of Da Vinci Science
D&D Club

Increase togetherness and teamwork
Wednesdays from 3:45pm - 4:45pm in
Brooke' Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Brooke Allyn
Student Leader Email:
Do You Care? Club

The mission of this club is to provide students with opportunities to help those in need. The club has partnered with non profit organizations that need student volunteers. Students will be able to earn service hours by helping the underserved communities.
Thursdays during lunch in
Sandoval's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Jovanie Sandoval
Student Leader Email:
Table Tennis Association of DaVinci Science

At this club, we aim to be a place where people can practice a skill or just have some fun. Members can learn new skills, cultivate old ones, or just hang out if they need a place to do so.
Tuesdays during lunch 12:40pm - 1:10pm in the Humanities Hub
Name of Advisor:
Julie Ichiroku
Student Leader Email:
Folklórico Dance Club
Club members will get a chance to learn different dances from their heritage, have opportunities to grow with their peers and become more confident within themselves.
Tuesdays during lunch in
Magaña’s Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Erika Magana
Student Leader Email:
Society of Women Engineers ( SWE )
Join the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) for a female empowering club. We will spend time discussing future outreach events, plans, and connections with collegiate SWE chapters. This is a great opportunity to get exposure to STEM and build long-lasting friendships!
Wednesdays during Seminar in
Mrs. Taube's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Jamie Taube
Student Leader Email:
Creative Writing Club
Creative Writing Club is a place to learn more about all types of creative writing, work on or create your own pieces, get help from peers, and talk about your favorite books
Mondays on Odd Weeks 4:00pm - 5:00pm in
Ms. Cha's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Wendy Cha
Student Leader Email:
Jam Club

The purpose of our club is to make a space for students to play and make music together. For advanced players we will be jamming and for newer we will be teaching. We hope that this club creates a space for students to play and learn music together.
Every Other Wednesday 4:05pm - 5:00pm in the Science Hub
Name of Advisor:
Brooke Allyn
Student Leader Email:
Krazy Craft Club

We strive to combine great projects of cardboard and arts and crafts creation, with the creativity and freedom to thrive and explore new ideas. We rally together with our teamwork and hard work to create better projects for the school and or other passions or purposes.
Wednesdays During Lunch Outside the Concrete Benches & Fridays from 2:25pm - 3:30pm in the Forum
Name Of Advisor:
Sra. Hernández
Student Leader Email:
The Filipino Club

We aim to inform club members of Filipino heritage where culture, cuisine, music, and dialect are taught and valued. We hope to create a friendly, engaging, and safe community for anyone to join!
Every Other Friday During Lunch in
Frank's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Frank Divinagracia
Student Leader Email:
Soft Skills Theatre Club
This club is meant to build important practical skills (like sociality, confidence, changing perspectives, and conveying whatever you're trying to express better) that you can apply to any facet of your life! These soft skills will come through discussion activities, presentations on topics of your choice, learning about techniques in every form of art media, etc.
Fridays from 2:30pm - 3:30pm in
Ali's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Ali Landeros
Student Leader Email:
Politics and Debate Club
The purpose of our club, Debate and Politics, is to facilitate open and respectful discussions on controversial political topics, encouraging participants to explore and understand both sides of the issues in order to promote informed and empathetic dialogue among students. We hope that by participating, students will gain a deeper understanding of diverse perspectives and enhance their critical thinking and communication skills in the realm of politics.
Thursdays from 4:00pm - 5:00pm Every 3 Weeks in Ali's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Ali Landeros
Student Leader Email:
We want to show people’s culture through traditions and food. We want to bring awareness and light to the awesome Asian Culture.
Odd week Wednesdays during lunch
Ichiroku's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Julie Ichiroku
Student Leader Email:
Latinos Unidos

Latinos Unidos is the club to talk about all Hispanic cultures in unity. You don't have to be Hispanic to learn about all these cultures. We will be having many discussions, learning opportunities, and potlucks!
Wednesdays from 4:00pm - 5:00pm in
Brooke's Classroom
Name Of Advisor:
Student Leader Email:

