Year 12 2023


Year 12 Graduation Video

Click here to view both of these videos.

Click here to view both of these videos.

Hymn Practice

With the graduation mass fast approaching and the Year 12 BIG brothers' time with their little brothers running out, it was time to pass the singing baton.


Big Brother-Little Brother III

We are nearing the end of the time of formal mentoring sessions between Year 7 and Year 12. The focus of these guided conversations were relationships - most notably what we can learn from each one, no matter how close or how distant the relationship is. Some boys decided to talk it out 1-1, and others took the group approach in a wholesome session.

Australian All Schools Golf Championship

SPCC's favourite golfer has been progressing through the ranks of the pathway system and has certainly teed up quite the achievement. Jedd has been delicately balancing HSC studies, a major work and golf representation commitments and doing amazingly, representing NSW at the Australian All Schools Golf Championship where NSW beat all comers!


Peninsula Cup Champions

It what will no doubt be one the great wins in the boys' memories, St Paul's triumped over NBCS in Curl Curl to take out the Peninsula Cup Soccer Grand Final. The match was fiercely competitive but played good spirit (it was more the crowds on opposite sides of the field that were getting heated). A 2-1 scoreline a fitting result for a great team.


House Futsal Competition - the Delaney factor

Football runs in their blood, and that's often what they are prepared to give just to score a goal or get their team over the line. The Delaneys did Gilroy proud in this year's competition - even though Gilroy didn't get up as they had hoped. 


Keep A Look Out For - a Northern Beaches' Council initiative to establish an advisory group on all things youth-related in the area. We were fortunate enough to have two guest presenters come and speak to the boys about what KALOF does, how to get involved with their events, and also how to join the team - if the boys wanted to.


Big Brother-Little Brother II

It's nearing the halfway point in the year for Year 7. It's a good time for the young 'uns to stop, breath, process what's been, set some goals for the year ahead and speak with their  Big Brother about the ups, downs and in-betweens of high school. There are a few better ways to do this than to have a snag and drink together.

Mother's Day Morning Tea

Year 12 is steeped in fulfilling traditions, and this is one of our favourite ones at St Paul's. As close as we can to Mother's Day, we hold a Mass at St Mary's followed by a morning tea back at the College as a way for the boys to say thanks to their Mums for their support (and patience) during Year 12. The photos of all the grins speak for themselves.


The Larcos effect

Every Christmas and every Easter the staff at St Paul's are just that little more chipper. The Larcos family has generously assembled a hamper of assorted delicious dilectables for the staff to enjoy. Harry obviously has his wonderful Mum to thank, but he always wrote us a nice card too. Thank you so very much!

Captains at work

There's no shortage of events that our captains attend as ambassadors of St Paul's. Finn and Josh have been regularly attending the council's Youth Ambassador meetings with Zali Steggall and other leaders from schools in the area, but the boys also gave up a significant part of their public holiday to be at Manly's commemorative service with Mr Reid.

Ash Wednesday and Project Compassion

Lent, as always begin with Ash Wednesday, and a touching liturgy facilitated by Mr Callow. But this year lent had a different spin on it as part of the fundraising initiative was Year 12 assembling an Easter egg hamper - or hampers. The money raised goes toward the people who need it most, but with the added benefit of SPCC boys sharing some chocolate.

Swimming Carnival

The final swimming carnival for Year 12. The boys, as always, got in the spirit of dressing up to support their house, entering every race they could and enjoy their last ever swim carnival. The winner? Gilroy.


Hospitality service

Often our unsung heroes, the VET Hospitality class is always on deck for most majaor functions of the College to make sure they are not only meeting their service requirements and honing their skills, but also doing a great job as representatives of St Paul's - service with a smile as always.

Athletics Carnival

It's the last Athletics Carnival ever (well, until the boys one day show up to support their kids and their own carnivals). The boys had a great day, dressed to impress and most importantly Bourke house broke through for a win.


Little Brother-Big Brother I

The Year 7-Year 12 mentoring program got underway with a re-introduction session. It was guided conversation giving the Little Brothers the chance to voice their concerns about the year ahead, but also to receive some guidance about the opportunities that lay at their feet in 2023.

Head Above Water swim

An awesome initiative. From the boys' fundraising page:
"We are participating in the head above water 24 hour swimathon to support mental fitness on the Northern Beaches. The money we raise will go towards programs, workshops and initiatives that are, and will continue to take place in our community. We plan all of this with our partners at Gotcha4Life."
The St Paul's Head Above Water team raised an impressive $7,655 in the lead up to the weekend's marathon swim effort for Mental Health on the Northern Beaches. 

St Keiran's Youth Mass

St Keiran's Parish has been inviting the leaders from the local high schools (St Paul's, Stella Maris and St Augustine's) to attend their youth mass on the first sunday of each month. It's a great opportunity for the leaders, and others who might like to attend, to celebrate mass together and have a snag and a chat afterwards.

Welcome Mass

The annual celebratory Welcome Mass held at St Mary's in Manly. This was the boys last welcome mass, and they set the standard for reverence and choir vocals!


Year 12 Retreat

Whilst the retreat was held in 2022, it was thought more suited to sit here in the early months of 2023. The retreat is always cited as the boys most treasured experiences, and this year was no different. Camp Kedron hosted the boys, and a massive shout out to Mr Callow for his excellent facilitation of the retreat. It follows a reliable formula, one the boys year coordination once experienced himself - a focus on the past on day 1, the present on day 2, and the future on their last day. 

Year 12 Jerseys

The much anticipated and highly sought after Year 12 jerseys arrived and the boys got into their kit and proudly sported their voted design. Looking good boys!