Subjects Taught
B.Sc.(H) Mathematics, III year: Linear Programming and Game Theory, Number Theory and Practicals of Complex Analysis in Mathematica.
B.Sc.(H) Mathematics, I year: Practicals of Differential Equations and Calculus, Semester 1.
B.Sc.(H) Mathematics, II year: LATEX and HTML (SEC) in Semester III (Theory and Practicals), Practicals of Multivariate Calculus, Semester III, Practicals of Computer Algebra Systems (SEC).
Generic Elective: Linear Algebra in Semester II, Differential Equations including practicals in Semester III, Numerical Methods in Semester IV.
B.Sc.(Phy. Sci.): Calculus and Geometry in Semester II and Numerical Methods in Semester VI, Elementary Linear Algebra in Semester II, Calculus in Semester I.
B.A.(Prog): Computer Algebra Systems in Semester III, Statistical Software: R in Semester V and Transportation and Network Flow Problems in Semester VI, Analytic Geometry and Applied Algebra in Semester III.