Synchronous Celebration

Saturday, 4/17

LIVE Star Party via Zoom

We invite you to join us via Zoom for a live star party finale celebration. A preview of scheduled activites and a Zoom link to access the event can be found on this page. Full details and activity files will become available on Saturday morning.

Zoom link to access the live event

To access the live event, use this Zoom link.

In case the link does not work, you can log in using the following meeting information:

Meeting ID: 939 3459 3091

Passcode: DCstars

Planned Activities


  • Scavenger Hunt Bingo

  • Kahoot! Family Trivia

  • Meet and work with other families to complete collaborative tasks


  • The Moon, Mars, and Beyond!

  • Learn about our next planned lunar mission, explore NASA's most recent rover to land on the surface of Mars, and discover what may come next!


  • Weather permitting, we will live-stream a view through the College's telescopes via Zoom. We will use the same Zoom link as the rest of the live event.

Game Documents

The provided links will bring you to the materials needed for the games. However, so we can all play them together, the documents will not become available until we begin each game at the LIVE finale.