Action Taken Report

Feedback Mechanism: IQAC has developed a robust and dynamic mechanism under its Feedback Monitoring System that continuously captures the feedback from different stakeholders such as students, parents, alumni, employers and teachers. Feedback is obtained through Google forms, accessible from the college website available in the public domain. However, different stakeholders have different aspects. Thus, specific feedback forms are designed for each stakeholder. For instance, the students' feedback covers various concepts of teaching-learning process such as delivery and clarity of theoretical concepts, explanation of practical concepts, learning and problem-solving methodologies, completion of syllabus on time, regularity, punctuality, soft skills, assignments, etc. It also captures the infrastructural aspects of the College in terms of facilities available for students that include laboratory, library, sports, canteen, classrooms, Wi-Fi, internet, ICT and infrastructure. Similarly, forms designed for parents focus on the overall development of their wards, learning outcomes, placement services, financial assistance, grievances redressals, counseling and guidance. Furthermore, the opinion of Alumni has been gathered through alumni feedback forms that capture their experiences regarding overall teaching-learning and evaluation system, college services, resources and facilities. Feedback forms meant for employers capture the experiences of esteemed organizations that visited the College for placement. It provides insight in terms of our student’s response, their communication skills, domain knowledge etc. Teacher’s feedback forms assess the various aspects of College with respect to their professional growth and development and academic, ICT and research infrastructure available in the.

Analysis of student feedback survey

The college conducted a student feedback survey for each academic year. The following observations were made from the feedback during last academic year. A huge majority of the students who participated in the survey, that is, roughly 68%, agreed that all the subject components were covered in class during the academic sessions, while around 19% were neutral and only around 13% expressed dissatisfaction. Approximately 66% students expressed their agreement that theoretical concepts were properly delivered in class, while close to 62% agreed that subjective concepts were practically illustrated. Disagreement was expressed by 13% and 16% of students in these parameters respectively. Around 21% and 22% students remained neutral on each of these parameters respectively. Regarding the timely clearing of doubts and subject problems in class, nearly 66% students expressed satisfaction and 14% expressed dissatisfaction, while around 10% were neutral. Close to 64% of students assented that class discussions by faculty members help to motivate and enhance critical thinking, around 15% disagreed and 21% remained neutral. Around 67% expressed full satisfaction with the methodology and fairness of academic evaluation conducted during the academic year, while approximately 13% showed dissatisfaction and 20% remained neutral. Similarly, close to 63% students agreed that best practices were employed by teachers to make online teaching as effective as possible. Around 17% students disagreed on this parameter and 20% were neutral. Largely, it was observed that the majority of students expressed satisfaction in most criteria to assess faculty performance for the academic year. The following observations emerged from student feedback on library and administrative services: Around 70% students expressed their overall satisfaction with all parameters of laboratory services and between 13-15% expressed dissatisfaction, close to 80% students expressed their agreement to the college library being up to date and resourceful while between 6-8% disagreed, and approximately 60% students were satisfied with the office services while between 19-23% were dissatisfied.

Actions taken

DBC takes all necessary action to fill the gaps that emerge in the student feedback surveys. The following is a report of action taken by the institution in the academic:

1. The college conducts an annual, department-wise Academic Audit, the format of which caters to all AQAR audit requirements. As part of this, departments are asked to make necessary changes based on the student feedback survey. Departments make an effort to analyze and assess the reasons for student dissatisfaction in said areas.

2. The mentor-mentee program of the college ensures that individual faculty members talk to their student-mentees and identify student grievances individually.

3. The IQAC has regular interactions with department Teachers-in-charge, who then convey the feedback to their department members, so as to ensure that necessary feedback is received and action is taken by the department.

4. The IQAC also makes recommendations to the college Principal based on student feedback surveys. The Principal, through the Staff Council, ensures that necessary change is implemented to improve in select areas.

5. Administrative Audit is also held for student related services so that student dissatisfaction in any matter related to college services may be addressed.