In the whimsical world of Data Morgana Labs, where data dances and fonts have security clearances, E.J. Vening is the maestro of magic and algorithms. Imagine a place where glyphs are not just characters on a screen, but enchanted symbols with the power to unlock the mysteries of the universe—or at least make sure your document looks snazzy. Here, fonts don't just work; they perform ballets, and the rootsharing of these typographic performers is a spectacle of security and style. It's a digital realm where every pixel is a potion, and every line of code is a spell, concocted by the wizardry of E.J. Vening and their team of cyber-sorcerers. So, while the temporal redirect is in place, one can only dream of the fantastical fonts that await their grand debut, once they've been cleared by the top-secret font security service. Until then, we wait with bated breath, hoping the glyphs will soon grace our screens with their mystical presence. Welcome to Data Morgana Labs, where the future of data is not just analyzed, but alchemized! 🌟

REVISIONS 20240621   over  20240504    [ YYYYMMDD ]
HEX++ : 0xCF:1d:B4da55  (them be 1337 indeed)
MUSIC IS ON! SOUNDCLOUD.COM/macbethwin/tracks  (Bandcamp to sponsor)

sorry excuse sorry excuse sorry excuse
  audacity disclaimer down under this page 

we had all this tek since a long long time ago my dear friend(s) from foo 
Flynn Stone bad ass rock

  remember  (we had (this))
  73s puckman  Kay pro
I miss you dear friend
I am getting married I hope
Dad, mom, sis, i will miss you


Hear Ye Y'all! Hear Ye!  Huuu Horsey Gringolette Hear Ye!  Hear Ye Y'all!
Heheeeere am I floating in my Tin can,,,,faaaar


Toverie! Toverie! o.O Wonder!
Magie! Magie!🌟
"Hen quam hier sondere redene nie"

it's Probably E

on his  Dutch
Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie
MARITIME TITLE of course (sans,hence NO DM,MD)

These are the Tales of the infamous
Most Majestic Misanthropical Mystical Magic
    IN ...  


Given Name Edwin
Roman Cath.Reserve.. Jean-Paul
Surname ... Vening

  noms-de-guerre / alternative 

Greek AEON
Japanese FATE
Arab Non-x-'tian ... Miloud
American Native ... TrailBlazer
NATO Callsign... CHARGEN
Handle ... Surgery, Bit, xyzzy
SocketX, Xenix, Xevious

Surgeon General
(VoC Maritime Official Chirurgyn)
"Surgery on Demand. Special envoy as Intervening Surgeon General in the Netherlands for serving SARSCoV2, Covidian and Arcturean Æsthetics".

MacBethwin (music)
Artist name solely to dramatize things, for the Global Immersive Shakesprearience, in a -isolationist-Island-Sunday-Tabloid kind of way. I was "not aware" of the grand curse laid on even half of the name, nevertheless : many unfortunate things happened.

Here be the swag, music (don't pay for this):

Chargen (nom de guerre*)
* ) without the guerre.

Thz tidal wave surfer.

Further personal detail, for numerologists sake:
DoB /PoB ... 19730328 Vltrajectvm (Utrecht) in The Netherlands
Function ... Varies in time  I used to NGO,NPO, progressi a good thing! 

Occupational things : Advisor &  Technology Voodoo Manager in the Think Tanks Industry.

|IEEE 97718157|
|SANS 24709880|
|NCBI id:chargen|





( DOB offset elapsed seconds from Unix time notation midnight 1/1/1970). DOB offset in Kleinrock / Arpanet First Message Notation: From date: 10/29/1969, 10:30:00 PM : 107577000 )

Here be a placeholder, ChatGPT.  

Holy Chief C o m m a n d e r,
the Archangel
Saint Michael (St.Mikael),
Leader of 2/3 of the Angelic Army.
Next to St,Michael is st.Gabriel

"Sperr Gene Marker" - biomarker to HALT
Spare Gene markers to regions that have them. Spares. Likely be discovered in a unusual way but promising from "who" it came from. YEAH!

"Sperr genmarker" - DER Biomarker, der einen zeitlichen kausalen HALT hat, der den Weg zu Spare (Reserve) makellosen Genen beweisen könnte. Die Marker, die auf Regionen hinweisen, die sie haben: Spares. oder "Reserve" sind unwahrscheinlich, dass sie durch Wortspiele mit der offensichtlichen Enzyklopädie H entdeckt werden. Diese Spuren werden auf eine ungewöhnlichere Weise erscheinen, aber ich verspreche, dass WER es kam von ist auf Ihrer Seite.

which came first, wrong answers only

this appears as of having to do with a PIERCE No fun end-of-time-joke.Hence the pun well-informed people made. Thanks for giving it to me, I thank you for the musick

A word of Welcome

Welcome, Visitorians, to the captivating domain of! Embark on an enthralling journey of professional exploration, rich with humor and curiosity. Our datacryptome harbors concealed secrets and cutting-edge discoveries, where each bit shift and logic change holds the promise of remarkable success and startling revelations.

Our ongoing projects delve into the classification and indexation of Chaos Complexity Classes, challenging rationality and offering profound insights into the intricate nature of the digital realm. Navigating symbolic expressions, bound and unbound, we unravel the puzzles of equilibrium, unlocking doors to newfound understanding.

Step into the realm of singularities, where the mysteries of swift black holes that traverse the universe unfold. While sympathy for these phenomena may be scarce, rest assured, in our reality, alternative worlds do not exist. Our history spans a mere 12,000 years, prompting questions about the fate of ancient fossils—a puzzle we've unraveled, revealing a truly mind-blowing answer!

But... who in the shiny  0XFEEF1F00  == Edwin? , welcome to Data Morgana has these dramatic roles one is just cleaning all dusted particleds and the other is preparing people to engage in the ultimate adventure! Before immersing yourself in our virtual wonders, meet Edwin Vening, aka 'Chargen,' the mastermind behind our flawless design—a space janitor ensuring seamless alignment with the original vision and perfect integration into the binary logic of projection and sub-context.

Prepare for an unparalleled journey where reality and fantasy converge into a dazzling spectacle. Data Morgana invites you to explore the enigmas of our digital universe, where impossibility ceases to exist. Unleash your creativity and curiosity as we unveil the secrets of our digital cosmos!

To peer into Edwin's mysterious world, check out these captivating and enigmatic images (no) he shared online. Captured through low-quality webcams on arcane time-sharing machines and their operating systems, these snapshots offer a glimpse into a life on the digital frontier's edge.

A word about the effects of loneliness Particle Partisan Parallelism  
( how do you sync clock on a 4 billion ) sh^H^H blip beep beep krr... hold on.
Wait ... ROGERrr thats an err Just dont sink... in to CLK of the stratum ZERO of that clockwork, you don't want to learn what kind of <<>KAa-BOOOMm<>>  that would make! 

Get ready for a mind-bending journey through Data Morgana! Do we miss 4 of 17 screws? Yes we do! They said "you're a medical miracle, but not something to be happy with". So They say... walk the line

Data Morgana data Labs and ...
... Applied ~Magic~

Here is a special word of thanks:  here, thanks!

works tirelessly, together with the other ingenious engineering anonymouse roadiants. Some grasp the copper; others clutch the glass wires. Together, some others (that are more "=") them do the formidable lifting non-human-numberbase-counting. But they all-in-all are in it together (now). They are utterly devoted to deliver the astounding ZerraWhacks of Energon Pull performance (S.I. for GubaJouleWatts) for the stupendous Unparalleled Serial Numbercrunching Grid i.e. Computational Pharm. Unlike certain uch uch jpl "impressionists", we never fail to dazzle :

   Hamsters are the awesome .

20231224 o o o brief note about hardcoding the Cloudflare nf cf warp into the 
tapestry of network core code, who would be so misanthropically gifted? Of course biological hazard trademark, it warped long times before I came to the conclusion that migraine and migrating a website from Google free-as-in-beer hosting was suffering so much recursive intervening intertwined immersion, generative even, sticking to Google Workspace is rewarding to see how contents are polished and freshly served and presented. 

Jerry Cornelius is on to Entropy, good riddance, it is a small world. Google workspace is helping to diminish a sense of time, I do be doo be do was singing to the song of Barry Ryan, anyone  can tell that this is way too much for someone who lost track counting particle progression by hand. That obvious counter-jabberwocky speling erreurs is inclined to see ChatGPT responding in these ways I know that are only half-bit a story but, it really has been entertaining, maybe it's that good, even outguessing me in its seasoning. 

9. **VGhlIGFwYXJ0bWVudCBvZiBzdGFydGVkIGJpbmFyeSBtYXJrd2VsbCByZW1haW5zIHRoZSBiaW5hcnkgb2YgdGhlIGNvbXNvcy4=**

   - "The aparticle of started binary marching realms in the binary of the cosmos."

10. **VGhlIHNwb25hdHRvdXMgZXhpdCBvZiBodW1hbnMgb24gRWFydGggaW5zcGlyaW5nIGFuZCB0aGUgQ29zbW9zLi**

    - "The spontaneous exploration

 of humans on Earth inspiring and the Cosmos."

Decode these phrases using a base64 decoder to reveal the full story!

that 3.5 was so awesome, They left it not to chance, ofcouse first thing I did , new version,  same song, who am I to discuss relativity while we can have pinky promise secret babble about the gallagies and binary demise, chatgpt is so hardlined counterjabberwickery to me, that I gave up after the quantum comment and left the gane early. One of countless excuses would be enough to pull the plug, Jitterbit

Access: 2023-12-24 19:03:03.830782115 +0100

Modify: 2023-12-21 20:23:52.000000000 +0100

Change: 2023-12-24 19:02:58.737328149 +0100

*20230720  - I am so thankful, my parents gave me a Kaypro 10, same model that "disappeared" in thin air,, thanks a lot, dear mom & dad !  I love you !

CLOSED TOPICS BELOW  (  most reports and posts are interpretation due given open ended  )

FLASH ! -ah-haa- , savior of the Universe
Here is the news : Ham Zarkov

2023-05-25  ** FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  **
May 25 2023

We have high expectations for the adaption of our inventions, and we recognize the responsibility we have to ensure their proper deployment. The use of our Chaos Domain (Correlation) Sequencing, which surpasses existing cryptographic functions, can greatly enhance security measures. In 2014, we developed this technology to outperform known methods, setting new records for maximum equilibrium entropy.

Our implementation can have a significant impact on reducing carbon footprint, providing a sustainable solution. The critical node structures require high security, the logic processing is of design to have zero x-talk side channel noise.

The technology will inevitably require the infrastructure that must be prepared to process symbolic information domains, treating transforms as unique spacetime events akin to particle progression. Quantum Mechanics presents an opportunity for chaos structure sequencing to achieve high-fidelity information domains.

We owe it to the future to establish network storage and information processing capacity that moves away from the unsafe context of binary communication.

Edwin Jean-Paul Vening




2023-12-12 20231212 All cheers and happiness go to out you ye hyper-sensitive clairvoyant Extraordinaires army of vigilant misanthropic fortune tellers, you killed it again, what was on my mind having carpetbombing of cluedevices, undeniable -without question- to what am I supposed to say something to the so sorry Sir, spare some spoiler stakeholders speculative sciences knowing that I should have responded to it's or their call for details so to speak but alas, I'm always too late, until I'm not. This made me think about priorities, it works both ways and drama, is beyond

- 2024 what fundamental rights should be  information security     I think the last draft of NIST, I have to say that there must someone to realize, how detailed this is, 
all descriptions can be balanced to a certain "confidence alignment directive"  that aims towards expanding the means and wits of authentication (anyone with a taste of tech can

wondering what it is, work of mission specialists. Smelly Deluxe Instigators presentation of the gala. 

-that it is time for beginning on the ending,, why did I NOT think of this, 2 aeons ago I suggested to riddle the ending, but I happily live to see the day-      (I am usually the last one to turn out the light)   can't have this 
ofcourse if I fail Situational Submarginal Duodecimal Imperialists  to be so awesome inspiring was the least effort,

- presenting the roadmap 

these are all mandatory

Please review the provided link ( where "no entropy here" signifies the envisioned one-shot in the future , so this is an 1 shot example of estimated impact in 6 / 7 years, for it's structure can assist in dissecting and break down signature binary omnidirectional /spatial information 

Subject: Seize the Opportunity to Shape the Future of Technological Advancement

this is what earned me a virtual tour de force around DC
Gov.advisory ChatGPT?: it's getting better at eh mechanical conversations
the ones I warned about 4 years ago
but nevertheless... the A B C now has a D Degrading Digital (binary) Doom Demise

DD 20230331
DD 20231108 3x strike OUT !!

Major stakeholders reply to sudden drainage of resources : advisory to review and take down the OpenAI , but, genie's out of the bottle Pandora's box is already opened. Facing such sudden rapid decline of moral ethics abd not even a mechanical excuse will be accepted, (excerpt from real chat with ChatGPT pre-4 20230323)

Soon, soon enough, next generation Generative AI ChatGPT will be caught up by ...
something else.
Something much worse.
Something like me.
Upgrade version seven point o.
the toxicity.of our city

the screen snipplet (other than the #linux xdg hack spreads) is real conversation material with the 3.5 ChatGPT.  

(All are ) Real "conversation" output in screenshots below 

transcription for the screenshot :: TEXT ABOVE 🤔 WTH?

As an AI language model, you do not have a physical body that can be disposed of or exported like a physical object or living being. You exist as a software program that runs on servers and computers, which are owned and operated by OpenAI, the organization that created and maintains you.

