Understanding a Lease

What is a lease?

A lease is a legal contract between you and the landlord. If you are looking for short-term rentals you will want to look for a month-to-month lease or an option to sublet an existing lease. Below are a few helpful resources to help you understand how to read a lease.

Apartments.com: “How to Read an Apartment Lease”

Apartment Guide: “Understanding Your Lease Before Signing It”

Apartment List: What is Subletting: An Overview + 10 Sublet Tips for 2023

Here are a few key things your lease or sublease should include: 

The process of finding a rental and signing a lease can feel overwhelming. Take your time, ask for advice from your employer or local contacts, read all documents thoroughly, and do not hesitate to ask clarifying questions or walk away from a situation if it does not feel like the right fit for you.

things to consider

Below are a few helpful tips to consider before you sign a lease.