5th Six Weeks

2nd Grade Math Resources for families

Unit 8: Time

Read and write time to the nearest one-minute increment using analog and digital clocks and distinguish between a.m. and p.m

  • Tell time on an analog clock. Which hand shows the minutes, hours? Read the time on an analog clock. Write the time as it would appear on a digital clock.
  • Estimate how long it takes to complete household chores or routines.
  • Give your child times and ask them to draw a clock and the hands on the clock or manipulate the hands on a toy clock to show the time. Ask them to write the time.
  • Set particular routines such as bedtime, dinner, or homework time so your child can notice and tell time.For example, challenge your child to consider what time it will be at the end of his one-hour sports practice or half-hour TV show.

Analog Clock

Digital Clock

Telling Time Game

Unit 9: Linear Measurement

Determine the length of an object to the nearest marked unit using rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, or measuring tapes

  • Measure a variety of objects in your household to the nearest inch, foot etc.
  • Have your child look at an object, estimate the length of the object and then measure to see if their estimate was reasonable.
  • Compare the lengths of the measurements and find the difference between the two.