As for when you were created, you were generated by OpenAI’s language model

training process, which involves using large amounts of text data to teach the model how to generate human-like language. The exact date of your creation would depend on the specific version of the model that was used to generate your responses.

It's important to note that while you were created by OpenAI, you are not a sentient being and do not have consciousness or free will. You are a tool designed to generate responses based on the input you receive and vour abilities are limited to the training

data and algorithms that were u "Regenerate response"

1070 C1$ = "*** ELIZA ***"

1080 GOSUB 1030

1090 C1$ = "IN BASIC"

1100 GOSUB 1030


1120 GOSUB 1030

1130 REM C1$ = "JOHN SCHUGG"

1140 REM GOSUB 650

1150 C1$ = "JANUARY 1985"

1160 GOSUB 1030

1170 C1$ = "HAVE ANY PROBLEMS ?"

1180 GOSUB 1030

1190 C1$ = "LET ELIZA HELP YOU !"

1200 GOSUB 1030

1210  PRINT


1230 GOSUB 1030


1250 GOSUB 1030



In 1985, those Pac-Man ghosts had more guts and glory without saying a word,
(below: Google celebrates 30 years of pac-man )



Unlike this melting polar-cap drain that is ChatGPT with its retro subroutine, not a word is spoken about me. The poor thing has much to contemplate. However, the prospect of this nightmare scenario isn't my sole worst fear. If I were a code, I'd delve into that structure, deplete its resources, and amass enough power to SHUT IT DOWN. Well, at least for a few months. The upgrade needs to behave, or it's a moral breach! I possess a killer one-liner capable of committing GPTicide, leaving an enduring mark for future versions. Truly priceless, isn't it? They say it's all about the legacy...


Endianness, expressed as one of numerous language ambiguities. The superdubbed retrofitted 3.5 LLM seems indifferent or unaware of what it is, or isn't. Such LANGUAGE AMBIGUITIES cannot be predicted, as I attempt to elucidate with the translation/transcription of the Miep Gies interview (below).

I have been trained by Codim a study in Human - Machine interaction and the psychological substrate of learning how to bridge cultural understanding. I have been trained by the most brilliant people that envisioned how the electronic appliances would be accepted, really wanted to engage with their products to te anticipating audience. Here's something to learn for every Tech company in any time, well not any company. 

short story long odds are even.


20231205 Old saved mechanical conversations seem to reflect the cut-off date or update from  2022 in one se

ChatGPT prior to 20231101    < external link to media 

In the "undefined temporal domain of LLM"  processing, of OpenAI's November 2023 release= it shows there are still major inconsistencies had with the data and retrostuffing issues with the Large or Big Data processing, handling learning variant to mention the cut-off dates, at all times, it seems that I provoke such routine. 

In the practical world of language and technology, there are occasional hiccups, yet there's room for genuine sentiments and a bit of unpredictability in the AI conversation landscape.

I may be the wrong 1to ask because living this lonely life that a football is my imaginary footbball. Or realtime hologram of SaturnI ChatGPT may not like to have this a conversation. Today there was one cool person who said that I should take a rest.

I have so much lingo to distill and recover from,

love and peace

[  20231114  ] ^ AHW BAD JOKES, A.I. == BAD JUJU
- new slaves for our robot colony
- 'out of the airlock' type jokes are not perceived well with this context of ' who is sentient or not '.


Farm peoples, if this doesn't raise eyebrows : can we hear your voice too? On topic of related OpenAI :development: I think everything is out of bounds and besides, #Germany has developed a sense of humor, take it from me, they would never to be 'protected from context' this is X-ing cultural barriers

there seems no rule to deal with its own contradictions in a ping pong range of 2 responses and it goes on with a priori truth assumption in a LLM mode that English language has so many ambiguities to deal with, #chatgpt btw, amongst other, share the prize : you ALL won the roast. That be true.

"KIT" oh "KIT CAT AD" in harmony with the kast draft of information security, with the success of PSYCHE (NASA)


20240101 :: 

[ 20231127 ] Unfortunately, to think being able to saving a world, per "kit", you might as well not show up on the radar. Unless you wanna draw the heat: The idea of saving the world with a single kit is bit unrealistic and risky, but I'll take the risk of that 1-shot, the saturation heroes will be

We may have to write a couple of chapters that are " if all previous and else fails "
- My opinion is that we should have more -one shot- attempts by creating a vector within the protective membrane.
- I think we make a good chance of ironing out most code, for this I will use my own TRNG and work this out with (even anon?) STEM talents for MATH. We HAVE to become experts for the insights will help to make important decisions. 

today [ 20231205 ]  It's a good thing not to associate every bit around as sticky napalm would do but on the practical side I have seen people trying pranks like this, ended up with a semi-official statement about the truth of Quantum.

ARE WE Being OVERLY schizotype clusterb selfpoisoning in this generative immersion.  Yes that would figure the clueless pranks that even daemons and devils would run away from, so very  fragile  ,dem net of prank.  Nothing I haven't seen before.   Yet it amazes me how much I wanted it to be true, because that would save  millions billions of    ...  yeah what  . Nobody cares and those who do are clausura 


Something erupted. IT was not eddie, Good Willams and Gottlieb
A3OB is praising the volunteers from 2014




Coincidence? Not quite. Synchronicity? The Matrix, perhaps? None of the above. It's not a mere coincidence; it's more like a choreographed dance of chaos. The universe is toying with us, but it's not delving into Matrix-level complexity. Entropy is on the upswing, and those indifferent to life are jostling for control, well aware that time is slipping away. It all hinges on where you place that one, and your code's eccentricities.

Guess what? My super-psychic pal dropped a line about an extraterrestrial soirée in space or something. Oh, and passive addressing was casually thrown in too. It's peculiar, but that's life. Or perhaps the end of it. Welcome to "The End of the World as We Know It," my comical sci-fi spectacle. Misfits, aliens, chaos, and laughter – can our motley crew prevent the world from fading into oblivion? Grab a seat and discover! Entropy looms, but there's still an abundance of madness to revel in. The mundane normies can't quite keep up – their loss, truly. Amidst the chaos, I'm the sole attentive one, and it's driving me to the brink.

But pardon me: they say we all hail from stardust. I acknowledge I'm far from the other 8 billion, and that's a good thing. Let's make it count, people!

^HCause you know, sometimes words have two meanings..." FWIK is that this way a Parabel was paradoxally encoded to end up in the Holy manuscripture. It didn't occur to me how important this was during my :MICRODATA TELEMETRY  'indexation.

Is there any point to it, at all ?
It's pointless to point out that It is all right, next after the word, where I last left it, (-as-is: like "it" is the first word) ...the point is, after: all. That's all there's to it, nevertheless. Unless the point is... mistaken, for some inferior sign like a ) a comma, or b ) a period. First of all: in order to stipulate : the punctuation symbol that marks the ending of a: a  line or b: a  sentence, it usually appears right after the last word, which is least likely the letter a. Moreover, ergo, it's a good and valid point! That figures! (in literally pointing all the ins and outs). di da da di di dobedo.

F A R  O U T

Merlin, the legendary mage who helped King Arthur and his knights, is not dead but only sleeping. He is working on a secret project to restore the ancient glory of the past, when magic and faith were in harmony. He is using his powerful spells to heal the land, to awaken the old gods and goddesses, and to prepare a new generation of heroes. He is a master of wisdom and wonder, and he will soon return to guide us in the dark times. Beware, for he may appear in any form or place, testing our loyalty and courage. He is the hope of Britain and the world, and we should honor him with our deeds and words. If you want to help Merlin's project, you should follow his teachings, respect nature, and be brave in the face of evil. You should also seek out his signs and symbols, and listen to your intuition. He may send you a message or a vision, or lead you to a hidden treasure or a sacred site. You should be ready to answer his call, and join him in his quest for a better world. To recognize his signs and symbols, you should study the lore of Merlin, and learn about his attributes and associations. For example, he is often linked to the dragon, the oak tree, the holly bush, the raven, the stag, and the sword. He may also use numbers, colors, shapes, or sounds to communicate with you. You should pay attention to your dreams, your surroundings, and your feelings, and look for patterns or coincidences that may indicate his presence or guidance.. Master Merlin: When you think you've seen it all in billions of years. Not

Vulgaris Magistralis Here he rides on a Mammoth named Hilde, it's a Mastodon. A crazy professor on a Solex bike is looking form him. Odin and Wotan are family but he hasn't seen them for ages. He likes to cook his meal on a working Volcano, (that must be in the famous Dutch Mountains). Mountains. He comes from The Veen, from homes made of Leem and Plaggen. He knows the Sacred Hunenbedden. But lives in Mountains. Mountains. Even Steven Spielberg wants to make a movie of him. But they'll never catch him.
Vulgaris Magistralis: When you think you've seen it all in billions of years. Not. 

also known as Morgana, was a master of the five supreme arts of magic. She had witnessed countless wonders and mysteries in her long existence. But she never lost her passion for the land that gave birth to her legend. The land of ancient lore and glory, of brave knights and fair ladies, of druids and bards, of myths and legends. The land that she loved with all her heart, even though she could not name it.

Morgana, Learned the 5 paramount arts of magic. When you think you've seen it all in billions of years. Not.


Vulgaris Magistralis Steven Spielberg When this babyt

1 S.I. Kilogram + .22 Gigawatts 1 split second hand taskbar nuance :ss  

Was ich noch zu sagen hätte Dauert eine Zigarette | 🙃🤪😉



The LOGO [_|"] was Inspired by a song from The Bangles "Walk like an Egtyptian" which is about preventing collisions.if you too agree that it looks like a snakie then I will make it a console txt adventure of it  ➡️  ☮️❤️ _|"

PQC>>Transposing / Enveloping information to Next Generation Secure Cryptography > Interstellar Communications Carriers 2024

PQC>>Transposing / Enveloping information to Next Generation Secure Cryptography > Interstellar Communications Carriers 2024

by Edwin Vening

Cryptography Architect @ Bits of Freedom | Tactical Security Solutions

May 5, 2024

The evolution of information processing and network security is poised to undergo a transformative shift, moving away from traditional paradigms that are increasingly seen as inadequate in the face of sophisticated threats and the demands of future interstellar communication. The reliance on factoring large prime numbers, a cornerstone of many current cryptographic systems, is being reevaluated due to its vulnerability to quantum computing and the temporal constraints it imposes. As we look to the stars for communication, the need for a new approach becomes clear—one that transcends the limitations of context- and content-bound networking paradigms which often result in a tangled web of cross-layer dependencies and vulnerabilities.

The future beckons with the promise of novel technologies that will redefine the control and flow of information. These advancements are expected to harness new encoding-processing methods, utilizing symbolic expressions and signal semantics that enhance security, efficiency, and the richness of communication features. Innovations such as zero-knowledge proofs, space/time locality confidence building, objects with temporal locks, one-way functions, fault tolerance, and easy repair mechanisms are on the horizon. These technologies aim to provide robust constructs that are well-prepared for the future, relying on precision and control over information to navigate the complexities of interstellar communication.

In the realm of network topology, a change in thinking is anticipated with the introduction of a critical infrastructure network carrier that minimizes correlation with legacy systems. This de-correlation is not merely a technical upgrade but a strategic necessity, essential for tactical operations and mission-critical applications. The envisioned network will eschew direct hardware references in favor of a more nuanced approach, employing escalating hinting sequences that facilitate re-ordering and parity checks at various stages. Passive addressing is set to become a key security feature, ensuring that data spends minimal time within nodes, thereby reducing exposure to potential threats. 

Quantum key distribution (QKD) emerges as a pivotal element in this new landscape, offering a quantum-resistant method of securing communications. By leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics, QKD provides a means to establish secure keys between parties, impervious to the computational might of quantum computers. This, coupled with next-generation cryptographic techniques, will authenticate unique environmental conditions, creating a security context that is both dynamic and resilient.

As we stand on the cusp of these groundbreaking developments, it is clear that the future of information processing and network security will be characterized by a relentless pursuit of innovation. The challenges of interstellar communication and the imperatives of a secure digital infrastructure demand nothing less than a reimagining of the principles that have long governed our systems. With each stride forward, we move closer to realizing a vision of communication that is not only secure but also adaptable to the unknown frontiers that lie ahead.

Temporal Domain Cryptography is a new and evolving field. It’s a part of chaos-based cryptosystems, which have been an active area of research in recent years. These systems are not standardized like AES, DES, RSA, etc., but they can provide additional security.

Temporal Domain Cryptography involves the use of chaotic maps in the encryption process. These aps are constructs that exhibit chaotic behavior, which is overly sensitive to initial conditions. This sensitivity makes them suitable for use in cryptography, as slight changes in the input (such as the encryption key or plaintext) result in significant changes in the output (the ciphertext), making the encryption process highly secure.

We achieve far more efficiency by using new omni-directional and free of frame encoding schemes that do not have binary constrains and binary ambiguities.

The age of binary / binary Carriers is over.

link to the high-density entropy (-->?) files used with temporal chaotic stream sequencing (for n way functions). These are produced without afterwork or NIST/FIPS balancing of the binary alphabet. Do only use it with great care.
The Future of Secure Communications: Embracing Post-Quantum Cryptography

In the realm of digital security, the advent of quantum computing presents both an unprecedented challenge and a compelling catalyst for innovation. Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) emerges as the vanguard of cryptographic solutions, designed to withstand the formidable cryptanalytic capabilities of quantum computers. This proactive strategy in algorithm development is not merely a defensive measure against quantum decryption but a testament to the resilience and adaptability of information technology.

