Mrs. Murphy

Hello! I am originally from upstate NY and have migrated down South where this is my 19th year teaching! I have taught mainly fourth grade with a few years in third, a year in fifth, and one in kindergarten! This year I will be teaching second grade. I live in Salisbury with my husband and our kids; Landon (in 6th grade), Layna (in 5th grade), and Lacie (in 1st grade). I'm looking forward to a great year... please don't hesitate to contact me at any time!

Class Schedule

8:10-8:30 Morning Meeting

8:30-8:40 Read Aloud

8:40-9:10 TDR (whole group reading)

9:10-10:00 Enhancements

10:00-11:00 Guided Reading

11:00-11:40 Lunch Rotations

11:40-1:00 Math

1:00-1:20 Break

1:20-1:55 Letterland

1:55-2:15 Writing

2:15-2:50 Social Studies/Science