The purpose of Interact is to help our community through volunteering, and improve our leadership skills. Through our motto "Service Above Self", we strive to be selfless and make a difference in our community.
Every Other Wednesday during lunch in
Creencia's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Alex Creencia
Student Leader Email:
National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)

Our vision is to increase the number of culturally responsible Black students interested in STEM who can excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community.
Thursdays during lunch in
Sra. Sy's Class
Name of Advisor:
Amy Sy
Student Leader Email:
Super Smash Bros. Club
We are here to get people playing smash brothers more frequently. We accept all skill levels and will teach anyone who want to!
Thursdays from 4:00pm - 5:00pm in
Jeremy's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Jeremy Wong
Student Leader Email:
Shakespeare and Acting
Enjoy reading and acting out famous Shakespeare writings from the saddest tragedy to a great comedy
Wednesdays During Lunch in
Mr. K's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Sam Kurczek
Student Leader Email:
Chess Club
To give students an opportunity to play organized chess
Wednesdays 4:00pm - 5:00pm in
Creencia's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Alex Creencia
Student Leader Email:
College Club

Our club is to help people expand their knowledge about colleges or universities. Many students want to proceed into college after high school and college club is here to show you many options as to where you could possibly go. Each meeting we will inform you on a different college and what they specialize in as well as other courses the school offers. We are here to help you make you best choice when it comes to where you go next!
Thursdays During Lunch in
Sra. Hernández' Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Sra. Hernández
Student Leader Email:
Pokemon Club

Pokemon Club is a club for those that are interested in pokemon battling in the main video games or in the trading card game through in-person lessons and battles. Our goal is to grow a pokemon community in Da Vinci Science and provide a space where new and experienced trainers alike can learn, grow, and have fun.
Every Other Mondays During Lunch
in Mr. Sandoval's Class
Name of Advisor:
Ariana Gamboa
Student Leader Email:
Help for the Homeless

By providing aid to the local homeless population, we will serve the community. To do this, we will assemble care packages containing essential items that the homeless may require, such as soap, socks, shoes, and clothing that we collect through donations or other sources.
Once Every Three Weeks after school from 4:00pm - 5:00pm in Mitchell's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Justin Mitchell
Student Leader Email:
Da Vinci Con
Our mission is to bring the students of Da Vinci together through a shared love and interest of comic characters and storylines. We want to provide a safe space to unwind from school and have debates and discussions about these fun topics!
Thursdays During Lunch in
Lodhy's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Schehrezade Lodhy
Student Leader Email:
Biomedical Association
A club uniting the community of students interested in anything related to bio or the medical field through activities, conversations, and much more!
Even Mondays from 4:00pm-5:00pm
in Jeremy's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Jeremy Wong
Student Leader Email:
Computer Science Club
Our mission is to teach people how to code, starting from any skill level. At a higher level, we will also provide recourses for finding coding related internship opportunities, competitions, college classes, and anything else to pursue coding further.
Every Months on Tuesdays from 4:00pm - 5:00pm in the Math Hub
Name of Advisor:
Jovanie Sandoval
Student Leader Email:
GSA - Gender and Sexuality Alliance

Affiliated with the California GSA Network, DVS GSA provides 2SLGBTQ+ students and allies a space to express themselves where they might not otherwise be heard. Students who choose to be a part of the Logistics Committee meeting after school will be helping our GSA plan exciting events, whereas students who instead wish to socialize are welcome to our Social Committee's fun activities during lunchtime.
Logistics: every other Wednesdays from 4:00pm - 5:00pm in
Justin's Classroom
Social: every other Wednesdays during lunch in Ali's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Ali Landeros & Justin Mitchell
Student Leader Email:
Multi-cultural Student Union

Our club's goal is to bring together, unite, and celebrate different cultures within our school. We will meet as a club and educate each other on multiple cultures by discussing different topics at every meeting, as well as sharing our own experiences and becoming closer to each other by doing so. We will shed light on issues within our communities, and have insightful conversations. Come learn, discuss, and have fun! Join MSCU!
Every Other Wednesdays During Lunch in
McBee's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Elena McBee
Student Leader Email:
Key Club
Key Club does NOT make keys, but we DO give you the keys to success by building leadership and communication skills through community service. Make a change in the world, meet amazing people, make new connections, and help your community. Join Key Club!
Every Other Mondays from 4:00pm - 5:00pm in Frank's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Frank Divinagrcia
Student Leader Email:
Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (M.E.Ch.A)