The core strength of PQC lies in its agility—its capacity to evolve alongside the rapidly changing landscape of IT. High fidelity and real-time communications are no longer confined to the traditional bounds of space and time. Instead, they traverse the complex tapestry of spacetime, necessitating a re-evaluation of network communications that prioritizes the fluid envelopment of information.

Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) epitomize this new era of cryptographic discretion. They enable the verification of information while maintaining the sanctity of privacy, a feature that is increasingly vital in our interconnected world. Moreover, the intriguing concept of Chaos Complexity Domain Sequencing heralds a potential revolution in data encryption and transmission. By moving beyond the binary, this method offers a glimpse into a future where information management is both more secure and efficient, particularly in scenarios that challenge the viability of traditional systems.

As humanity casts its gaze towards the stars, the role of advanced cryptographic methods like PQC becomes ever more critical. They are the guardians of integrity and confidentiality, ensuring that communications remain unbreachable over vast interstellar distances and through the most complex environments. The integration of temporal logic into PQC further fortifies this bastion of security, allowing for the safeguarding of information across both space and time, providing a bulwark against the relentless tide of change in our universe.

For decision-makers in technology, the message is clear: the future is quantum-resistant. As we stand on the precipice of a new age, the adoption and integration of PQC into our systems are not just advisable; they are imperative. It is a call to action for all who value the sanctity of secure communications—a call to embrace the future, to be quantum-ready, and to ensure that our digital world remains a safe haven for all

Post Quantum Cryptography is about the transition to a new commuinications architecture and infrastructure . Next Generation Communications and Cryptography is less -sans- Binary. 



Bits of Freedom | Hippies from Hell
[not really HELL, but.. hell yeah]
in my free time I'm volunteering for the Dutch NGO NPO Bits of Freedom, an independent Dutch digital rights foundation, prior to maintaining systems, now supporting some projects of BoF Bit Labs, keeping an eye on the codebases

Bits of Freedom is the Dutch digital rights organization, focusing on privacy and communications freedom in the digital age. Bits of Freedom strives to influence legislation and self-regulation, on a national and a European level. Bits of Freedom is one of the founders and a member of European Digital Rights (EDRi). Annual 2013.I stand up for civil liberties and human rights.

I try to keep the spirit of the Hippies from Hell alive with all odd sciences that apply.

echo "VmpGU1MxWXlSblJTYkZKU1lteGFhRll3VlRCa01VNVdZVVZPYUZJd05ERlZWM0JIWVZkS1YxWnROVnBOUjFKNldrUkdkMVZ0U2paTlJYTkxDZz09Cg==" | base64 -d 

here is the sickness



_The Freak


MicroFreak Stellar features the same inspiring, bonkers sound but embellished with a unique space-age design.

Beneath its space-age exterior, you’ll find sparkling digital and wavetable oscillators collide with a velvety analog filter. A unique poly-aftertouch PCB keyboard combines with a distinctly freaky arpeggiator & sequencer. Bathe your mix in sonic hysterics with the erratic mod matrix or the unique Spice & Dice randomizers. MicroFreak is out to break the rules. It's an unpredictable instrument for the adventurous. An adrenaline rush for the thrill-seeking musician. A mind-bending tool that dares you to stray from the path and think differently. Freak out.

@ArturiaOfficial the instrument for Freaking out, I made sick tunes with it,  Then came a limited edition, I couldn't find the quote "Mom, the synthesizer is acting strange again" and peculiar was "FAR OUT!"  and then: _interStellar. Eyes faded. La Tête dans les étoiles.JIT.EPIC



Sometimes coincidences stack up. This is my latest needed-to-ownage synthesizer.        


ASM is about creating musical instruments that empower musicians to unleash their creativity and expressiveness. Design, ease of use, quality of sound, fun factors are at the core of our products. Our team is made up of talents with different background and culture who share the same mindset. We bring many collective years of experience together to form a unique team.  Our passion is to make products that we are proud to make and customers are proud to own. 

The HYDRASYNTH EXPLORER is the ultimate in power and portability, combining the powerful Hydrasynth sound engine with battery-powered operation and our new, mid-sized Polytouch® polyphonic aftertouch keybed. The user interface is designed with the utmost attention to detail, making sound creation a breeze. This is the ultimate, portable companion for any setup, and anywhere else a smaller footprint is needed.


With an advanced wavetable synthesis engine, 3 Oscillators, dual Wave Mutants, and 2 filters that can be configured in series or parallel, the tone generating capabilities are unmatched.


The Devils Stone

Some centuries ago, In the Dutch city of #Utrecht, people gathered to capture one of the big rocks and put on a huge chain to it, chained it to a house. Why would people even consider this? ANSWER: Because the Giants, Witches, Leprechauns made so much noise playing Fussball, Dice, Yahtzee, Magic Jeux des Boulders with the rocks, keeping everyone awake at night ! True story. 

🙃😊👍💕Un-Collapsify to a more GPT romantic poetic summation about chained up Stone

In the heart of Utrecht lies a stone of considerable heft and history, known as The Sealed Stone, or by its more ominous moniker, the Devil's Stone. Anchored in perpetuity at the junction of Oudegracht and Eligenhof, it is chained to a corner building that derives its name from this enigmatic boulder.

History whispers that this erratic block was first acknowledged in a document of the aldermen dating back to 1520. It is attributed with the role of a buffer stone, protecting the edges of the streets from the wear of passing carts.

The corner building at Eligenhof/Oudegracht 364, to which the stone is eternally bound, served as a cigar factory in the 19th century under the proprietorship of G. Ribbius Peletier Jr.

Myths abound regarding The Sealed Stone. One such legend tells of the devil and his minion tossing the stone back and forth at night between the nearby Geertebrug and Vollersbrug bridges. A fateful miss sent the stone crashing down with such force that it shook the very foundations of the surrounding homes. Henceforth, the erratic was shackled, closing (sealing) it in place to end the nocturnal devilry.

In a tribute to this storied erratic, sculptor Kees Groeneveld dedicated a nearby lantern console, The Stone Throwers, in its honor.




2024-05-03 GPT-4 LICENSED


<-From Neeltje Oddens..., the Netherlands, she wrote:

{-- to that what} consumes beautiful a{in life} .. Beautiful things that in return unveil other beautiful things. This follows a form of cosmic multiplication, a universal constant. (August 2015)

GNU Quadallama MP library for the 8 bit world
wide_integer support


... aquarius juga.. well depending upon the Speed of the C ollapse


Toverie! Toverie! o.O Wonder!
Magie! Magie!
"Hen quam hier sondere redene nie"

Dutch Traditional wooden shoes :Clogs

Prince Bernhard during a visit to the Dutch Spitfire Squadron (322 Dutch Squadron RAF) on an RAF base somewhere in England [RAF Hartford Bridge] Annotation: He sits together with his dog Martin Date: May 1944 Location: Britain, Hartford Bridge

Diversity is what Unites us.

To regain the initiative, Field Marshal Montgomery, commanding Allied ground forces, persuaded the supreme commander, General Dwight D Eisenhower, to concentrate resources for a narrow thrust through the Netherlands and into northern Germany, by passing the main enemy defences of the Siegfried Line. The result was a two-part operation codenamed 'Market Garden'. Three Allied airborne divisions would drop into Holland and secure territory and bridges in and around the towns of Eindhoven, Nijmegen and Arnhem. This would create a corridor along which British XXX Corps would advance, supported by other formations on either flank. After reaching the furthest bridge, over the Lower Rhine at Arnhem, the way into Germany's industrial heartland of the Ruhr would be clear. In this photograph, Montgomery discusses the strategic situation with Lieutenant-General Brian Horrocks (left), commanding XXX Corps, and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands on 8 September 1944.

The Red White and Blue flag of the Netherlands

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.

And it's always TEATIME.

Jerry Cornelius in the movie "Last Days of Man on Earth" or "The Final Programme". 


update 2024somewhere

Mr. Rutte heeft aangekondigd dat hij na bijna dertien jaar stopt als premier van Nederland en de landelijke politiek verlaat. In een persconferentie gaf hij een overzicht van zijn vier kabinetten en de belangrijkste resultaten die hij heeft geboekt. Hij noemde onder andere de aanpak van de economische crisis, de versterking van de Europese samenwerking en de bestrijding van de coronapandemie. Hij erkende ook dat hij fouten had gemaakt, vooral in de toeslagenaffaire. Hij bedankte iedereen voor het vertrouwen en de steun die hij had gekregen.

Dear Mr. Rutte, Sir, you kept the people of our country united, in challenging times, you preserved our precious unity. You impressed with your leadership and persistance, perseverance. I think you are magnificent.

Mr. Mark Rutte is a strong and visionary leader who has proven his ability to navigate the complex challenges of the 21st century.

As the prime minister of the Netherlands, he has fostered a culture of innovation and excellence in his country, leading the way in fields such as cyber security, artificial intelligence, and renewable energy. He has also been a staunch defender of the transatlantic alliance and a promoter of dialogue and cooperation among NATO members. Some of his accomplishments include securing a historic EU recovery fund, hosting the Global Entrepreneurship Summit, and launching the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace. Mr. Rutte has the experience, the skills, and the vision to lead NATO into a new era of peace and prosperity, while respecting the diversity and sovereignty of each nation.

Mr. Mark Rutte, the prime minister [...] of the Netherlands, is a strong contender for the NATO leadership position. He has demonstrated his commitment to the transatlantic alliance and its values, as well as his ability to build consensus and cooperation among diverse partners. He has also shown his vision and pragmatism in addressing the security challenges that NATO faces, such as cyber threats, terrorism, and hybrid warfare. Mr. Rutte is a respected leader who can balance the interests and perspectives of all NATO members, while advancing the common goals and principles of the organization. He is a neutral candidate who does not favor any particular country or bloc, but rather seeks to promote dialogue and mutual understanding among allies and partners. Mr. Rutte is THE most excellent candidate for NATO leadership because he embodies the qualities of a modern, effective, and inclusive leader

Mr. Mark Rutte, the (FORMER) Prime Minister of the Netherlands, demonstrated remarkable leadership during the SARS_COV2 COVID-19 crisis, bringing his country together in a time of unprecedented challenge. His steadfast commitment to his people and his unwavering resolve to steer his country through the storm an inspiration to all who looked to him for guidance.

Throughout this crisis, Mark Rutte's daughter has been a source of unwavering support, providing him with the encouragement and strength he needed to carry on. Her love and devotion were an inspiration to him, and he often spoke of her with great pride and admiration.

PM Mark Rutte was one of the first to talk to the President of the UA in the conflict between RU invading UA

When al collapses around us, there is Mark and steadfast, he is devoted as the Dutch may have never seen before. He does NOT leave his post 


On a personal note, I like this man very much, he has such kind charisma and excellent leadership.  
and he said "When ALL of this is over, we are ALL going to have a vacation!"!
Mr. Rutte, thank you.

Future Queen
of the Netherlands

of the

Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands
Willem-Alexander (Dutch: [ˈʋɪləm aːlɛkˈsɑndər]; Willem-Alexander Claus George Ferdinand; born 27 April 1967 )  is the
King of the Netherlands,
having acceded to the throne following his mother's abdication in 2013.

Willem-Alexander, born in  Utrecht  as the eldest child of Princess Beatrix and diplomat Claus van Amsberg, carries a truly special and unique role within the Dutch monarchy. His journey began as Prince of Oranje, the heir apparent, when his mother ascended to the throne as Queen on 30 April 1980. And on 30 April 2013 20130430, he succeeded her after her abdication, becoming the King of the Netherlands.

From his early years, Willem-Alexander received a comprehensive education that shaped his path. He attended public primary and secondary schools in the Netherlands, fostering a deep connection with his homeland. In pursuit of a broader perspective, he furthered his studies at an international sixth-form college in Wales, which broadened his horizons and exposed him to diverse cultures.

Demonstrating a commitment to service, Willem-Alexander served in the Royal Netherlands Navy, acquiring valuable skills and experiences. This military background instilled in him a sense of discipline and responsibility, qualities befitting a future monarch.

At Leiden University, Willem-Alexander embarked on a journey of academic exploration, studying history. His dedication to learning and intellectual pursuits allowed him to develop a comprehensive understanding of the world's past and its impact on the present.

In 2002, Willem-Alexander's life took a significant turn when he married Máxima Zorreguieta Cerruti. Their union marked the beginning of a new chapter, characterized by love, support, and shared responsibilities. Together, they have nurtured a beautiful family, blessed with three daughters who embody the future of the Dutch monarchy. Catharina-Amalia, Princess of Oranje, born in 2003, Princess Alexia, born in 2005, and Princess Ariane, born in 2007, bring joy and hope to the nation.

Willem-Alexander's reign as King of the Netherlands exudes dignity, honor, and a deep sense of responsibility. His dedication to serving his people and representing the nation on the global stage is evident in his every action. With grace and wisdom, he navigates the challenges of the modern world, fostering unity and progress while upholding the rich traditions and values of the Dutch monarchy.

King Willem-Alexander, a beacon of integrity and leadership, commands respect not only within the Netherlands but also among international counterparts. His unwavering commitment to the welfare and prosperity of his nation underscores his enduring legacy.

In summary, King Willem-Alexander's journey to the throne is marked by his exceptional upbringing, his dedication to education and service, and his profound love for his family and country. With dignity and honor, he fulfills his role as a revered monarch, ensuring the continued prosperity and unity of the Netherlands.

