To request sessions and see your daily Advisory Schedule:
Log in using google or classlink
That's it!
Oak Grove High School will be using the scheduling program Flex during Advisory.
This page has all the resources students need for Flex.
*If you need additional help - please contact the Media Center Help Desk
Advisory time is the class period from 9:29-10:04
Mondays - Grizzly Connections with Homeroom teacher
Tuesday -Friday - Remediation OR Non Remediation opportunities (Clubs, Enrichment, Study Hall)
Advisory Period Purpose: To provide all students with weekly remediation opportunities in each class to promote student comprehension and growth. This time will also be used for mandatory completion of missing assignments to ensure students are receiving teacher feedback on missed assignments in a relevant timeframe to ongoing instruction. Students who do not need additional remediation will be offered opportunities to pursue outside interests through a variety of optional enrichment activities. Advisory period aligns with Oak Grove High School’s vision statement to cultivate students committed to excellence, global relevance, and productive citizenship.
Click the OGHS Flex Account Button to:
View your Daily Advisory Assignment
Request a session for any upcoming date
Manage your profile
We want to know what Open Enrichment sessions you would like to see offered at Oak Grove during Advisory. Fill out this form to give your teachers an idea of what Open Enrichment Sessions would be successful.
If you missed the club fair or want to contact a club sponsor here is the list of clubs at OGHS
Common Student Questions & Answers:
Question - How do I open Edficiency?
Log in using google
That's it!
Question: When do student session requests need to be in by?
Sessions will be finalized and emailed out to students at midnight of the following Advisory day.
You can see and request sessions offered up to 2 weeks in advance so you can plan accordingly.
Question: How will I be able to make requests to see teachers during Advisory to get extra help?
Sign into Edficiency
Click on Request Session
Look at My Requests
Look at Weekly Schedule
Thank about which teachers you need to go see
For a specific day, search the session by teacher you need to visit
The session should appear on the right-hand side of the screen
Question: How do I set a request priority level?
Click on the desired session and decide if your need is low or high.
Write a note explaining what you need from the teacher
Ex - Request low if you need a quiet place to work
EX - Request high if you need specific help from teacher
Question: How will I know what clubs/enrichments are offered during Advisory?
All Clubs/Enrichments will be listed under the "Upcoming sessions of Interest" section of Edficiency
Question: I was not requested for remediation and have no club meetings today,,,, where will I be placed?
You will be placed into a familiar teacher's classroom with open seats. You will have a silent study hall within that session
Silent Study Hall
No phones allowed
Students may use earbuds while completing work silently
Question: I dont like my assigned session do I have to go?
Yes - you must go where the Edficiency program placed you. Attendance policies (tardies and skipping) also apply to Advisory time.