Improve your study skills TODAY!

Investing a bit of time to learn how to most effectively study can save you time in the long run AND help you achieve to your potential.

  • To use this site, work through the 43 units on the home page to discover techniques to assist you to learn more efficiently and effectively. This will help you become a better learner, improve your academic results and achieve your personal best at school and beyond.

  • You always LOGIN to the site with the SCHOOL username and password, but then you always SAVE your QUIZZES and modules with the personal TRACKING SYSTEM username and password that you (or the school) sets up.

  • Before completion certificates are issued, all MODULE answers are checked (and your teacher can also click on the PDFs at any time in the tracking system) so if you don't want to have to re-do these don't leave scenarios blank or enter silly answers!

  • The easiest way to find Term Planners etc. is click on THINGS TO PRINT at the top of the home page and then scroll to the bottom of the page for the alphabetical list.

  • Login to the Study Skills Handbook here.

St. Peter's students' login: Username: stpeters Password: 84success