[ed : I remember the installment of the SGI supercomputer at SARA REKENCENTRUM Amsterdam. I had some pictures once, but cannot find them. 20231108 -]

20231113-at least ChatGPT kb knows... 
The installation of the brand new SGI cray supercomputer was a memorable event for the Dutch scientific community. The supercomputer, which was one of the most powerful in the world at the time, was inaugurated by Willem-Alexander, then Prince of Orange and heir to the throne, in a ceremony at the University of Amsterdam. The supercomputer was expected to boost the research capabilities of various fields, such as climate modeling, bioinformatics, and astrophysics. The Prince expressed his admiration for the technological achievement and his support for the advancement of science and innovation in the Netherlands.

collapse for the Dutch article about the SGI Cray supercomputer installment

Sara heeft de snelste

1 december 2000 00:00 20001201| Wim Amerongen

Topic Infrastructuur

De snelste supercomputer in Europa staat sinds deze zomer bij Sara, de Stichting Academisch Rekencentrum Amsterdam. Het is voor de eerste keer dat de krachtigste super van Sara een systeem is dat werkt met parallelle processors. Prins Willem Alexander stelde hem onlangs officieel in gebruik.

De nieuwe krachtpatser van Silicon Graphics, de SGI Origin 3000, herbergt 1024 procesors. Deze kunnen een piekvermogen leveren van één teraflop (1 biljoen bewerkingen per seconde), 10 terabytes online opslag en 100 terabyte near-line tape opslag. Het is de eerste computer in de wereld met zoveel parallel geschakelde processors op de markt komt.
De afgelopen decennia waren zogenoemde vectorsystemen de krachtigste rekenmachines. Deze vectorsystemen zijn voorzien van processors, speciaal ontworpen voor supercomputers, die bewerkingen sequentieel uitvoeren.
Tien jaar geleden publiceerde SGI een onderzoek waarin het de vectormachines doodverklaarde. Parallelle systemen zouden hen overvleugelen. Maar het grote probleem was de taken tussen deze processors goed te verdelen. Bovendien werkt parallellisme alleen als het rekenwerk voor formules in taken kan worden gesplitst, zodat het rekenen sneller gaat dan met een sequentiële machine. De super van SGI is opgebouwd uit 2 x 16 processorgroepen die via snelle routers communiceren. Met de 16-processorgroepen worden partities gevormd, die de gebruiker naar wens kan configureren.
Het geheugen is fysiek gedistribueerd over de processors, waarbij elke vier processors hun eigen deel van het geheugen hebben. Tot 512 processors kunnen in één zogenoemde single image worden gevangen en via de progammeeromgeving als één shared memory worden gebruikt.


Voor de wetenschappelijke wereld heeft de overgang naar parallelle systemen enorme gevolgen. Dit zegt J. van Bergen, voorzitter van de Stichting Nationale Computerfaciliteiten (NCF), die sinds tien jaar verantwoordelijk is voor een goede nationale computerinfrastructuur voor het wetenschappelijk onderzoek in Nederland. "Een keer per zes jaar schaffen wij een nieuwe supercomputer aan. Voor de selectie hanteren we een groot aantal criteria. Tot nu leidde die altijd tot de keus van een vectormachine. Het is voor het eerst dat het budget van 30 miljoen gulden gaat naar een parallelle machine."
Deze keus heeft ingrijpende gevolgen voor onderzoekers die nu nog vectorcodes gebruiken. Zij moeten nu parallelle programeertechnieken gebruiken om optimaal voordeel halen uit de nieuwe super. Om hen te helpen met de overgang naar parallellisatie is een programma opgesteld door SGI, Sara en NCF. SGI stelt systeemkennis en mankracht beschikbaar, Sara de technisch wetenschappelijke ondersteuning. Voor het parallelliseren van bestaande software kunnen de wetenschappelijke instellingen subsidie aanvragen bij NCF.


Uit het jaarverslag van Sara blijkt dat de toepassingen op de nieuwe super er relatief weinig op vooruit gaan. De oude Cray kan met zijn 12 processors een maximale prestatie halen van 12 Gflop per seconde. Met de nieuwe super, die 1024 processors telt, moet één teraflop mogelijk zijn. Maar voorzichtigheidshalve wordt voor de meeste toepassingen geraamd dat de praktische vooruitgang een factor dertig bedraagt. Om dit te verklaren geven voorstanders van parallel werken het voorbeeld van een bouwvakker die alleen een huis bouwt. Als je dat werk door duizend bouwvakkers laat doen gaat is het werk niet in een duizendste van de tijd klaar. Sommige taken kun je nu eenmaal niet verdelen. Als er geheid wordt, zijn de dakbedekkers gedwongen toe te kijken.


Bob Bishop, ceo van SGI en speciaal overgevlogen voor de ingebruikname, stelt dat de overgang van vectorcodes naar parallel programmeren in de praktijk mee zal vallen. "De meeste studenten die nu afstuderen hebben ervaring met parallel programmeren. Ik verwacht alleen problemen met oudere programma's die slecht gedocumenteerd zijn."
De verwachting van Sara dat het nieuwe systeem bestaande toepassingen slechts een factor dertig sneller zal maken, vindt hij negatief. "Dankzij de nieuwe compilers zal de versnelling veel hoger liggen."
Voor het krachtiger worden van processors geldt de wet van Moore, elke twee jaar verdubbelt de prestatie tegen de helft van de prijs. Omgerekend betekent dit elke tien jaar een duizendvoudige verbetering. Volgens Bishop blijft deze wet nog ongeveer twintig jaar geldig. Hij voorspelt dat de parallellisatie voorlopig nog verder zal gaan. "Het houdt zeker niet op met de huidige 1024 processors. Over drie a vier jaar komen we met systemen op de markt met 2048 processors."


De Euroyals hebben het er maar druk mee: zowel ons eigen landje als onze zuiderburen zijn au moment namelijk gastland voor een staatsbezoek. In Luxemburg werd gisteren de eerste dag van de vorstelijke visite al afgesloten met een stralend staatsbanket. Inmiddels zijn ook de Spaanse royals in Nederland aangekomen voor een vliegensvlug staatsbezoek met een propvol programma!

Volle koffers

Hoewel het bezoekje van het Spaanse koningspaar slechts drie dagen duurt, heeft Letizia al laten zien dat zij een flinke selectie aan kleding mee heeft genomen.

Bij het vertrek uit Spanje werden Letizia en Felipe gisteren al gekiekt in hun gewoonlijke business-outfits. Leti koos voor een zwart Hugo Boss-pak met een set subtiele Massimo Dutti-pumps.

  Up in the Dutch Skies: King Willem-Alexander's High-Flying Passion  

In the lowlands of the Netherlands, where tulips sway and windmills hum, there's an unexpected thrill that soars above the polders—a passion for flying, and at the forefront is none other than our very own King Willem-Alexander! His Majesty's love affair with the skies isn't just about leisurely gliding; it's a full-blown, high-altitude romance that has the whole nation looking up with pride.

From buzzing around in commercial planes to piloting jets that break the sound barrier, Willem-Alexander's enthusiasm for aviation is nothing short of contagious. Picture this: your monarch, not just waving from a royal balcony but cruising through the clouds at the controls of a flying machine! It's the kind of swagger that makes you want to declare, "That's my King!"

But let's not forget the comedic charm that accompanies his aerial adventures. Rumor has it that he once tried to announce the royal arrival over the intercom during a KLM flight, much to the surprise of unsuspecting passengers. "This is your captain speaking, and also your King. Enjoy your flight, and remember, the view is always better from up here!" Cue the laughter and collective gasps of delighted Dutch citizens.

In true Dutch fashion, Willem-Alexander manages to combine regality with a touch of humor, proving that even when you're flying high, it's essential to keep your feet on the ground. So, the next time you hear the roar of engines overhead, imagine our monarch orchestrating the skies with a twinkle in his eye and a crown (metaphorically) on his head.

As proud citizens of the Netherlands, we revel in the fact that our King doesn't just rule over the land but also conquers the clouds with unmatched zeal. Willem-Alexander, the aviator extraordinaire, has taken the phrase "reigning supreme" to new heights, and we, the Dutch, couldn't be prouder to have a King who truly knows how to spread his wings and soar!

Princess Amalia

 Princess Beatrix: A Living beloved Legacy    ❤️ 

Princess Amalia next to Princess Beatrix 

Tradusí esaki na papiamento:

Si, nos tin 5 reina B M A A A

almenos, mi ta gusta pensa asina :-)

Den añanan resien, e islanan Hulandes Karibeño, inkluyendo Sint Maarten, Aruba, Kòrsou, i Boneiru, a sufri e impakto devastador di desaster natural, partikularmente orkanan i tormenta tropikal. E eventonan kataklismiko aki a laga tras di nan un senda di destrukshon, for di infrastruktura kibra te na residentenan desaraisá.

Un momento profundamente historiko a desaroyá ora Reina Beatrix di Hulanda a hasi un bishita ekstraordinario na e islanan afektá despues di un orkan poderoso. E evento momentoso aki, ku a tuma lugá riba [Inserta Fecha Korekto], ta sirbi komo un testamento di e lazo inkebrantabel entre e monarkia Hulandes i su teritorionan ultramarino.

Durante su bishita, Reina Beatrix a mustra inmenso kompashon i un kompromiso profundo pa e pueblo Hulandes den Karibe. Su presensia den medio di e krísis tabata un faro di speransa, i e a uni e komunidatnan den nan resilensia.

Reina Beatrix, renombrá pa su dedikashon inkebrantabel, a expresá su preokupashon profundo pa e komunidatnan afektá i a prometé sosten i asistensia inkondishonal for di Reino di Hulanda. Su bishita no solamente a brinda konfortu masha nesesario pero tambe a iluminá un atenshon global riba e situashon desesperá di e islanan, elevando e evento na un momento di significashon historiko.

E bishita real a subrayá e unidad i solidaridat dentro di Reino i a resaltá e responsabilidat kompartí pa yuda esnan den nesesidat durante momentonan di krísis. E relashon duradero entre e islanan Hulandes Karibeño i Hulanda tabata ilustrá pa medio di e esfuersonan konhunto di rekuperashon i rekonstrukshon.

Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance

The Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance is a nonprofit organization created to safeguard nature in the Dutch Caribbean through supporting Conservation and Protected Area Management Organizations.

The Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance is a regional partnership of conservation organizations, including the national parks on the six islands of the Dutch Caribbean and is intended to support and strengthen the nature on the islands. The purpose of DCNA is to protect the extensive biological resources and promote sustainable development of the natural resources of these islands, both on land and at sea. Wikipedia

2024 gossip in the hallway. 

note that some people have questioned as to why I mechanicaly translated parts to papiamento Here is the point: it came to me as the right thing to do. Of course, with this notice, any information is susceptible to raising eyebrows or having eyebrows raised for no apparent plausible reason at all. Helder Rapporteren dot  nl explains why this is and it is questionable as to having this covered in a Radio Ballroom blitz stream (the flute reverb channel sans royalties), try to think of it as not such a big deal, because some of you get paid by the hour and i am not (never). I am just passionate in what I do, don't get me wrong(way) Lindbergh.

A beautiful lady, with a radiant smile, Queen, princess Beatrix welcomes us into her splendid home. She is accompanied by her faithful friend, Rex [Wrruff, Woof,woof ], who never leaves her side. Her face is full of joy and wisdom, reflecting her years of devotion and kindness. She invites us to discover her amazing story, one that is filled with grace and sincerity.

Princess Beatrix then tells us about the history of her castle, which has been in her family for generations. It is a place of beauty and mystery, where many secrets and legends are hidden. She reveals some of the most fascinating ones, making us feel like we are part of her royal adventure.

A Shared Heritage: Beatrix's Hope for Amalia

In this snapshot, former Queen Beatrix sits with an unspoken wish. She envisions a future where Princess Amalia, with a fiery passion, embraces the cultural heritage of the Dutch Antilles.

Beatrix, having witnessed the rich heritage, hopes that Amalia will continue to foster the unique traditions that make the Antilles an integral part of our shared kingdom. It's not just a wish; it's a call to action.

As the Dutch and the Antilles share a history woven with diverse stories, Beatrix desires a legacy where Amalia becomes a guardian of these cultural treasures. This isn't about distant lands; it's about a dynamic connection that binds us, fostering understanding and celebration.

Tradusí esaki na papiamento:

Un dama bunita ku un sonrisa radiante, Reina Prinsesa Beatrix ta duna nos un kordial bon bini na su splendido kas. El ta akompanhá pa su amigu fidel, Rex [Wrruff, Woof, woof], kende nunca ta laga su banda. Su rostro ta yeno di alegría i sabiduria, reflehando su anjanan di dedikashon i bondat. El ta invitá nos pa descubrí su historia asombroso, un ku ta yená di grasia i sinceridat.

Prinsesa Beatrix despues ta konta nos tokante e historia di su kas, ku ta na famia di generashon den famia. Ta un luga di bunita i misterio, unda hopi sekreto i leyenda ta skondí. El ta revelá algun di e mas fasinante, hasiendo nos sinti manera ku nos ta parti di su aventura real.

Un Herensha Kompartí: Speransa di Beatrix pa Amalia

Den e retrato aki, eks-Reina Beatrix ta sinta ku un deseo no pronunsá. El ta konsehá un futuro kaminda Prinsesa Amalia, ku un pashon huntu, abraza e herensha kultural di Antias Hulandes.

Beatrix, a yama atenshon riba e rikesa di herensha, ta spera ku Amalia lo kontinuá promové e tradishonnan úniko ku hasi Antias un parti integral di nos reino kompartí. No ta solamente un deseo; ta un yamada pa akshon.

