a great start for this year. I have high expectations for our publications as a previous editor myself and I am confident the students will rise to them!  I am very happy to help however I can, so please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. I can't wait to get started! 


Ms. Newell 



Monday: Signed syllabus due Friday Sept. 2; Access the Beacon online- show it to your parents! 

Tuesday: Finish staff profiles

Wednesday: For Thursday, bring in a magazine article, newspaper clip OR a yearbook (not from Ascent) 

Friday: SYLLABUS DUE. Take lots of pictures over the weekend! Notice things worthy of remembering with a picture! 

Important Links 

The Beacon: 

UNIT 1: Photography (Week 2)



Tuesday: For Wednesday, Take or bring in (find an example of) a picture using each of the topics covered today!

Wednesday: Study for mastery quiz on terminology for cameras and photo techniques learned so far

Thursday: Make a list of topics you think MUST be covered in a yearbook. Group them together by season (fall, winter, spring)

Friday: Write a paragraph: How would you choose to bring all the topics of the yearbook together? What theme or idea unites them all?

Important Links 

The Beacon: 

UNIT 2: THEME (Week 3)


Tuesday: For Wednesday, put together a theme idea! 

Wednesday: Study for Quiz 1on terminology for cameras and photo techniques and thematic elements

Friday: Think visually, find some inspiration for design of the book and bring it in! 

Important Links 

The Beacon: 

UNIT 3: Design (Week 4)


Monday: Find inspiration for theme design (advertisement, magazines, etc)

Tuesday: Project spread layout due Friday

Wednesday: Project spread layout due Friday; Study mastery quiz

Important Links 

The Beacon: 

UNIT 4: Copy/Captions (Week 5)


Monday: Brainstorm story ideas for the Beacon, finish template pieces if needed 

Tuesday: Story for Beacon due Friday; Email/talk to one teacher/student to be interviewed on Thursday

Wednesday: Study Quiz 2 on Thursday 

Thursday: Story for Beacon due Friday, Continue work on Project Spread 

Important Links 

The Beacon: 

UNIT 5: Editing (Week 6)


Monday: 1st story due today! Email to me!

Tuesday: Finalize story edits 

Wednesday: Plan an interview for caption

Thursday: Come up with Beacon design for your story/spread to be finished in class Friday 


October 7- Beacon 1st issue (pre-print; one week to finalize)

October 15- Cover and Endsheets to print! 

Important Links 

The Beacon online: 

The Yearbook (for editing): 

Buying a Yearbook/ Advertisements:   



All Beacon Spreads should be fully completed by Wednesday 10/12.

Thursday and Friday, editors will review these and give any corrections to section leaders! 

Practice Assignments (which vary by person and position) are due FRIDAY!

All About Me Spread due Tuesday 10/18! 


October 14- Beacon 1st issue FINAL DEADLINE!

October 15- Cover and Endsheets to print! 

Important Links 

The Beacon online: 

The Yearbook (for editing): 

Buying a Yearbook/ Advertisements:   

UNIT 7: 1st Yearbook DEADLINE (Week 9-12)


**I will update this weekly with our progress toward the deadline!  

The Beacon has shipped and we are tracking it's progress! This will be distributed sometime in the week of Nov. 11!

16 spreads due November 15- we will give specific spread assignments in class on Tuesday/Wednesday (10/25-10/26)

Beacon online issue 1: November 18! 


November 15: Defensor 1st Deadline

November 18: Beacon online issue 1

Important Links 

The Beacon online: 

The Yearbook (for editing): 

Buying a Yearbook/ Advertisements:   

UNIT 8: Editing (Week 14-16)

YEARBOOK DRAWING: We will have one more push this semester to buy yearbooks and will compile two small Christmas related baskets for the Grammar School and Upper School drawing! There will be a sign-up sheet distributed in class but noone is required to bring anything for the baskets. If students have bought their yearbook by the last day of classes, they will be entered to win the drawing! We will do the drawing during lunch on December 22!


