eBooks & Audiobooks

Access our GoGoLibrary account HERE. Not many books available but you should check them out.

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Password: school

The Drummond Area School District Library has made available for you a selection of eBooks curated and provided by the Wisconsin Schools Digital Library Consortium. There are a couple ways to access these eBooks. For searching and reading on your chromebook use the link below which will log you in and take you to the Overdrive interface. If you have a smart phone or tablet you can use the Libby app which works better on those devices.

In either interface you have the ability to add access to other library catalogues. If you have a library card with the Drummond Public Library, you can add that card. This will give you access to the entire collection of the Northern Waters Library Service, where you can find many more eBooks and Audiobooks.

Project Gutenberg and LibreVox are two eBook and Audiobook publishing organizations, each of which provide free access to books which are in the public domain. If you are looking for something old, like Shakespeare or Newton or Jane Austen, you can find them here.

Libby is an ebook/audio book reader for phones, tablets, and web browsers. Use this to access the catalogue of books from the Wisconsin School Digital Library Consortium, as well as ebooks we have in our own school library. You can also register your Drummond City Library card and access all of their ebooks and audio books.

LibriVox audiobooks are read by volunteers from all over the world and are free for anyone to listen to, on their computers or mobile device.