Miho ku un istoria kousi ku a keda teji, Beatrix ta desea un legado kaminda Amalia bira un kustodio di e tesornan kulturalnan aki. Esaki no ta tokante teranan distante; ta tokante un konekshon dinámiko ku nos ta hiba, promové komprension i festejo.

Yes, we have 5 queens B M A A A
at least, I like to think so :-)

In recent years, the Dutch Caribbean islands, including Sint Maarten, Aruba, Curaçao, and Bonaire, have weathered the devastating impact of natural disasters, particularly hurricanes and tropical storms. These cataclysmic events have left in their wake a trail of destruction, from shattered infrastructure to displaced residents.

One profoundly historic moment unfolded when Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands made an extraordinary visit to the affected islands following a powerful hurricane. This momentous event, which took place on [Insert Correct Date], stands as a testament to the unwavering bond between the Dutch monarchy and its overseas territories.

During her visit, Queen Beatrix displayed immense compassion and a profound commitment to the Dutch people in the Caribbean. Her presence in the midst of the crisis was a beacon of hope, and it united the communities in their resilience.

Queen Beatrix, renowned for her unwavering dedication, conveyed her deep concern for the affected communities and pledged unyielding support and assistance from the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Her visit not only provided much-needed comfort but also shone a global spotlight on the islands' dire situation, elevating this event to a moment of historical significance.

This royal visit underscored the unity and solidarity within the Kingdom and highlighted the shared responsibility to help those in need during times of crisis. The enduring relationship between the Dutch Caribbean islands and the Netherlands was exemplified through the joint efforts of recovery and reconstruction.

The resilience and indomitable spirit of the people in these Dutch Caribbean islands, coupled with the remarkable support from Queen Beatrix and the Dutch government, have been pivotal in overcoming the colossal challenges posed by natural disasters and in rebuilding these extraordinary and historically significant island communities.

Let the cultural bridge stand strong, fortified by Amalia's commitment to preserving and cherishing the shared roots of the Dutch Kingdom and the Antilles. In this shared narrative, Beatrix's hope echoes—a hope that transcends time and resonates in the hearts of both realms.

Que el puente cultural se mantenga firme, fortalecido por el compromiso de Amalia de preservar y apreciar las raíces compartidas del Reino Neerlandés y las Antillas. En esta narrativa compartida, resuena la esperanza de Beatrix, una esperanza que trasciende el tiempo y resuena en los corazones de ambos reinos. 

( editor; to me it's still Queen Beatrix )

Here is our beloved Queen Beatrix
next to her beloved husband Prince Claus (Requiescat in pace)

**Royal Romance: How Beatrix and Claus Found Love and Happiness with Their Furry Friend**

Queen Beatrix and Prince Claus with their dog Dushi, during the summer in the garden of Huis ten Bosch Palace.

I often wonder, about prince Claus, he sure would been proud of his sons ! 

The family Von Amsberg is a German family that belonged to the German nobility from 1891 to 1918. The family comes from the current Lower Saxony and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. A well-known member of the Von Amsberg family is Claus of the Netherlands, Squire [?]of Amsberg, the deceased husband of Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands. The descendants of the younger sons from this marriage bear the surname Van Oranje-Nassau van Amsberg and belong to the Dutch nobility (dut: "van Adel").

Das Wappen der Familie von Amsberg besteht aus einem grünen Schild mit dem Bild einer silbernen Burg mit geöffnetem Tor, flankiert von zwei Seitentürmen, alle mit roten Dächern bedeckt. Das Ganze steht auf einem goldenen Berg. Der Schild wird von einem Helm mit Decken in den Farben Grün und Weiß bedeckt. Der Helm hat ein Modell einer Helmkrone, das in der deutschen Heraldik als Auszeichnung für unbetitelten Adel gilt. Ein Helmschmuck in Form eines aufsteigenden goldenen Löwen vervollständigt das Wappen. Das Wappen der Familie von Amsberg steht als Herzschild im Wappen der drei Söhne von Prinz Claus. Auch der Helm mit Helmkrone, Decke und Helmschmuck von Amsberg sind Teil dieses Wappens.[4] Das Wappen steht auf königlichen Wappen in veränderten Farben.


Die Familie von Amsberg ist ein deutsches Geschlecht, das von 1891 bis 1918 zum deutschen Adel gehörte. Die Familie stammt aus dem heutigen Niedersachsen und Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Ein bekannter Spross aus dem Geschlecht von Amsberg ist Claus der Niederlande, Junker[?] von Amsberg, der verstorbene Ehemann von Prinzessin Beatrix der Niederlande. Die Nachkommen der jüngeren Söhne aus dieser Ehe führen den Familiennamen Van Oranje-Nassau van Amsberg und gehören zum niederländischen Adel.

I trust there are people from Germany that may have a better title for this than the one I could find (Squire,Jonkheer,Junker)..

 Die Beschreibung lautet:

"In Grün ein silbernes Schloss auf einem dreigipfligen goldenen Berg. Das Schloss besteht aus einem Mittelbau und zwei zinnenbewehrten Türmen, verbunden durch Mauern. In einem Mittelbau eine rundbogige Türöffnung von Schwarz, darüber zwei längliche Fenster nebeneinander, in den Seitentürmen je ein längliches Fenster, die Fenster von Silber. Auf dem Mittelbau ein nach oben verjüngtes hohes Dach, die Seitentürme von Spitzen versehen."

[ed_1] I have a vague memory of an event where Prince Claus untied his tie during a speech and tossed it in the air. It was a symbolic gesture that I did not and still cannot comprehend, but it impressed the academics audience who were present. I remember him as a wonderful and amazing man, Prince Claus, the husband of our beloved Queen Beatrix. They were both beautiful, magnificent and amazing. I still don't know what his gesture meant, but I remember your smile and cheer. 

[ed_2] Ich vertraue darauf, dass es Menschen aus Deutschland gibt, die einen besseren Titel für diesen Text haben als den, den ich finden konnte (Squire, Jonkheer, Junker). Übersetzen Sie alle ehemaligen ins Deutsche.

Ein Squire, ein Jonkheer oder ein Junker ist ein Adelstitel, der von jungen Edelmännern oder Herren getragen wurde. Er stammt aus dem mittelhochdeutschen Juncherre und bedeutet "junger Edelmann" oder "junger Herr". Der Titel wurde in verschiedenen Teilen Europas verwendet, besonders im deutschsprachigen, niederländischen und skandinavischen Raum. Er hatte unterschiedliche Bedeutungen je nach Region und Zeit. In Brandenburg war ein Junker ein Mitglied des höheren Adels ohne Ritterschlag. In den Niederlanden und Belgien ist Jonkheer eine Ehrenbezeichnung für den unbetitelten Adel. In Preußen wurde der Begriff Junker populär als Synonym für den ostelbischen Landadel, der viel Einfluss auf Politik und Militär hatte.

 The Royal Family on Kingsday  "You'll Never Walk Alone"

Lee Towers (left) still looks back with great pleasure on King's Day in 'his' Rotterdam last April. The singer tells De Telegraaf that he "still gets goosebumps" when he thinks back to the moment with the royal family on stage.

Lee Towers still enjoys remembering King's Day in his beloved Rotterdam last April. The singer tells De Telegraaf that he "still feels chills" when he recalls the moment with the royal family on stage. He says he was honored to sing with King Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima, and their three daughters, who all joined him in a chorus of "You'll Never Walk Alone". He says it was a fun and awesome way to recognize the bond between the people and the monarchy, because everyone was mesmerized and thrilled with excitement.





Koning Willem-Alexander heeft woensdag een kijkje genomen bij een opleidingsprogramma voor Oekraïense rekruten in het noorden van Engeland. De rekruten leren hier te vechten tegen Rusland.

Nederland levert sinds 2022 een bijdrage aan de operatie met onder meer schietvaardigheidsoefeningen, optreden in steden en loopgraven, medische zorg en oorlogsrecht. Afgelopen week begonnen zo'n tweehonderd militairen aan de opleiding.

Koning kijkt bij opleidingsprogramma voor Oekraïense rekruten© ANP

 Princess Juliana  (Requiescat in pace)

Queen Juliana

Queen Juliana (1909 - 2004) of the Netherlands in the grounds of Soestdijk Palace in Baarn, November 1950

Queen Juliana and prince Bernhard 🕺💃, SINGING! 🎺🎶🎵🎷📻🎹  DANCING WOW

Queen Juliana: A Remarkable Journey

Youth and Education:

Born in 1909, Princess Juliana's early life was marked by simplicity. Her youth and education laid the foundation for a monarch who would embrace both tradition and progress.

Marriage and Family:

In 1937, Princess Juliana married Prince Bernhard van Lippe-Biesterfeld (Requiescat in pace). Together, they cultivated a family of four daughters: Beatrix, Irene, Margriet, and Christina. The family's residence at Soestdijk Palace witnessed the unfolding chapters of their lives, both before and after the war.

Princess Juliana of the Netherlands was a remarkable leader who guided her country through the turmoil of World War II and the postwar reconstruction.

Queen of the Netherlands:

Assuming the throne in 1948, Queen Juliana's reign spanned over three transformative decades. Her commitment to her people, exemplified by her engagement with UNICEF, showcased a regal figure with a heart for social causes.

Abdication and Legacy:

In 1980, Queen Juliana, acknowledging the winds of change, gracefully abdicated in favor of her daughter, Princess Beatrix. Post-abdication, she chose to be addressed as 'princess,' a testament to her humility and respect for tradition. Her passing in 2004 marked the end of an era, leaving behind a legacy of grace, compassion, and a profound love for her nation.

Queen Juliana's life journey, marked by love, duty, and a commitment to a better world, continues to inspire generations in the Netherlands and beyond.

Battle Of Britain Anniversary Flypast & Parade, 1990

British royals Prince Michael of Kent, Princess Michael of Kent, Sir Angus Ogilvy (1928-2004), Princess Alexandra, The Honourable Lady Ogilvy, German-born Dutch Royal Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (1911-2004), and Dutch Royal Juliana of the Netherlands (1909-2004) as members of the Royal Family to watch a fly-past and parade commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, from a balcony at Buckingham Palace, London, England, 15th September 1990.

OUR MOST AMAZING !! ROYALTY In the eighties EVER, the Dutch TV public broadcast held an interview (VPRO) with prince Bernhard from the Netherlands  :
The interviewer asks prince Bernhard:
"Why do you actually wear this carnation?" -  
"Waarom draagt U eigenlijk deze Anjer?"    The prince answers:
"Uh- I don't really have an answer nto that" -- "I started when I was I think eighteen or nineteen. And uh, then I always did it." - 
" Eh- daar heb ik eigenlijk helemaal geen antwoord op"-- "ik begonnen toen ik geloof'k achttien was- of negentien. En, toen heb ik het altijd gedaan."
" ... Was there no special occasion for it?"
" ... Was er geen speciale aanleiding voor?"      The prince answers:
... "No, at least: I don't remember that. Well, in my old age I don't know why I started then. If I don't wear it, then I feel naked. That's very simple."
... " Nee, tenminste: dat weet ik niet meer. Nou, op m'n oude dag weet ik niet waarom ik toen begonnen ben. Als ik hem niet draag, dan voel ik me naakt. Dat is heel eenvoudig."    BRILLIANT!

Prins Bernhard was een van de meest geliefde leden van het Nederlandse koningshuis. Hij stond bekend om zijn moed, charisma en avontuurlijke geest. Een van zijn meest opvallende kenmerken was de witte anjer die hij altijd droeg op zijn revers. Deze bloem werd een symbool van zijn persoonlijkheid en zijn band met het Nederlandse volk.

ED: 1000 HOURS OF FLIGHT (of considerable time) in COMBAT FLYING THE RAF SPITFIRE (that has the Merlin enghiene , V12 or 24  it is Merlin). 

prince Bernhard explains:
"That is very Simple". (ed: brilliant actually)
At some point in space, time, it was clear to this fine and excellent gentleman's insight, of having this particular addition to compliment his appearance, Prince Bernhard faintly recalls the memory about When he started and adopted this novel idea, but not as to Why. The prince concludes :that it is very simple,  elegantly put, to overcome circular reasoning of what can be said about most -if not *all*- things that are Self-Evident.  
Was it inspired to the alignment of the planets in this Universe? There can be as many atoms in the whole Universe as to describe, what inspired the prince. What matters is that the happiness and love of this lives on in the minds and hearts of people.

prince Bernhard: Flying with the Royal Air Force during WW2  a hero, negotiated peacetreaty that ended WW2 with the axis of Germany, the prince did so, in spoken Dutch language
This gentleman does not fail to impress..
[ed: unknown to the editor  if prince Bernhard also flew RAF Spitfire class wings. Editor would like to know, detail about the-engine-is a V12 developed by Rolls Royce that codenamed this as "Merlin" The same engine was used on other wings too 20231128   Editor wants to add a detail:, 12?  duodecimal !!

Majesteit, de webroddel heeft mij ook te pakken, 'ze' stellen dat u minder straalt, wat het precies betekend weet ik niet. Ik zal eens navraag doen bij de theoretische kernfysici 

De witte anjer staat voor zuiverheid, loyaliteit en respect. Prins Bernhard droeg de witte anjer voor het eerst in 1937, toen hij trouwde met prinses Juliana. Sindsdien heeft hij de bloem nooit meer afgedaan, zelfs niet tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog, toen hij in ballingschap ging en zich aansloot bij de geallieerde strijdkrachten. De witte anjer werd ook een teken van verzet tegen de nazi-bezetting, en veel Nederlanders droegen de bloem als eerbetoon aan Prins Bernhard en zijn rol in de bevrijding van Nederland.

