Future Plans

Teachers develop the mood and tone of the class room. I will organise Positive classroom cultures that

invite authentic learning which in turn will lead to more opportunities for students n help students connect

positively with content, their peers, and their teachers .

Being a college teacher I will implement the five phases to the process: discovery, interpretation, ideation,

experimentation, and evolution in my class room. Finally I will invite Entrepreneurs And Innovators in my

Classroom n provide students with the opportunity to think deeply, ask critical questions and apply

creative ways to solve problems.

As a teachers I will provide activities that best engage, inspire and sustains students' love for learning n

are more likely to put in their best efforts, enjoy the process and find positive results.

I want to be a teacher to contribute towards the growth of the student and college community. As an

individual, I would forward the beliefs and vision set up in me by my educationalists. I would focus on

giving holistic education to the future generations that goes beyond the borders of academic excellence.

Further, as an NCC-C –Certificate holder, I would encourage my students to voluntarily enroll in NCC

programmes as to meet the routine and emergency needs of the country. Lastly, I would focus on

academic as well as extra-curricular activities of the students so that they are well placed and are an asset

to the society and I would also encourage the youngsters to engage more in Research work n help in

nation building.

As learning is a never ending process.

I shall always try to be well versed and updated with the upcoming latest technologies and new ventures

in the field of education.

I would encourage each individual to explore their desireness of participation in the newer vistas. Next I

would infuse creativity, intellectuality, culturalism in both the student and college community and give

them a socio-political growth.

I shall try to take the Department and the college to a newer heights.