Miss Martin Reading #1

Term 3

Week 1- Friday Creative Writing

Week 8

By the end of today you must have finished

1. Your Take a Closer Look at Your Eyes assignment on Google Classroom. You all have comments to read

2. Have read with Miss Martin about our Lungs

3. Watched meet the Lungs video Meet the Lungs Video

4. Complete the flow chart diagram with details about how our lungs work.

Fast finishers: Read extra books on Get Epic. You have an extra assigned one

What is the Skeletal System???

Once you have read your article, answer the following questions in your Investigating Book.

Glue the questions into your book and number each one as you answer it.

1. What are two important bones in our body that protect our organs?

2. What is the most important mineral that is stored in our bones?

3. Some bones are made of cartilage, what happens for them to turn into bones?

4. What are the functions of our joints?




Ball and Socket-

Week 6

Sleep Sleuths

Use the slides to read the article

Sleep Sleuths

Goosebumps and Butterflies

Book with Miss Martin

Why do I blush?

Story with Miss Martin