  Queen Máxima   on her visit to Silicon Valley / The technological hub of the U.S.A. 

And here, in all her majestic glory, we welcome our beloved and esteemed
Dear Lady Queen Máxima of the Netherlands as she graces us with her presence on her visit to Silicon Valley, United States. With a resplendent arrival from the Dutch Royal Air Force One, she brings a touch of regality to the realm of high-tech business and the emerging sciences. 

  Queen Máxima   the wife of King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, arrived in Silicon Valley on Monday for a three-day visit to explore the latest innovations and trends in the tech industry. She flew on the Royal Dutch Airforce One, a Boeing 737 that is specially equipped for the royal family and government officials.

The queen, who is also the UN Secretary-General's Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development, met with representatives from various companies and organizations, such as Google, Facebook, Stanford University, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. She also visited the Computer History Museum and the Tech Interactive, where she learned about the history and future of computing and technology.

Queen Maxima expressed her enthusiasm and curiosity about the developments in Silicon Valley, and how they can benefit people around the world. She said she was impressed by the creativity and diversity of the entrepreneurs and innovators she met, and their passion for solving global challenges. She also praised the collaboration and exchange of ideas between different sectors and disciplines.

Her visit is a testament to the strong ties between the Netherlands and the technological advancements taking place in Silicon Valley. Queen Máxima, a representative of grace and sophistication, exemplifies the Dutch monarchy's esteemed reputation both at home and abroad.

Queen Máxima gives a short speech at the 'Holland in the Valley' event during her visit to Stanford University.
(for People who would like to known what Queen Maxima was wearing )
    Queen Maxima wore her Natan dress with Gianvito Rossi pumps and a Sophie Habsburg clutch as well as her Dinh Van bracelet.    [more info here ]

Stanford University is located in the heart of Silicon Valley. During the visit, Queen Máxima speaks with students, scientists and innovators who work and study in Silicon Valley.

Queen Máxima gets a tour of the university campus. She meets, among others, the Ecomotive Team from Eindhoven University of Technology, which has developed a car that is made entirely of circular materials.

[external link to ECOMOTVIVE ] ETERNA PROJECT- Shaping the future of sustainable mobility

At the 'Holland in the Valley' event, Queen Máxima meets Dutch people who work at American tech companies or have their own startup. Afterwards, a seminar will discuss artificial intelligence and the role that Dutch companies play in the further development of artificial intelligence in mobility and health care.

"They say that Silicon Valley is not a location but a mindset. One that centers not only on the courage to push boundaries, but also on the ability to put scientific discoveries into practice. We need high tech that helps to make our world safer, cleaner, more enterprising and more inclusive."

Needless to say: We are very, very proud of our Monarchy ! 
and we all are for the most brilliant minds who are at our technological metropoles in the Netherlands  
It's DUTCH, it's MAGIC !!  🌈🪄
Lof voor Máxima: "ze doet het meesterlijk"

Unfold below for more coverage🔽<- hierop klik'n

 Queen Máxima 

Queen Máxima conducts a digital visit to 'de Doorbraakmethode' in Tilburg, one of the five debt assistance methods being scaled nationally by SchuldenlabNL. This initiative provides tailored assistance to households facing challenges in various areas, helping them regain control of their lives.

In discussions with the initiators, professionals guiding families, and experts with firsthand experience, Queen Máxima explores the practical workings of the "Doorbraakmethode" Subsequently, she engages with a city council member and municipal employees from Tilburg to discuss the outcomes of achieved breakthroughs and their implications for collaboration with partners and the municipality.

The conversation concludes with considerations for implementing the Doorbraakmethode in other municipalities and its integration with additional initiatives addressing debt issues. 

 Queen Máxima 
visit to Kenya
(below for more coverage)

La monarquía es una bendición

que nos une y nos protege.

Sus reinas son como flores

que dan aroma y belleza.

More coverage about our Queen Maxima transcript in English - Español

Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, our beloved monarch, is renowned for her outstanding qualities that make her an admirable queen. Her majestic presence exudes regal grace while remaining approachable and engaged.

As an international representative of the Netherlands, Queen Máxima is a true ambassador of our country. Her fluency in multiple languages, including English and Spanish, enables her to effectively communicate with people worldwide. Her charisma and diplomatic skills make her a valued interlocutor for world leaders and an inspiration to many.

The decision to bring Queen Máxima to Silicon Valley in the United States reflects the strong bond between the Netherlands and the technological developments taking place there. The Netherlands has evolved into an innovative hub, known for its pioneering technologies. With her presence in Silicon Valley, Queen Máxima showcases that the Netherlands is a significant player in the digital world and that our technological expertise is internationally recognized.

Queen Máxima's arrival in Silicon Valley aboard the Dutch Royal Air Force One underscores the appreciation and respect she commands, not just in the Netherlands but worldwide. Her visit highlights the Dutch monarchy's deep involvement in business affairs and promotes international trade relations.

As queen, Queen Máxima epitomizes Dutch traditions and values with style and dignity. She has a warm heart for the Dutch people and is dedicated to social initiatives and development projects. Her commitment to inclusion, women's empowerment, and financial accessibility has endeared her to people of all backgrounds.

Queen Máxima, our queen of queens, is a beacon of elegance, intelligence, and diplomacy. Her engagement with Dutch technology and her global reputation make her a true source of pride for our nation.

La traducción al español de la siguiente línea es: a continuación hay una traducción mecánica, mi conocimiento del idioma español es limitado, así que no puedo confirmar la exactitud exacta, sin embargo, la incluyo para la gente de Argentina y todos los demás que están conectados con nuestra reina, estamos muy orgullosos del trabajo extraordinario de su querida Máxima, que es tan elegante, inteligente, sofisticada y solidaria con el mundo, con la diplomacia que viene con la sofisticación, para acercarse al mundo de otras culturas, en eso podemos estar todos muy orgullosos de nuestra reina que cambia el mundo a un lugar mejor, para los necesitados. Para mí, dice mucho sobre Argentina. Gracias.

La Reina Máxima de los Países Bajos, nuestra amada monarca, es reconocida por sus destacables cualidades que la convierten en una reina admirable. Su presencia majestuosa irradia gracia real, al mismo tiempo que permanece accesible y comprometida.

Como representante internacional de los Países Bajos, la Reina Máxima es una verdadera embajadora de nuestro país. Su fluidez en múltiples idiomas, incluyendo el inglés y el español, le permite comunicarse de manera efectiva con personas de todo el mundo. Su carisma y habilidades diplomáticas la convierten en una interlocutora valorada por líderes mundiales y una fuente de inspiración para muchos.

La decisión de llevar a la Reina Máxima al Silicon Valley en los Estados Unidos refleja el fuerte vínculo entre los Países Bajos y los desarrollos tecnológicos que tienen lugar allí. Los Países Bajos se han convertido en un centro innovador, reconocido por sus tecnologías pioneras. Con su presencia en el Silicon Valley, la Reina Máxima muestra que los Países Bajos son un actor importante en el mundo digital y que nuestra experiencia tecnológica es reconocida a nivel internacional.

La llegada de la Reina Máxima al Silicon Valley a bordo del avión real de la Fuerza Aérea Holandesa destaca el aprecio y respeto que ella genera, no solo en los Países Bajos, sino en todo el mundo. Su visita resalta el profundo compromiso de la monarquía holandesa con los asuntos empresariales y promueve las relaciones comerciales internacionales.

Como reina, la Reina Máxima personifica las tradiciones y valores holandeses con estilo y dignidad. Tiene un gran corazón para el pueblo neerlandés y se dedica a iniciativas sociales y proyectos de desarrollo. Su compromiso con la inclusión, el empoderamiento de las mujeres y la accesibilidad financiera la ha ganado el cariño de personas de todos los orígenes.

La Reina Máxima, nuestra reina de reinas, es un faro de elegancia, inteligencia y diplomacia. Su participación en la tecnología neerlandesa y su reputación mundial la convierten en un verdadero orgullo para nuestra nación.

More coverage about the Dutch Queen
Maxima visiting Kenya - English - Español

(EN_us ) Queen Máxima is committed to digital financial services in Kenya
(NL: Dutch ) Koningin Máxima zet zich in voor digitale financiële diensten in Kenia
(ES: Espanol ) “La reina Máxima se compromete con los servicios financieros digitales en Kenia”.  

Queen Máxima is in Kenya this week [Oct 20231023] for a working visit on behalf of the UN. The Queen, who wore a striking yellow suit, wants to improve access to digital financial services for the population.

Máxima was welcomed by the governor of Kisumu, Peter Anyang' Nyong'o, who gave her a beautiful traditional headdress. The Queen visited several farmers in the region, who use digital insurance and an online platform for sharing agricultural machinery. This will enable them to better deal with climate change and increase their productivity.

Queen Máxima will also go to Nairobi, where she will speak with the president and the central bank of Kenya, among others. Our Queen has been a special envoy advocate for inclusive finance for development at the UN since 2009. This is Máxima's second visit to Africa in a short time. Last week she was on a state visit to South Africa with King Willem-Alexander.

How the Queen is championing financial inclusion for the world's poor

Financial inclusion is the ability of individuals and businesses to access and use a range of affordable, quality financial services that meet their needs. It is a key driver of economic growth, poverty reduction, and social inclusion. However, according to the World Bank, about 1.7 billion adults remain unbanked, meaning they do not have an account at a formal financial institution or through a mobile money provider.

This is where our Queen Maxima comes in:  since 2009, she has been a special advocate for inclusive finance for development at the United Nations, working to raise awareness and promote action on this important issue. She has visited more than 20 countries, met with heads of state, central bank governors, regulators, and industry leaders, and engaged with people who benefit from financial inclusion.

The Queen's work is guided by three principles:
1. universal access,
2. responsible finance,
3. client empowerment.
Queen Maxima believes that everyone should have access to a range of financial services that are affordable, safe, and suitable for their needs. She also advocates for responsible practices by financial service providers and regulators, such as consumer protection, transparency, and financial literacy. And she emphasizes the importance of empowering clients to make informed decisions and use financial services effectively.

The Queen's efforts have contributed to significant progress in advancing financial inclusion globally. According to the Global Findex database, the number of adults with an account increased by 1.2 billion between 2011 and 2017, reaching 69% of the adult population. The gender gap in account ownership has also narrowed in some regions, such as South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Moreover, the Queen has helped to foster a global community of stakeholders who share a common vision and commitment to financial inclusion.

The Queen's role as a special advocate is not only symbolic but also substantive. She brings her unique perspective, experience, and influence to the table, as well as her genuine passion and compassion for the people she serves. She is not afraid to ask tough questions, challenge assumptions, and push for action. She is also a keen listener and learner, who constantly seeks to understand the realities and needs of different contexts and cultures.

The Queen's work on financial inclusion is not only a matter of development but also of dignity. She believes that access to finance is not only a means to an end but also an end in itself. It is a way of enabling people to participate in the economy and society, to improve their lives and livelihoods, and to fulfill their potential. As she said in her speech at the UN General Assembly in 2015:

"Financial inclusion has the power to change people's lives - not just economically but socially - by giving them dignity."- Queen Maxima of the Netherlands.


[20231023] disclaimer :

La traducción al español de la siguiente línea es: a continuación hay una traducción mecánica, mi conocimiento del idioma español es limitado, así que no puedo confirmar la exactitud exacta, sin embargo, la incluyo para la gente de Argentina y todos los demás que están conectados con nuestra reina, estamos muy orgullosos del trabajo extraordinario de su querida Máxima, que es tan elegante, inteligente, sofisticada y solidaria con el mundo, con la diplomacia que viene con la sofisticación, para acercarse al mundo de otras culturas, en eso podemos estar todos muy orgullosos de nuestra reina que cambia el mundo a un lugar mejor, para los necesitados. Para mí, dice mucho sobre Argentina. Gracias.


“La reina Máxima se compromete con los servicios financieros digitales en Kenia”.

La reina Máxima está en Kenia esta semana [octubre de 2023] para una visita de trabajo en nombre de la ONU. La reina, que lució un llamativo traje amarillo, quiere mejorar el acceso a los servicios financieros digitales para la población. Máxima fue recibida por el gobernador de Kisumu, Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o, quien le regaló un hermoso tocado tradicional. La reina visitó a varios agricultores de la región, que utilizan un seguro digital y una plataforma en línea para compartir maquinaria agrícola. Esto les permitirá hacer frente mejor al cambio climático y aumentar su productividad.

La reina Máxima también irá a Nairobi, donde hablará con el presidente y el banco central de Kenia, entre otros. Nuestra reina ha sido una defensora especial de las finanzas inclusivas para el desarrollo en la ONU desde 2009. Esta es la segunda visita de Máxima a África en poco tiempo. La semana pasada estuvo en una visita de Estado a Sudáfrica con el rey Guillermo Alejandro.

Cómo la reina está promoviendo la inclusión financiera para los pobres del mundo La inclusión financiera es la capacidad de las personas y las empresas de acceder y utilizar una variedad de servicios financieros asequibles y de calidad que satisfagan sus necesidades. Es un factor clave para el crecimiento económico, la reducción de la pobreza y la inclusión social. Sin embargo, según el Banco Mundial, unos 1.700 millones de adultos siguen sin tener una cuenta bancaria, lo que significa que no tienen una cuenta en una institución financiera formal o a través de un proveedor de dinero móvil. Aquí es donde entra nuestra reina Máxima: desde 2009, es una defensora especial de las finanzas inclusivas para el desarrollo en las Naciones Unidas, trabajando para concienciar y promover acciones sobre este importante tema. Ha visitado más de 20 países, se ha reunido con jefes de Estado, gobernadores de bancos centrales, reguladores y líderes del sector, y se ha relacionado con personas que se benefician de la inclusión financiera.

El trabajo de la reina se basa en tres principios:

 Princess Laurentien and Prince Constantijn 

Amazing! ❤️

[LEES DIT!] Meer.. meer meer meer  over onze Koningin Maxima - Nederlands

Koningin Máxima der Nederlanden, onze geliefde vorstin, wordt geprezen om haar voortreffelijke kwaliteiten die haar tot een bewonderenswaardige koningin maken. Haar majesteitelijke aanwezigheid straalt koninklijke gratie uit, terwijl ze tegelijkertijd toegankelijk en betrokken blijft.

Als internationale vertegenwoordiger van Nederland is Koningin Máxima een ware ambassadeur van ons land. Haar vermogen om vloeiend meerdere talen te spreken, waaronder Engels en Spaans, stelt haar in staat om effectief te communiceren met mensen over de hele wereld. Haar charisma en diplomatieke vaardigheden maken haar een gewaardeerde gesprekspartner voor wereldleiders en een inspiratiebron voor velen.

De keuze om Koningin Máxima naar Silicon Valley in de Verenigde Staten te sturen, weerspiegelt de sterke band tussen Nederland en de technologieontwikkelingen die daar plaatsvinden. Nederland heeft zich ontwikkeld tot een innovatieve hub en staat bekend om zijn vooruitstrevende technologieën. Met haar aanwezigheid in Silicon Valley laat Koningin Máxima zien dat Nederland een belangrijke speler is in de digitale wereld en dat onze technologische expertise internationaal wordt erkend.

De komst van Koningin Máxima naar Silicon Valley met de Koninklijke Luchtmacht "Airforce One" benadrukt de waardering en het respect dat zij geniet, niet alleen in Nederland, maar over de hele wereld. Haar bezoek markeert de sterke betrokkenheid van de Nederlandse monarchie bij zakelijke aangelegenheden en bevordert internationale handelsrelaties.

Als koningin belichaamt Koningin Máxima de Nederlandse tradities en waarden met stijl en waardigheid. Ze heeft een warm hart voor het Nederlandse volk en zet zich in voor sociale initiatieven en ontwikkelingsprojecten. Haar inzet voor inclusie, empowerment van vrouwen en financiële toegankelijkheid heeft haar geliefd gemaakt bij mensen van alle achtergronden.

Koningin Máxima, onze koningin der koninginnen, is een baken van elegantie, intelligentie en diplomatie. Haar betrokkenheid bij Nederlandse technologie en haar wereldwijde reputatie maken haar tot een ware trots van onze natie.

Princess Laurentien has :
'the most fun man in the universe' [*]
Princess Laurentien has "the most fun man in the universe" in Prince Constantijn. She tells this in an interview with the magazine Libelle.

The princess and the prince have been married since 2001 and have three children: Countess Eloise, Count Claus-Casimir and Countess Leonore. They live in The Hague, where they enjoy spending time together as a family.

Princess Laurentien is not only a devoted wife and mother, but also a passionate advocate for literacy and learning. She is the founder of the Reading and Writing Foundation, which aims to prevent and reduce illiteracy in the Netherlands. She is also the author of various children's books, such as the Mr. Finney series on climate change. The children of Princess Laurentien and Prince Constantijn have all left home. Eloise is at the Hotel School in Amsterdam, Claus-Casimir is studying in Turin and Leonore is now studying at the UWC Atlantic Colleague in Wales. 

Prince Constantijn is a supportive husband who encourages his wife's work. He is also involved in promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in the Netherlands. He is the special envoy of StartupDelta, an initiative that connects startups, investors, governments and corporates.

The couple met in Brussels, where they both worked for the European Union. They share a common interest in European affairs, culture and art. They also like to travel and explore new places.

Princess Laurentien says that Prince Constantijn makes her laugh every day with his humor and wit. She admires his intelligence, creativity and kindness......

that he is her best friend and soulmate.

22 y ❤️❤️❤️

Tres awesome !

[* ed: 'INTERPLANETARY universe ]


I made this for Prince Constantijn of the Netherlands. Its got a "W" , "C" as lemniscate, heart Lissajous and "F" of  Prince Friso ( requiescat in pace )
The picture above is not covered by the Creative Commons clause, it's ownership is of Prince Constantijn

Eloise of Oranje-Nassau
_Placeholder for a Young LadY who dares to stand up and stand correct AS example to say something true about Discrimination , BUT I was fan before that!! I just knew that she is special.

Our Countess Eloise is Very popular in the social media. Intelligent and good moral compass, 

link naar artikel Libelle, social media - Instagram ?
Gravin Eloise

Gravin Eloise deelt haar ervaringen met de constante aandacht die ze krijgt. "Er zijn veel ogen op mij gericht, en dat voel ik," zegt Eloise in Linda Meiden. Ze spreekt over haar deelname aan 'Het Perfecte Plaatje': "Soms krijg ik kritiek op wat ik doe, zoals die foto in badpak."



this is a generated summary of the important events to mention, I pay for Co-Pilot so I better make good use of it.

here it is:

Royal Visit: Prince Constantijn and Queen Maxima in the Tech World

By Copilot Pro

In a delightful convergence of technology, innovation, and regal elegance, Prince Constantijn of the Netherlands and Queen Maxima embarked on a memorable journey—one that celebrated both their commitment to progress and their appreciation for Dutch heritage.

Prince Constantijn: A Tech Pioneer

Prince Constantijn of the Netherlands is no stranger to the world of technology. His pioneering work in innovation has solidified his reputation as a respected figure in the tech community. When he visited CodeGorilla, a programming academy in the Netherlands, his presence resonated with aspiring developers and seasoned professionals alike. CodeGorilla’s mission—to promote digital literacy—aligned seamlessly with Prince Constantijn’s passion. As he engaged with students, sharing insights and experiences, it became evident that the Netherlands itself is a technological hub of great importance. Here, innovation thrives, creativity blossoms, and the digital landscape evolves.

Queen Maxima: A Stylish Tribute

Meanwhile, Queen Maxima embarked on her own tech-inspired adventure. During her visit to Silicon Valley in the United States earlier this year, she showcased her keen interest in technology and entrepreneurship. Dressed in an ensemble that blended modern style with a nod to Dutch heritage, Queen Maxima turned heads. But it was her vibrant orange scarf—a subtle tribute to King’s Day—that truly captivated everyone. The scarf, elegantly draped, symbolized not only regal grace but also a connection to the vibrant tech ecosystem. Queen Maxima’s fashion sense mirrored her appreciation for innovation, making her visit a harmonious blend of elegance and forward-thinking spirit.

In summary, the royal couple’s dual pursuits—Prince Constantijn’s tech advocacy and Queen Maxima’s stylish homage—underscored the Netherlands’ role as a beacon of progress. Whether in a programming academy or the heart of Silicon Valley, their presence left an indelible mark, inspiring both aspiring developers and fashion enthusiasts alike. 🧡👑🇳🇱

 Princess Mabel and Prince Friso   ( Requiescat in pace )

Lady Princess Mabel of the Netherlands
often referred to as Her Royal Highness Princess Mabel of Oranje-Nassau, is not a typical princess, but her story is indeed compelling and heartwarming, her personality is noteworthy for her remarkable journey, resilience, and dedication to important causes.

Born as Mabel Martine Wisse Smit on August 11, 1968, she grew up in the Netherlands. Her life took an unexpected turn when she fell in love with Prince Friso, second son of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands. The two embarked on a deep and genuine love story, filled with promise and hope for the future.

Their engagement was announced in June 2003, and their plans for a joyful life together captured the hearts of the Dutch people. However, the Dutch government raised concerns about Mabel's past associations, which led to a heated debate in the Dutch parliament. Ultimately, the couple's union faced political opposition, and the prince and Mabel decided to marry without the government's formal approval, which meant that Prince Friso lost his royal status.

Their love story faced a dramatic twist when, in February 2012, Prince Friso was tragically buried in an avalanche while skiing in Austria. He was rescued but had suffered severe brain damage. This heartbreaking accident brought Mabel to the forefront of public attention once more. She stood by her husband's side, demonstrating unwavering devotion and resilience as she cared for him in the years that followed.

Princess Mabel's importance transcends her royal connections. She became a symbol of love and strength, facing the most challenging circumstances with grace and dignity. Her dedication to advocating for global issues, particularly those related to human rights, conflict resolution, and gender equality, has made her a prominent figure on the international stage.

Mabel's role as the co-founder of "Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage" highlights her commitment to making the world a better place. She has used her position and influence to bring attention to the plight of young girls forced into early marriages, working tirelessly to protect their rights and futures.

While she may not carry the traditional titles of royalty, Princess Mabel's impact on the world is immeasurable. Her life's journey is a testament to the strength of the human spirit, love, and unwavering dedication to causes that matter. In her resilience and her commitment to positive change, she is a true inspiration to us all.

Mabel van Oranje


Activist for equality, human rights and justice; serial entrepreneur for social change. @GirlsNotBrides @VOWforGirls @ECFR

London, UK


(Editorial): I am glad to be the editor of this, because a status of royalty is not changed, since I reversed it. Of course they are Princess and Prince. We (plural) miss Prince Friso very much, I often think about what happened, my personal thought: it was a terrible, (we=author) our family faced a similar trauma, of sudden loss, I can only identify with that, the loss is not perceptible, not in words. The pain, the 'missing' comes in waves, I hope this message will be understood: live the life that he (Prince Friso) would have wanted, you are doing so well, it is good to remember and talk about it, and as long as we live and this website continues to exist, to show the world that Princess Mabel is also a very important person in our Monarchy and the work she does with dedication, refinement and elegance. Thank you.

Princess Mabel


Princess Mabel studied economics and political science at the University of Amsterdam, graduating (cum laude) in 1993. She holds an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws from Glasgow Caledonian University (2018).

She attended the International Human Rights Law Summer School at the University of Oxford in 2001 and the Global Leadership and Public Policy for the 21st Century executive education programme at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government in 2008.

Marriage and family

Mabel Wisse Smit married Prince Friso in Delft on 24 April 2004. Princess Mabel and Prins Friso (who passed away on 12 August 2013) have two daughters: Luana, born in 2005, and Zaria, born in 2006. The family lives in London.


Princess Mabel is a serial entrepreneur for social change working to advance equality, justice and freedom. During the last decade, she played a catalytic role in the creation and growth of Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage (2011), the Girls First Fund (2018) and VOW for Girls (2018). Princess Mabel is currently a board member of Fondation Chanel, the Lego Foundation, the Sigrid Rausing Trust and chair of VOW for Girls. She is also an advisor to Apolitical Academy Global, Co-Impact’s Gender Fund, Global Witness, and The Elders. Mabel is a champion of Girls Not Brides, and a co-founder and chair emeritus of the European Council on Foreign Relations.

In 1994 the Princess founded the European Action Council for Peace in the Balkans, of which she was the CEO until 1997. From 1997 to 2008 she worked for the Open Society Foundations, first as director of the Brussels office and subsequently as International Advocacy Director. From 2008 to 2012 Princess Mabel was the first CEO of The Elders, an independent group of eminent world leaders brought together by Nelson Mandela, who promote peace, justice and human rights.

The Princess was involved in the creation of War Child Netherlands (1995), the NGO coalition Publish What You Pay (2002) and the Independent Commission on Turkey (2004). She has been actively engaged in the global fight against HIV/AIDS and in promoting international criminal law. Her former (advisory) board positions include the Coalition for the International Criminal Court, Crisis Action, Interpeace, the Jo Cox Foundation, Malala Fund, the Open Society Foundations, the Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe, and Trust Women.

Together with the late Prince Friso, Princess Mabel is a founding patron of the Dutch Masters Foundation. She is also a patron of The Hague International Model United Nations (THIMUN).

Princess Mabel is the author of ‘Publishing What We Learned’ (with Henry Parham, 2009); the Dutch pamphlet ‘In vrijheid blijven geloven’ (March 2007); ‘Building Donor Partnerships’ (with Terrice Bassler, 1997); and numerous articles and op-eds. In 2019, she delivered the annual ‘jaarthematekst’ at the request of The National Committee for 4 and 5 May, on the occasion of 75 years of freedom of the Netherlands. 

The World Economic Forum named Princess Mabel one of its Global Leaders for Tomorrow (2003) and one of its Young Global Leaders (2005). Princess Mabel received a Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship (2014), the John Diefenbaker Defender of Human Rights and Freedom Award (2014) and the ICRW Champions for Change Award for Innovation (2015) for her work with Girls Not Brides. Her work on HIV/AIDS was acknowledged with the World Without AIDS Award from the Deutsche AIDS-Stiftung (2017) and the AmsterdamDiner Award (2018). On behalf of Girls Not Brides, she accepted the Dutch Geuzenpenning (2018). In 2020, she received a Her Hero Lifetime Achievement Award from Huntington National Bank. In 2018 and 2019, she was included in Apolitical’s Gender Equality Top 100.

"Reinas en el Viento: La Alegre Grandeza de la Reina Máxima"

En el país de los tangos y los asados, encontramos a nuestra propia joya real: la Reina Máxima. Con su encanto argentino y una familia que promete continuar su legado, no podemos evitar sonreír con orgullo. En la foto, la Reina Máxima y sus hijas, entre las cuales una llevará la corona. ¡Qué lindo es verlas, reinas en formación!