MEChA is a student organization that believes that political involvement and education are fundamental in changing society and the Chicano community's place within society. In meetings, we will be discussing Chicano issues as well as sharing, teaching, discussing, and promoting our history and culture. The MEChA club will be a place where Chicano students can support each other academically, emotionally, and socially.
Every Other Thursdays During Lunch in Sandoval's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Ariana Gamboa
Student Leader Email:
Ultimate Frisbee Club

The Ultimate Frisbee Club provides opportunities for students of all skill levels to learn throwing and catching techniques, build camaraderie, and play friendly games together (frisbees and bibs provided), with the goal of having fun while continuing the tradition of this sport at our school.
Wednesdays from 4:00pm - 6:00pm at
Del Aire Park
Name of Advisor:
Andrew McGregor
Student Leader Email:
Surf Club

Our mission is to promote the sport of surfing and its culture by providing opportunities for students to learn and improve their surfing skills while fostering a sense of community and respect for the ocean.
Thursday During Lunch Time Every 3 Weeks in Galileo Room
Name of Advisor:
Ray Perez
Student Leader Email:
Black Student Union

BSU is a place for black students within DVS to come together and educate themselves on different aspects of black culture.
Mondays from 4:00pm - 5:00pm in
Ichiroku's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Julie Ichiroku
Student Leader Email:
Bright Life

Our goal is to grow our faith, build a community in Christ, and show God's love to others at DVS as a bright light!
Wednesdays During Lucnh in the Backyard
Name of Advisor:
Andrew McGregor
Student Leader Email:
American Red Cross Club

The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors .
Every Other Mondays During Lunch in
Besina's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Jay Besina
Student Leader Email:
Philosophy Club

Philosophy Club, where we dive into the mind-bending questions of life, the universe, and everything in between. It's not just about ancient thinkers or books it's where we ask the questions that need answering. Come think with us!
Thursdays from 4:00pm - 4:45pm in
Wimer's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Travis Wimer
Student Leader Email:
DVS Football Club
Our goal is to plan out Football games every other week minus the tackling more of two-hand touch or flags at Del Aire Park on either weekends or the end of Fridays. Meetings we’ll be every other week as well giving details for the games and when they will be happening, and our overall goal is for people to have fun! (equipment will be provided by club leaders)
Every Other Friday During Lunch in
Eno's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Steven Eno
Student Leader Email:
Success Society
To create an atmosphere that promotes success and personal growth, and preparedness for high school and beyond. Our goal is to have a club where students can feel more educated on how to become a better version of themselves every day.
Wednesdays During Lunch in
Mr. K's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Sam Kurczek
Student Leader Email:
Data Science Club
Teach and explore the growing field of Data Science. Compete in competitions as a club.
Wednesdays During Lunch in
Eno's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Steven Eno
Student Leader Email:
Da Vinci Math Club
We want to make math a more accessible resource and inspire those who enjoy math to learn more about it. We'll go over a variety of topics and compete in local competitons!
Fridays after school in Frank's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Frank Divinagracia
Student Leader Email:
Zoo Crew
Animal Exploration activities which include learning about animals, fundraising activities, and volunteer opportunities.
Thursdays During Lunch in
Ms. Beecham's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Danielle Beecham
Student Leader Email:
Running Club
Help people become stronger physically and mentally through the sport of running. I hope to give a time and place for people interested in improving in running
Every Other Thursday
Name of Advisor:
Student Leader Email:
Film Club
To teach film practices and have fun making skits.
Thursday during lunch in the English Hub
Name of Advisor:
Andrea Garcia
Student Leader Email:
Minds of Change
It will be social justice club with an emphasis on mental health
2nd & 4th Wednesday during lunch in Ms. Creencia's Classroom
Name of Advisor:
Alex Creencia
Student Leader Email: