Open Access E-Books 2

Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts
A collection of electronic texts with a focus on Western philosophy and American + English Literature. Of particular use to Arts students.

Avalon project:Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy
An online library of significant documents in Law, History and Diplomacy as compiled by Yale Law School's Lillian Goldman Law Library. These documents range from ancient times (4000 BCE-399AD) through to 21st century documents. Noted collections include project DIANA, an online human rights archive, and the International Military Tribunal for Germany archive for documents relating to the Nuremberg trials.

Barnes & Noble free eBooks
Barnes and Noble offers free eBooks, including some popular fiction titles, self published eBooks, and classic fiction titles.

DOAB: Directory of Open Access Books
1600+ academic peer-reviewed books from 54 publishers. Can search for books by title, subject or publisher. The majority of the books are in Arts related fields of study.

Google eBooks
Use the direct search box in the tool bar on the left side. (Google Books is a service from Google Inc. that searches the full text of books and magazines that Google has scanned, converted to text using optical character recognition, and stored in its digital database
. Due to legal issues Books can be viewed online in a restricted manner only)

Hathi Trust Digital Library
Hathi Trust is a partnership of academic & research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world. Their focus is on long term preservation of and access to materials.

The International Children's Digital Library
This is the preeminent online library for free children's e-books. With over 4,461 books in 55 different languages, the ICDL is a great resource for educators and counselors.

Internet Archive Text Archive
Over five million books and other items from over 1500 curated collections.
Site has a user forum available for any troubleshooting needs.

National Academies Press
Over 700 free texts available to read online. Create a free account first. Read more about it on this library blog post:

Open Library
This is an initiative of the Internet Archive.

Perseus Digital Library
A Tufts University initiative supporting the study of the Classical world. The Greek and Roman collection is the most popular but the site also provides access to materials from Arabic, Germanic, Renaissance, and 19th century American collections.

Project Gutenberg
Over 33,000 free e-books are available for download at Project Gutenberg. These are e-books published before the 20th century and are free because their U.S. copyrights have expired.

Smithsonian Digital Library
Online books and selected serials from the Smithsonian. Content is available on all eReaders.

Universal Library Project
Pioneered by Carnegie Mellon University staff and supported by the Indian, Chinese and Egyptian governments. A multilingual collection of scanned volumes.
Note: Quality of scanned documents is uneven in some cases.

University of Michigan: Digital Collections
List of all digital collections maintained by the University of Michigan. This includes the Digital General Collection- 30 000+ scanned volumes from the University's general collection- and various text and art archives spanning multiple subject areas.

Note: Some of the collections are only available to University of Michigan students.