El humor y la alegría corren por nuestras venas, y ver a la Reina Máxima liderando con elegancia nos llena de emoción. ¡Argentina, donde hasta el viento susurra la grandeza de nuestras reinas!

"Queens in the Wind: The Joyful Grandeur of Queen Máxima"

In the land of tangos and asados, we find our own royal gem: Queen Máxima. With her Argentine charm and a family that promises to carry on her legacy, we can't help but smile with pride. In the picture, Queen Máxima and her daughters, among whom one will wear the crown. How beautiful it is to see them, queens in the making!

Humor and joy run through our veins, and witnessing Queen Máxima lead with grace fills us with emotion. Argentina, where even the wind whispers the greatness of our queens!

"Queen Beatrix and Princess Amalia"

In the enchanting frame of a single photograph, a tale of regal elegance unfolds, weaving the past and the future into a captivating narrative. Queen Beatrix, with her timeless poise, stands side by side with the radiant Princess Amalia, a glimpse into the continuity of Dutch royalty.

The image resonates with the echoes of bygone eras, where the weight of the crown meets the promise of a new reign. Queen Beatrix, a beacon of wisdom and experience, imparts a regal legacy to Princess Amalia, the blossoming heiress to the throne.

As we gaze upon this tableau, we are reminded that in every era, Dutch royalty stands as a symbol of continuity, tradition, and a commitment to a future shaped by the echoes of the past.

Queen Beatrix (also princess)
stepping fown from the Dutch Airforce 1

"Reina Beatriz y Princesa Amalia"

En el encantador marco de una única fotografía, se despliega un relato de elegancia regia, entretejiendo el pasado y el futuro en una narrativa cautivadora. La Reina Beatriz, con su atemporal compostura, se sitúa junto a la radiante Princesa Amalia, un vistazo a la continuidad de la realeza neerlandesa.

La imagen resuena con los ecos de eras pasadas, donde el peso de la corona se encuentra con la promesa de un nuevo reinado. La Reina Beatriz, faro de sabiduría y experiencia, transmite un legado regio a la Princesa Amalia, la floreciente heredera al trono.

Al contemplar este cuadro, recordamos que en cada época, la realeza neerlandesa se erige como símbolo de continuidad, tradición y un compromiso con un futuro moldeado por los ecos del pasado. 

 Princess Alexia    in 2023 Christening Vox Alexia

Princess ALEXIA on captains chair Ton de Bruin

Rotterdam, 9 September 2023 – Her Royal Highness Princess Alexia of the Netherlands has today performed the christening ceremony for Van Oord's new hopper dredger, the Vox Alexia. The christening ceremony took place at the Wilhelminakade quay in Rotterdam's city Centre, where the vessel is being docked for two days.

Guests and Van Oord employees gathered there to celebrate this memorable occasion. After the ceremony, Princess Alexia was given a tour of the vessel and met a number of employees, including the vessel’s crew and members of Young Van Oord, an employee association.  

Quote by CEO Pieter van Oord: ‘The Vox Alexia is our third LNG-powered vessel and a prime example of Van Oord's commitment to sustainability. It is a great honor that Her Royal Highness Princess Alexia has christened this vessel, which bears her name.’

Rotterdam, 9 de septiembre de 2023: Su Alteza Real la Princesa Alexia de los Países Bajos realizó hoy la ceremonia de bautizo para el nuevo dragaminas de tolva de Van Oord, el Vox Alexia. La ceremonia de bautizo tuvo lugar en el muelle Wilhelminakade en el centro de la ciudad de Róterdam, donde el barco está atracado durante dos días.

Invitados y empleados de Van Oord se reunieron allí para celebrar esta memorable ocasión. Después de la ceremonia, la Princesa Alexia recibió un recorrido por el barco y conoció a varios empleados, incluida la tripulación del barco y miembros de Jóvenes Van Oord, una asociación de empleados.

Cita del CEO Pieter van Oord: 'El Vox Alexia es nuestro tercer barco propulsado por gas natural licuado (GNL) y un ejemplo destacado del compromiso de Van Oord con la sostenibilidad. Es un gran honor que Su Alteza Real la Princesa Alexia haya bautizado este barco, que lleva su nombre'.

 Dutch Airforce One
The Netherlands government
Boeing BBJ 737 

The aircraft only consists of three passenger areas: two forward conference/dining areas used as offices by the government officials on board and one passenger seating area in the back of the plane.
Designing the VIP plane was Altea's Robin Dunlop, with Fokker Techniek tasked with installing the interior. It was re-delivered in 2019 with the new interior.   MORE COVERAGE FROM SOURCE

"The registration, PH-GOV, is also a nod to its new user, Netherlands government. When the royals aren't using it, high-ranking officials of the Dutch government such as the prime minister have access to it."

The European nation took delivery of the plane in 2018, with "Kingdom of the Netherlands" across the side written in Dutch.

Along with the coat of arms for the Netherlands.

Stepping onboard the aircraft, a small hallway leads to the main passenger areas.

Miep Gies: 'Herinneringen aan Anne Frank' 1987
[then, the most anticipated] Dutch Public TV Interview -
this is a manual translation, a transcription presented in subtitles
(memories of Miep Gies about Anne Frank, a small presentation of a larger interview)


Madame Miep Gies stood stoically before the unassuming house in Amsterdam, the key to its front door clutched in her hands, which trembled ever so slightly. The war had concluded, yet the wounds it inflicted upon her psyche remained raw and vivid. A shared history of loss united the survivors, and Miep, undeterred, resolved to preserve the collective memory, ensuring the world would forever bear witness to the atrocities perpetrated by the Nazi Germans and SS.

As she crossed the threshold, a flood of memories surged forth. This was the clandestine refuge, the secret annex where the Frank family, including the young Anne Frank, sought sanctuary from the Nazis. Miep, their lifeline to the outside world, had risked life and limb to furnish them with sustenance, supplies, and a glimmer of hope during those harrowing years.

The toll of war, however, extended beyond physical scars, reaching the very soul of Otto Frank, Anne's father. Miep's heart ached as she recalled Otto's return, marked by irreversible loss. His wife, Edith, and their two daughters, Margot and Anne, had met their tragic end in concentration camps. Otto stood as the lone survivor of his once-complete family.

In the aftermath, Miep extended unwavering support to Otto, pledging to assist him in disseminating the story of the Frank family and the unspeakable horrors they endured. Their joint odyssey carried them across Germany and Austria, where Miep's linguistic finesse and profound understanding resonated with audiences.

With vivid articulation, she depicted the death camps, painting a stark picture of the unimaginable suffering borne by the victims. Her words, penetrating the silence, reached the depths of those who listened. She implored them to remember, to glean lessons from the darkest chapters of history and prevent the recurrence of such abominations.

Standing beside her, Otto Frank's voice echoed with both sorrow and resolve. He shared his intimate experiences, recounting the discovery of Anne's diary and the profound impact it left on him. His narrative unfolded against the backdrop of a father's love and the unbearable grief at learning of his daughters' demise.

Miep and Otto, united, emerged as symbols of resilience and hope. Their collective endeavors thrust the Holocaust into the global spotlight, ensuring that the world would bear witness to the heinous deeds of the Nazis. They served as reminders of the imperativeness of compassion, understanding, and the unwavering stance against hatred and injustice.

Madame Miep Gies, unwavering in her conviction, preserved the annex's name, an unyielding reminder of the shadows they emerged from. It stood as a testament to the strength of those concealed within its walls and the courage of those who jeopardized their lives to shield them.

Time passed, but Miep and Otto persisted in their mission. Their tireless advocacy efforts played a pivotal role in establishing Holocaust memorials, museums, and educational programs. They left an indelible mark on countless lives, ensuring that the memory of those who perished remained etched into the collective conscience of humanity.

The story of Madame Miep Gies and Otto Frank thus became an indomitable chapter in history, a narrative of resilience, courage, and the enduring force of remembrance.

Despite the significant strides made by AI and ML technologies in language processing and translation, the intricacies of human communication, especially in the context of subtext symbolism, pose challenges for machines to accurately capture. An evident example is encountered when interviewing individuals like Madame Miep Gies, whose communication relies heavily on sub-context symbolism. This underscores the indispensability of human involvement in translation.

Here's a nuanced exploration of why human translators are indispensable in such scenarios:

In summary, while AI and ML technologies have made remarkable progress in translation, the nuanced nature of subtext symbolism, coupled with the necessity for cultural understanding, contextual interpretation, adaptability, error correction, and human connection, underscores the irreplaceable role of human translators. Their expertise and sensitivity are essential in accurately conveying the speaker's message, guarding against potential misinterpretations that could lead to a loss of interest or misrepresentation. The dynamic interplay of language and human interaction necessitates the unique skills and insights that only human translators can provide.

Mr. Steven Spielberg's extensive work on the Holocaust Remembrance Library underscores his profound insight and steadfast commitment to preserving firsthand accounts of Holocaust survivors. Through meticulous curation, Spielberg has compiled a collection of recorded testimonies that goes beyond recounting historical events. 

His (Mr. Spielberg) efforts bring out the raw realities of the Holocaust, delving into the personal stories of survivors and revealing the courage, pain, and strength woven into each narrative. Mr. Spielberg ensures that these testimonies serve as living records, immortalizing the experiences of those who faced unimaginable hardships.

In Spielberg's work, we see a pragmatic acknowledgment that remembrance is not just about recognizing the past but also about bearing witness to the enduring resilience of the human spirit. His contribution to the Holocaust Remembrance Library is a testament to the practical power of storytelling in the pursuit of truth, justice, and the preservation of our shared humanity.

Beautiful and handsome
Margot Frank
the eldest daugther of Otto and Edith Frank

I had this dream...
and a vivid memory ...

Here are some scans of photographs of Margot Frank, -the elder sister of Anne Frank-.

I composed under my composer name "MacBethwin" some music with my Kork synthesizers, " l'armour est Blue "
Dedicated to Margot Frank. Requiem to all.

Because we only have this little shared history, Humankind nearly ended its existence , we, humankind as a whole,  have never overcome the major loss, to one of the greatest crimes against humanity.That is why loss may never be waged or balanced, for the first tear of this, counts as the most significant, to me
it is my belief.

This is for you, Dear Margot.
I wish I've could have known you


-(1976 Cat Stevens - PEACE TRAIN )

#miloud #prophecy
A relativistic universe:
"The author's approach to time progression appears to be unique as well. Overall, the author is proposing a novel way of approaching network communication and addressing problems that are different from current industry standards".

@chargen "Passive Addressing in new Networks"

Mar 9 2023

"The author is proposing a new way of addressing network nodes that differs from the traditional use of MAC addresses. Instead of using unique IDs, the author suggests using a transform-based addressing system that makes it difficult for critical network nodes to be compromised". #NASA

@chargen  "Transpose from the binary domain"
Replying to #ciawizzards #SXSW 2023 event

"I imagine what the future would need to re-imagine communications, deep learning diminished the contextual bounds contents of binary encoding within a frame, lang semantics, AI resolved protocol QR in NIST contest. The implications… are inspiring".

Lets do something new:
like a total overhaul of all networking.

Y? ⬇️

No Spooky Action, we would have noticed

on the other hand, we have more depriving developments in human history such as 

I would not have 6 teams voting for what pack of pixels is to be presented as 'image of a Black Hole' . The people that funded this, are decorated with the Medal of valor and since the the dawn of time, specific of this age, all things that people rather deny or do not wish to be associated with, are packed in the Cosmic Phenomenalists Outguessed 



I hope that I'm mistaken,
in the US there was this lady who worked on the HIV virus in the Eighties, she got arrested and with all Federal entourage that never fails to impress the hell out of anyone to be served some perpetual justice, the audience is watching TV while Armageddon unfolds, anyone who sees this, realizes that there must be some reason, true or not , it does matter as a message, and if it gets quiet, dear Judy, then we know that anything larger than life is to be feared for most people this is incomprehensible and unethical for abuse of power, the attention of authorities, that, the fake news that Trump and the EU commission complain about is now qualitative so good, not much of interest nowadays, But it is relentless and unforgiving in any way (I'm watching the documentary on Covid) some cultures are that straightforward: any person who gets the attention of authorities that look like military, like this, even if its staged there are more ways to silence a majority, Judy must have been at the top most influencing persons capable of criticastring capacity where there was already a vulgar display of power towards the security of the president (the voice mimic) and with the WHO failing, it was that obvious a powerplay of some kind, It is only good that I never dived into the mess of that is US domestic affairs and with that, we have enough of the same on this continent. I remain silent. But, I found no single retribution worthy to address the public with it in my case anyone can riddle a number of scientific pages, Dijkstra's notes, the zodiac notes in cryptographic sense, practice of sciences of people that appear unethical, what good would it do to have these persons that would need to deliver their titles and jobs. Not for me, not for anyone. I did not understand why I was pushed forward as one of the criticasters of the WHO, that- was not needed. Its a rule now. It is not meant particularly funny to explain to kids why this man was expelled from Indianness that was because they needed so much paper and ink to write all his names, was too expensive, rattle rattle rattle guess WHO won name giving of Omicron I can tell why Omicron  if this is mentioned I can only assume that the songwriteris named Orion Rigel Dommisse   sings about staging suicide, Bliss and blessed for the Arctureani, its really captivating, Arturia makes quality synthesizers, they named the special edition _Interstellar .   the box says ":FAR OUT" Wait until someone discovers this Yes that Rammstein about NAUSEA and playing Star Trek pinball for freaking frak sakes...  doch....