Mission & Vision

Our library is the center of intellectual life at Davidson College, a dynamic environment for students, faculty, staff, and the broader community to collaborate, explore, experiment, and grow as researchers, creators, scholars, and informed citizens.

We advance the College’s purpose in developing disciplined and creative minds by providing expertise, space, resources, and services for research, access to, and creation of information. We partner to provide convenient access to services from across the college—including tutoring, pedagogical support, and technology. We foster a welcoming and inclusive learning environment through our collections, outreach, and collaborations, and establish sustainable initiatives and develop anti-racist practices to support dialogue across differences and advance intercultural competence.

Our vision is for the E.H. Little Library to inspire, innovate, partner, and preserve:

  • The library provides spaces, services, and resources to inspire a community of learners engaged in research, scholarship, and creative pursuits. It is a unique organization that fully embodies the college’s purpose to assist students in developing humane instincts and disciplined and creative minds for lives of leadership and service. The physical spaces within the library reflect the ever-changing research, teaching, learning, and wellness needs of our community—offering quiet areas designed for reflection and study, flexible meeting rooms to engage in rich conversations, and open spaces to come together as a community.

  • The College’s public commitment towards racial equity and justice calls us to reimagine spaces, services, pedagogical approaches, and programming initiatives through a DEI lens. Through this ongoing work, the library supports anti-racist learning initiatives, dialogue across differences, and advances intercultural competence.

  • The library is a center for innovation—a centralized place to explore a network of specialized resources and technologies—and find the expertise needed for success across all disciplines. A truly interdisciplinary organization, the library actively engages students and faculty across the College to collaborate, explore, experiment, and grow as researchers, creators, and scholars.

  • The library actively partners with other organizations committed to student and faculty success. In partnership with the Center for Teaching & Learning and Technology & Innovation, the library offers a full suite of support services to enhance the student experience.

  • The library provides thoughtful stewardship and preservation of print and digital records, ensuring the preservation of our past and showcasing of our creative and academic excellence. Library professionals partner with faculty to assess and curate our print and digital resources, and lead initiatives to advance open, inclusive, and equitable access to information.