Writing Boot Camp!


December 8/9: Spread Presentations 

December 13: Submitting all outstanding spreads!!! 

December 15: Beacon online issue 1 finished

Important Links 

The Beacon online: 

The Yearbook (for editing): 

Buying a Yearbook/ Advertisements:   

UNIT 9: 2nd Deadline (Sem. 2 Week 1-3)



January 16: Ad Sales! 

January 31: 2nd Yearbook Deadline (32 pages) 

February 6: 2nd Beacon Deadline 

Important Links 

The Beacon online: 

The Yearbook (for editing): 

Buying a Yearbook/ Advertisements: 

Sem. 2 Week 4- END 2nd/ BEGIN 3rd Deadline 

This week...

*You will need 2 printed copies- one to Ms. Newell and one to Lily! 

Important Links 

The Beacon online: 

The Yearbook (for editing): 

Buying a Yearbook/ Advertisements: 

UNIT 10: 3rd Deadline  (SEM. 2 Week 5-8)


Everyone will be working on their own assignment- whether Beacon or Yearbook related! This is a joint deadline as we have certain yearbook pages due March 1 AND the next issue of the Beacon due March 1! 

**You will need two printed copies- one for Lily and one for Ms. Newell 


Important Links 

The Beacon online: 

The Yearbook (for editing): 

Buying a Yearbook/ Advertisements: 

UNIT 11: FINAL YEARBOOK Deadline  (SEM. 2 Week 9-13)


This is it! The end-all-be-all of deadlines! The yearbook must be completely and utterly finished by April 4! 

Friday, 3/3: Spread Plans Due 

Friday, 3/10: All Photos placed on spreads!

Tuesday, 3/21: All Captions finished and on spreads! 

Friday, 3/24: Stories printed and submitted to peer editors 

Monday, 3/27: Finish all edits

Wednesday, 3/29: All spreads finalized for the editors to start on! 

HOMEWORK Friday, 3/31: Everyone evaluates/edits one last spread! 

Monday, 4/03: EDITING DAY! 

**Please plan to stay after school if possible to finish any last editing required! 


Important Links 

The Beacon online: 

The Yearbook (for editing): 

UNIT 12: FINAL Beacon Deadline  (SEM. 2 Week 13-15)


This is the last issue of the Beacon :) 

Friday, 4/7: Story Idea/Spread Plans Due 

Thursday, 4/13: All stories due- need 2 copies (one for Ms. Newell and one for Lily)

Monday, 4/17: All stories edited and placed on spread! 

Tuesday 4/18: Submit the final Beacon! 

Wednesday 4/19: Visit from publishing rep., Mr. Ross

Important Links 

The Beacon online: 

UNIT 13: Video Project  (SEM. 2 Week 16)


Wednesday- Turn in your letter to the next staff! Make it pretty in class if not!

Thursday- Film a welcome to journalism video! 

Friday- I'm absent; study hall!

Important Links 

The Beacon online: 

UNIT 14: Resumes/Mock Interviews (SEM. 2 Week 17)

UNIT 15: Creative Writing Portfolio (SEM. 2 Week 18-19)


Wednesday- 3 paragraph creative writing assignment due  

Thursday- Prep for yearbook distribution 

Friday- Distribution Day 

Friday 5/19- Finish Portfolio website 

****No Final Exam for this class- when finished with Portfolio, may use class as study hall for final exam review! 

Important Links 

The Beacon online: 


Tuesday- Resume due by end of day! 

Wednesday- Interview Prep 

Thursday- Mock Interviews

Friday- Mock Interviews 

**You should dress professionally on the day of your interview and have permission from the school! 

Important Links 

Cover Letter (optional): Cover Letters | Career Services | University of Colorado Boulder 

Interview Prep: Interviewing for an Industry Job | Graduate School | University of Colorado Boulder 

The Beacon online: