Bedside Table

You wander over to the part of the cabin serving as small bedroom. There is a bed with a cozy looking quilt thrown across it and a beside table with a lamp and several books of crossword puzzles. Mary must really like her puzzles. Hanging on the wall next to the table is a framed crossword. At first glance it appears to be unfilled in, but as you look closer you notice that the text that was filled into the boxes was just erased. That's odd. Looking closer, it appears that the first letter of each answer had been written in red originally. Maybe there's something important about this puzzle? You grab a pencil and set out to solve it.

Crossword Tip: Click on the puzzle to see it at full size. This is a fillable PDF, so you can download the crossword puzzle and fill it in on your device, you can print it off or you may just write out your answers on a sheet of paper.

Snowed In crossword-fillable.pdf