Overview: Pursuing A Career In Science

Congratulations on your interest in pursuing a career in science! Aisling Zaccarelli, Assistant Director-Science & Health, is the advisor in the Matthews Center who will help you navigate your path to success. Whether you aspire to become a research scientist, engineer, healthcare professional, or any other science-related occupation, this guide will offer valuable insights and tips to help you achieve your goals.


Explore Your Interests:

Begin by identifying your specific interests within the field of science. Science is vast and encompasses various disciplines such as biology, chemistry, physics, environmental science, social science, neuroscience, and more. Reflect on your passions and strengths to determine which area of science aligns best with your goals and values. It's important to know that the Matthews Center can assist you in identifying what your professional goals and values are. 


Major Selection:

Select a science major that aligns with your interests and career goals. Consult with academic advisors, faculty members, alumni, and professionals in the field to gather insights and make an informed decision. You could consider combining your science major with a minor or additional coursework in a complementary field to enhance your skill set and broaden your perspectives.


Academic Excellence:

Maintain a strong academic record throughout your college journey. Science-based careers often require a solid foundation in core subjects such as mathematics, biology, chemistry, and physics. Attend lectures, actively participate in class discussions, seek help when needed, and establish good study habits to excel academically. 


Research Opportunities:

Engage in undergraduate research experiences to gain hands-on laboratory skills, deepen your understanding of scientific methodologies, and build connections with faculty members. Participate in research programs, summer internships, and independent projects that align with your interests. This will not only enhance your knowledge but also make your application stand out when pursuing advanced degrees or employment opportunities. 


Networking and Professional Development:

Network with professionals in your desired field through career fairs, scientific conferences, and guest speaker events. Attend workshops and seminars to develop important skills such as scientific writing, data analysis, and presentation skills. Seek mentorship opportunities with faculty members, alumni, or professionals who can guide you on your career path.


Gain Practical Experience:

Seek internships or summer research positions to gain practical experience in your field of interest. These opportunities provide exposure to real-world scenarios, enable you to work alongside professionals, and enhance your understanding of industry practices. Practical experience will also help you build a strong resume and expand your professional network.


Graduate School Considerations:

If you aspire to pursue an advanced degree, start preparing early. Research graduate programs that align with your career goals and pay attention to their admission requirements. Prepare for standardized tests such as the GRE or MCAT and seek letters of recommendation from faculty members who know you well. Graduate school provides further specialization and opens doors to advanced research, teaching positions, and leadership roles.


Professional Organizations and Publications:

Join professional organizations related to your field of interest, such as the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the American Chemical Society (ACS), or the Society for Neuroscience (SFN). These organizations offer networking opportunities, conferences, and access to scientific journals. Some even provide dedicated programming and opportunities to undergraduate students at a discounted rate. Staying updated with the latest research and trends in your field is essential for professional growth. Find a list of professional organizations here


Career Pathways:

Science offers a very wide range of career possibilities. Consider opportunities in academia, research institutions, government agencies, pharmaceutical companies, healthcare, environmental organizations, financial institutions, technology firms, and more. Attend career counseling sessions, utilize campus career services, and seek guidance from professionals in your field to explore different career options and understand the required qualifications.


Remember, pursuing a career in science requires dedication, perseverance, and a genuine passion for discovery. Embrace opportunities for growth, remain curious, and take advantage of all the opportunities Davidson provides to help you explore different paths