NSS Leadership Committee

Who is the Nathan Smith Society Leadership Committee?

This committee oversees all the planning and execution of NSS activities. NSS is a COSO organization and NSS operates under the rules, regulation and budgets of COSO. The Leadership Committee consists of about 35 students drawn from all 4 undergraduate classes is lead by two coordinators and a treasurer each term and advised by Professor Lee Witters. The balance of the committee is divided into working groups assigned to each of our many overall activities including web site and communications management, liaison to other student groups and program management. The Committee takes on new members each winter term to replace those members who will be graduating. It meets as a whole committee about 2 times each term, though working groups might meet more often.

Here is the roster of the 2023-24 Committee as of January 2024. Each member is highlighted in the pictures below (pending) that include a brief bio and contact information. All NSS members should feel free to contact any of our committee members with ideas/suggestions for programs or for general advice.

Key Committee leadership positions for the Fall Term '24 include:

Co-coordinators: Carolyn Yee '25 and Vedant Tapiavala '26
Treasurer: Lakshmi Jain '26
Pre-Dental Coordinators: Isaac Cheon (faculty advisor: Dr. Tanner Wallace)
Pre-Vet Coordinators: Rosario Rosales '25, Ruby Benjamin '26,  Rachel Hall '26 & Sarah Usher '25
Webmasters: Peyton Kanaly '26