Matthews Center is here to help you turn your academic knowledge into a real-world career with a variety of resources to help you secure graduate degrees, internships, fellowships and jobs. 

Find a plethora of guides to help you polish your resume, give you pointers on how to network, how to assess a job offer, and watch our WildCat Ready Video Series if you're new here.

Find which career adviser in the Matthews Center corresponds with which industry you're interested in including pre-law, arts, tech, business & finance, science, pre-health, education and non-profit. Read guides tailored to each industry. 

Not sure which industry or major you will pursue? Explore these helpful resources to support you on your  career development journey.       


Drop-Ins are exactly like they sound, they're a chance to drop into our offices to ask questions, get guidance, or follow up with your career adviser. you can also schedule an appointment to secure a date & time.

Monday -- 8:30am-5:00pm

Tuesday -- 1:00pm-5:00pm

Wednesday -- 8:30am-5pm

Thursday -- 9:15am-5pm

Friday -- Drop-Ins Closed